我刚才和法院联系,他们说我现在必须交 CERTIFICATE OF PERFECTION,按照法规这个东西交了就表示我没有更多的东西交给法院了,可是我还想交一些证据,来自环境局的 record,他们从2月到现在都没有给我,还有就是被市政府封掉的居民资料,应该也要到了解封的时候。但是这些证据以前没有出现在 ERT的材料中,我可以提交吗?我还可以提交什么呢?关于这个CERTIFICATE OF PERFECTION,法规是这样说的:CERTIFICATE OF PERFECTION68.05 (1) The applicant shall file with the application record a certificate of perfection,(a) stating that all the material required to be filed by the applicant for the hearing of the application has been filed; and(b) setting out, with respect to every party to the application and any other person entitled by statute or by an order under rule 13.03 (intervention) to be heard on the application,(i) the name, address and telephone number of the party’s or other person’s lawyer, or(ii) the name, address for service and telephone number of the party or other person, if acting in person. O. Reg. 260/05, s. 15.(2) When the certificate of perfection has been filed, the registrar shall place the application on a list for hearing and give notice of listing for hearing (Form 68B) by mail to the parties and the other persons named in the certificate of perfection. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 68.05 (2).
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