加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教关于非自住物业售出的税务安排


刚才一大早,查看电邮时候看到我会计师发给我的 电邮,让我把今年大概的收入状况给他 ,先准备一些看有没可以筹划的地方 。我除了2017年1月卖掉的那套detached的资料,其他都还没给他。他之前告诉我,因为那是我的非自住房,所以要按照capital gain交税,taxable income按照售出赚取的部分的一半合并到我的当年所有收入计算我当年的年度收入 。我想问的是,这是不是没有其他可以筹划的空间,如果没有,也只好交税了。谢谢,有经验的会计师也可以私信我。我们可以再谈谈我的详细情况。

这个还真没有, 这个50%的inclusion rate , 政府已经觉得很吃亏。这几年财政预算的时候还琢磨着长了。 下面这篇文章讲了可以减少资本收益的几种情况。How to Reduce Capital Gains Tax in CanadaCapital gains tax is due when you sell an asset or investment for more than you paid, with a percentage of the difference being added to your regular income.In Canada, there are a few major exemptions, and applicable rules may let you reduce your tax, depending on factors such as the way you structure your finances.The BasicsYou have to declare capital gains when you sell property or investments for more than you paid. For example, if you bought shares for $10,000 and sold them for $15,000, you have to declare a $5,000 capital gain in the year you sold the shares. As of 2016, the capital gains inclusion rate is 50 percent, so you would include $2,500 in your total taxable income.The inclusion rate is the same for everyone, but the amount of tax you pay depends on your total income, personal situation and your province of residence.Financial advisor Jeffrey Quenneville of Raymond James Ltd. gives the basis for the value of investments. “There are no capital gains triggered on the sale of your principal residence or investments inside a registered plan like an RRSP or a RRIF,” he says.“In a non-registered account, capital gains are calculated based on the market value of the investment sold less the cost of acquiring that investment.” An effective tax reduction strategy uses all allotted exemptions and delays capital gains as much as possible.When to SellWhile you can open registered accounts to shelter investments and use the principal-residence exemption to reduce capital gains tax on residential property, choosing the time of sale for your other investments can be a powerful tax reduction tool.If you’re planning to sell investments that have made a profit, consider postponing the sale until after January 1 of the next year. You will incur capital gains tax that year and only have to pay by April 30 of the following year.If your income varies, selling during a year when it is low may save you money. If you have investments that have lost money, selling them in the same year as profitable ones lets you apply the loss against the profits and reduce your overall capital gains tax.Giving Away AssetsIf you make regular charitable donations or want to give money to family members, you can use donations or gifts to reduce your capital gains tax. For example, if you plan to make a $1,000 donation to a charity, you can donate stock which has a value of $1,000 but which originally cost you much less.Rather than selling the stock, paying capital gains tax and adding cash to make up the $1,000 donation, making the the donation in stock entitles you to the $1,000 charitable receipt for tax purposes, while not triggering capital gains tax.Gifts to family members trigger capital gains tax, because the CRA deems a gift to be a taxable disposition of an asset. Despite this, you could save money by giving an asset that has generated a loss, but that you want to keep in the family.Gifting the asset produces a capital loss that you can apply to gains from other investments, while your family member reaps the future benefits of it.Lifetime Capital Gains ExemptionIf you own a business or operate a farm or fishing property successfully over an extended period, it may increase in value and you may, at some point, want to sell it. When this is the case, you would incur substantial capital gains tax.The lifetime capital gains exemption, which as of 2016 is $813,600 for small business corporation shares – $1,000,000 for qualified fishing and farming properties, is aimed at reducing the amount of this tax. Canadian residents who operate active businesses, farms or fishing properties and whose business is primarily Canadian, may reduce their capital gains by the amount of the exemption when they sell these businesses or properties.For example, if you sell your business for $2 million and your adjusted cost base representing the amount of capital you have invested is negligible, you have a $2 million capital gain. You deduct your exemption of $813,600 to get a $1,186,400 taxable capital gain, and you add 50 percent of that to your total income for the year.Because businesses have to use at least 90 percent of their assets in an active business operating primarily in Canada to qualify, consider selling the business at a time when it can fulfill these requirements. To qualify for the farming or fishing property exemption, you must be able to show that farming was your primary source of income or that you operated a fishing business.References & ResourcesCRA: Capital Gains

blue2003 说:这个还真没有, 这个50%的inclusion rate , 政府已经觉得很吃亏。这几年财政预算的时候还琢磨着长了。 下面这篇文章讲了可以减少资本收益的几种情况。How to Reduce Capital Gains Tax in CanadaCapital gains tax is due when you sell an asset or investment for more than you paid, with a percentage of the difference being added to your regular income.In Canada, there are a few major exemptions, and applicable rules may let you reduce your tax, depending on factors such as the way you structure your finances.The BasicsYou have to declare capital gains when you sell property or investments for more than you paid. For example, if you bought shares for $10,000 and sold them for $15,000, you have to declare a $5,000 capital gain in the year you sold the shares. As of 2016, the capital gains inclusion rate is 50 percent, so you would include $2,500 in your total taxable income.The inclusion rate is the same for everyone, but the amount of tax you pay depends on your total income, personal situation and your province of residence.Financial advisor Jeffrey Quenneville of Raymond James Ltd. gives the basis for the value of investments. “There are no capital gains triggered on the sale of your principal residence or investments inside a registered plan like an RRSP or a RRIF,” he says.“In a non-registered account, capital gains are calculated based on the market value of the investment sold less the cost of acquiring that investment.” An effective tax reduction strategy uses all allotted exemptions and delays capital gains as much as possible.When to SellWhile you can open registered accounts to shelter investments and use the principal-residence exemption to reduce capital gains tax on residential property, choosing the time of sale for your other investments can be a powerful tax reduction tool.If you’re planning to sell investments that have made a profit, consider postponing the sale until after January 1 of the next year. You will incur capital gains tax that year and only have to pay by April 30 of the following year.If your income varies, selling during a year when it is low may save you money. If you have investments that have lost money, selling them in the same year as profitable ones lets you apply the loss against the profits and reduce your overall capital gains tax.Giving Away AssetsIf you make regular charitable donations or want to give money to family members, you can use donations or gifts to reduce your capital gains tax. For example, if you plan to make a $1,000 donation to a charity, you can donate stock which has a value of $1,000 but which originally cost you much less.Rather than selling the stock, paying capital gains tax and adding cash to make up the $1,000 donation, making the the donation in stock entitles you to the $1,000 charitable receipt for tax purposes, while not triggering capital gains tax.Gifts to family members trigger capital gains tax, because the CRA deems a gift to be a taxable disposition of an asset. Despite this, you could save money by giving an asset that has generated a loss, but that you want to keep in the family.Gifting the asset produces a capital loss that you can apply to gains from other investments, while your family member reaps the future benefits of it.Lifetime Capital Gains ExemptionIf you own a business or operate a farm or fishing property successfully over an extended period, it may increase in value and you may, at some point, want to sell it. When this is the case, you would incur substantial capital gains tax.The lifetime capital gains exemption, which as of 2016 is $813,600 for small business corporation shares – $1,000,000 for qualified fishing and farming properties, is aimed at reducing the amount of this tax. Canadian residents who operate active businesses, farms or fishing properties and whose business is primarily Canadian, may reduce their capital gains by the amount of the exemption when they sell these businesses or properties.For example, if you sell your business for $2 million and your adjusted cost base representing the amount of capital you have invested is negligible, you have a $2 million capital gain. You deduct your exemption of $813,600 to get a $1,186,400 taxable capital gain, and you add 50 percent of that to your total income for the year.Because businesses have to use at least 90 percent of their assets in an active business operating primarily in Canada to qualify, consider selling the business at a time when it can fulfill these requirements. To qualify for the farming or fishing property exemption, you must be able to show that farming was your primary source of income or that you operated a fishing business.References & ResourcesCRA: Capital Gains点击展开...谢谢,2017恰巧资本市场也是一片繁荣,,,,,只能把一大堆贡献给伟大的加拿大政府了

snowman 说:刚才一大早,查看电邮时候看到我会计师发给我的 电邮,让我把今年大概的收入状况给他 ,先准备一些看有没可以筹划的地方 。我除了2017年1月卖掉的那套detached的资料,其他都还没给他。他之前告诉我,因为那是我的非自住房,所以要按照capital gain交税,taxable income按照售出赚取的部分的一半合并到我的当年所有收入计算我当年的年度收入 。我想问的是,这是不是没有其他可以筹划的空间,如果没有,也只好交税了。谢谢,有经验的会计师也可以私信我。我们可以再谈谈我的详细情况。点击展开...我记得以前看过一个帖子,即便你耍各种小聪明,‘规避’了当前的税,很快你就发现前面有一个坑专为你挖好。西方税务几百年了,剩下没堵的漏洞估计你也碰不到,如果将总纳税额放到10年来看,甚至几十年,你之前耍的任何小聪明都抹平。

nbho 说:我记得以前看过一个帖子,即便你耍各种小聪明,‘规避’了当前的税,很快你就发现前面有一个坑专为你挖好。西方税务几百年了,剩下没堵的漏洞估计你也碰不到,如果将总纳税额放到10年来看,甚至几十年,你之前耍的任何小聪明都抹平。点击展开...并没有想过要规避,也知道不可能,只是想看看有经验人士是不是有一些税务筹划根据我个人情况可以提供,比如递延什么的,因为去年的需要报税的收入一下是我之前的几倍,看一看有没可以做planning的地方。

Real estate investment rule #1: Location rule #2: Never sell

laox888 说:Real estate investmentrule #1: Locationrule #2: Never sell点击展开...你早晚有卖的一天,持有时间越长,升值越多,税也越高

人间正道是沧桑谢谢,2017恰巧资本市场也是一片繁荣,,,,,只能把一大堆贡献给伟大的加拿大政府了点击展开...替你肉痛 哈哈

ROOTS 说:你早晚有卖的一天,持有时间越长,升值越多,税也越高点击展开...反正赚到钱了,还是应该开心


cocow2011 说:之前听过一些财务规划讲座,讲一大堆最后都拐到保险上了,讲座还是能学到一些东西,就是对这些保险不了解,没弄明白,不敢投入。点击展开...笼统来说,我知道保险是有避税避债,资产传承的功能。我的保险在香港买的最多,但是还没在加拿大买过。我不知道我了解的是否全面,在加拿大买的保险,比如分红的部分,如果提取也是要交税的,除非是理赔的部分。买保险也是只能税后的资金,所以对我的情况感觉用处不大,不知道我理解的对不对,也请论坛专业人士如果有兴趣,可以指导一下哈哈

雪人,下面是我2016年底卖掉 一个康都的净增值计算,并报了和交了税, 为你参考。upload_2018-1-13_18-8-27.png

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]雪人,下面是我2016年底卖掉 一个康都的净增值计算,并报了和交了税, 为你参考。浏览附件485669点击展开...好,清楚明白 。呵呵简单糊涂的方法是:卖的时候律师给你的钱 - 买的时候你给律师的钱 。(这个假定没有贷款了,如果有,则加上。)有这个表就可以向税局解释了(如果需要的话)

Horse Dragoon 说:雪人,下面是我2016年底卖掉 一个康都的净增值计算,并报了和交了税, 为你参考。浏览附件485669点击展开...感谢


snowman 说:和会计师给我哟差不多,但是,还是很大一块,看来我去年一年白上班了哈哈哈哈点击展开...不能这么想, 你赚了 80%, 因为23% 是最大交税率。

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]不能这么想, 你赚了 80%, 因为23% 是最大交税率。点击展开...哈哈,是的,所以,该交税还是要交的哈

snowman 说:刚才一大早,查看电邮时候看到我会计师发给我的 电邮,让我把今年大概的收入状况给他 ,先准备一些看有没可以筹划的地方 。我除了2017年1月卖掉的那套detached的资料,其他都还没给他。他之前告诉我,因为那是我的非自住房,所以要按照capital gain交税,taxable income按照售出赚取的部分的一半合并到我的当年所有收入计算我当年的年度收入 。我想问的是,这是不是没有其他可以筹划的空间,如果没有,也只好交税了。谢谢,有经验的会计师也可以私信我。我们可以再谈谈我的详细情况。[/QUOTE我不是会计师,但我学过相关知识如果你在2017年在这个卖出的房子中自住过,那么你具有认定它是你的自住房之一的资格,否则是不可以的。税务规定的principle house 卖出时所有的Capital gain 免税是这样解释的,一个未婚的税务居民或一对夫妻包括partner等,在一个税务年度只能指定一套住宅做为你的principle house.如果你有两套或以上的房子符合自主房资格,那么你会选择年平均增值最大的那套, 做你的principle house享受最大的免税额。点击展开...

snowman 说:笼统来说,我知道保险是有避税避债,资产传承的功能。我的保险在香港买的最多,但是还没在加拿大买过。我不知道我了解的是否全面,在加拿大买的保险,比如分红的部分,如果提取也是要交税的,除非是理赔的部分。买保险也是只能税后的资金,所以对我的情况感觉用处不大,不知道我理解的对不对,也请论坛专业人士如果有兴趣,可以指导一下哈哈点击展开...对有孩子的家庭 保险还有一个作用不过我还没空研究到那里


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