加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息不是阴谋论,木木头巾事件后边的几股推手



乔治街240号 是 Consulate General of the Peoples Republic of China in Toronto.


yklt2014 说:有人说中领馆跟这事没关系,开玩笑如今都G2了,两大流氓并驾齐驱了,就美帝CIA会搞阴谋诡计,策划骚乱颠覆别国政权,你天朝只弄孔子学院搞文化输出,说出去谁信啊。点击展开...本地论坛白人已经揪出土共这个幕后黑手

隐藏: 末法时代刘晓波在贯穿晓波先生的一生中,他从未放弃对自我理念的实践和修行,即用爱和善意对待他人,用理性和道德法则对待自己。为此他承受了整个人类所曾承受的最大苦难,然而即使在这无边无际的磨难中,他没有选择做任何宗教或者主义的信徒,以籍取额外的力量来减轻灵魂的重担。即使到了最后一刻,他也完完全全凭借自身意志完成了"自我的圆满和救赎",终究成就了一个信仰自我的圣灵。什么是民主? 并不光是多数政党轮流坐庄就是民主,民主首先要自己能做自己的主,自己追求更丰富,更高尚的心灵,在此成就上影响他人,承担他人。独裁专政的政府试图囚禁每个人的心灵,使他们要么主动放弃这种追求,心甘情愿的在牢笼里醉生梦死,甚至对希望改善环境的人破口大骂;要么酷刑以待那些绝不愿放弃的自我追求者,批斗他们情愿抛弃过去,追求光明未来的理念。他们企图用物质生活的改善来掩盖他们的残酷和腐烂,然而,即使曾经站在人类历史上物质丰富之巅的巴比伦,乃至炫耀武力的凯撒的罗马,一夕破败照样如期而至。因为正如对自我的追求无法抑制,对义士的囚禁终究会招致诅咒,带来无法避免的厄运。即使这个推翻旧的恶势力过程也许需要几十,上百年,在人类进化的永恒生涯中,又算得了什么呢?晓波先生的血并没白流,他的血在很长一段时间都会激励人们追随他不畏惧黑暗,不使他人成为囚禁自我的地狱,勇敢的追求自我的尊严。哀哉,晓波; 壮哉,晓波!赞反馈:popiston 2018-01-28#5 heyday
2,245 Okay, but after that nonsense hoax happened, did anyone try to pin this somehow on the Asian or the Chinese as a collective people to blame? Did anyone go "yep those Chinese are sure up to no good" ?There is of course the matter of the Chinese government persecuting Muslims in some Chinese provinces, but this is not related here and it's just too detached from Canada. So people didn't make any assumptions here based on that.It seems to me that the lie just involved a random description of someone who has been randomly described as "Asian". If that's the case, and no one reacted as if Asians or the Chinese are to blame, why react to this issue in this manner, as if someone was making a deliberate attack on Chinese people as a whole?Edit:So I found stuff about the protest! And I think I know the answer to why this has been flipped to "Chinese people against anti-Asian Muslims".I'm still not 100% certain about who organized the protest, so feel free to take what I found with a grain of salt, but I am willing to make a good bet that it didn't come organically from the Chinese community. That this was started with groups that already have anti-Muslims background, and took this opportunity to use Chinese people as a tool for their agenda.Chief suspect is the group Rise Canada, an anti-Muslims group who strives to "MAKE CANADA RISE AGAIN". On their Twitter they have made several posts about this, linking to their videos on YouTube about the protest.Edit 2:Also I just found this, this is from the frontpage of their website:Rise Canada last weekend did a rally with dozens of Chinese Canadians against #hijabhoax (footage below), where an 11 yr old Muslim girl in Scarborough falsely claimed that her hijab was cut by a Chinese or Asian man. The mainstream media, Justin Trudeau, and many politicians jumped on board the story before it was investigated or verified.So yeah now I am almost certain that they organized this protest and just used Chinese people to try and prod them into outrage. So that was on Montreal's side of the protest.In Calgary, a head speaker and seemingly protest organizer was Artur Pawlowski, here's a video of him giving a speech in the protest. Here's also a the WIKI article on this guy. The TL;DR on him: Hates Muslims; hates gays.If any of you guys find more info about this, please share, still looking into this to be sure.It goes without saying that what the girl did was wrong, and yeah I think her family should apologize for this situation resulting wasting police resource and creating fake outrage, and if it turns out an adult was involved in fabricating this lie, then perhaps said adult should be dealt with by the law as well.However...While the aforementioned is true, so far though these "protests" look like protests organized by a group that doesn't actually give a damn about Chinese people, but is only using them as a tool to create outrage against Muslims.That's yet another disgusting level of deception.14More Comments (1)LittleDab•19hProjection on Trudeau's response to the Chinese Community: Stop being bigoted towards Muslims! Islamophobia is rampant and we need to stop it. #Diversity is our strength.PS: Me jumping on the girl's story like a mad dog at the smell of meat is because the demand for racism in Canada is higher than the supply. Sorry, not sorry.8StartedGivingBlood•22hWell, no surprise that the 'islamophobia' movement was exposed as bigoted on its very own.23marshalofthemarkBritish Columbia•17hThis story is from People's Daily, a state-owned news propaganda outlet of the Chinese government.It is not corroborated by any Canadian media. No sources are provided. This story that Chinese-Canadians are angry about a detail in a child's fake story is about as believable as the original story about the hijab attack. (And if the rally actually happened, it was probably really small, like the alt-right rally at Vancouver City Hall that only had like 20 people and was completely overwhelmed by an anti-alt-right rally)I know a grand total of zero Chinese-Canadians in real life who are silly enough to think that a 12-year-old's made-up story counts as oppression. (And seriously, it makes no sense to ask for an apology from the government. Since when was the Prime Minister responsible for the actions of every kid in the country?)It wouldn't surprise me if this was just the Chinese government trying to make Canada look bad because we said no to their trade deal and said yes to TPP.EDIT: Oh, looks like it's just another Ron Banerjee/Rise Canada/Canadian Hindu Advocacy event. In which case, they represent the Chinese community about as well as La Meute represents the Québécois community.And now it makes sense that they're protesting Trudeau. They're not protesting the fact that a Muslim girl made up a fake hate crime; they're protesting the government's condemnation of that alleged hate crime. They think that while the hijab cutting didn't happen, even if it did, it would have been justified because Islam is anti-woman.TLDR: What we actually have is a rally attended primarily by alt-right Chinese-Canadians, who are using the hijab-story incident as a way of condemning the government and media for defending the freedom to be Muslim; they think that Islam is so destructive that it must be suppressed. And this story was then twisted by Chinese state media to fit an alternative narrative "Canada hates Chinese people".13big_pizza•11hI know a grand total of zero Chinese-Canadians in real life who are silly enough to think that a 12-year-old's made-up story counts as oppression.You must not know many middle aged Chinese immigrants then. It appears there is a large contingent of that demographic who think this was an intentional effort by the girls family to defame the Chinese community.It wouldn't surprise me if this was just the Chinese government trying to make Canada look bad because we said no to their trade deal and said yes to TPP.I don't see how this reflects negatively on the Canadian government, if anything i think this reflects negatively on the people protesting.

隐藏: 末法时代刘晓波在贯穿晓波先生的一生中,他从未放弃对自我理念的实践和修行,即用爱和善意对待他人,用理性和道德法则对待自己。为此他承受了整个人类所曾承受的最大苦难,然而即使在这无边无际的磨难中,他没有选择做任何宗教或者主义的信徒,以籍取额外的力量来减轻灵魂的重担。即使到了最后一刻,他也完完全全凭借自身意志完成了"自我的圆满和救赎",终究成就了一个信仰自我的圣灵。什么是民主? 并不光是多数政党轮流坐庄就是民主,民主首先要自己能做自己的主,自己追求更丰富,更高尚的心灵,在此成就上影响他人,承担他人。独裁专政的政府试图囚禁每个人的心灵,使他们要么主动放弃这种追求,心甘情愿的在牢笼里醉生梦死,甚至对希望改善环境的人破口大骂;要么酷刑以待那些绝不愿放弃的自我追求者,批斗他们情愿抛弃过去,追求光明未来的理念。他们企图用物质生活的改善来掩盖他们的残酷和腐烂,然而,即使曾经站在人类历史上物质丰富之巅的巴比伦,乃至炫耀武力的凯撒的罗马,一夕破败照样如期而至。因为正如对自我的追求无法抑制,对义士的囚禁终究会招致诅咒,带来无法避免的厄运。即使这个推翻旧的恶势力过程也许需要几十,上百年,在人类进化的永恒生涯中,又算得了什么呢?晓波先生的血并没白流,他的血在很长一段时间都会激励人们追随他不畏惧黑暗,不使他人成为囚禁自我的地狱,勇敢的追求自我的尊严。哀哉,晓波; 壮哉,晓波!赞反馈:xueshan 2018-01-28#6 Chinada
付费矿工 698$(0.13$赞力,#46) 12,305 $0.29 $697.81 和中领馆没关系,是教会组织的。保守党 + 基督教 vs. 自由党 + 清真教

我这些想说明是 我们确实不是恶意, 一定要与某一个宗教过不去。而是确确实实发现了伊斯兰教最重大的问题, 就是穆斯林自己一贯反对的以物配主,偶像崇拜问题。就是想帮一帮他们, 也是帮助整个文明社会。他们现在与西方文明社会的矛盾与冲突, 仅仅是表面现象。本质上是 真主与穆罕默德 之间的矛盾与冲突。现在,这些穆斯林的灵魂本来是应该归于 上帝(造物主,真主),但是已经被穆罕默德的灵魂控制了。上帝现在想赎回这些灵魂的主权, 穆罕默德的灵魂不愿意放弃。做一个比喻例如,毛泽东曾经把军队指挥权 交给林彪,林彪事实上就掌握了军队的实际指挥权。战争结束了毛泽东要把军队的实际指挥权收回去,林彪就是不愿意放弃,反而 鼓动下面的将领和士兵 反对毛泽东,要造反 。要与上帝的部队战争,仇恨上帝。当然,事实上我们看不到林彪和毛泽东的斗争,他们在高层次,在争夺穆斯林信徒灵魂的主导权。也就是在穆斯林的心里面的斗争,这种灵魂所有权的交换需要 穆斯林教徒个体的自由意志 做选择。穆罕默德曾经又不能够明目张胆 告诉穆斯林信徒 ,所以就在《古兰经》和崇拜仪式方面 放入了私货,做了小动作。把对于上帝的崇拜 今天事实上变成为对于穆罕默德灵魂的崇拜。所以,我们下面小人物看不到的这些事情的真相, 以为是穆斯林个人,信仰之间的冲突。不是! 是造物主 与穆罕默德之间的冲突。

yklt2014 说:乔治街240号算一股,不适合亲自出马,平时豢养的侨领们带头上。轮子们算一股,新唐人fund的自媒体头牌文昭这件事假装没看见,没看见。。保守党粉丝一股,自黑的不算。土豆党粉丝一股,不排除已经有人潜伏进去了。世道太乱,套路太多,加村以后要真的族群大骚乱了,还是考枪牌囤军火在地下室安全,管你保守的自由的黑的绿的中领馆的新唐人的,破门进来就是一枪。点击展开...单枪匹马如何能在乱世中生存,囤了再多的军火也是挡不住千军万马。要找到组织,加入强大的团队,自古以来都是团队合作才能幸存下来的。

Chinada 说:和中领馆没关系,是教会组织的。保守党 + 基督教 vs. 自由党 + 清真教点击展开...必须是共产党组织的,反正什么坏事就是共产党就对了


“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赞反馈:xueshan 2018-01-28#11 N 6,824 $0.00 如果这次游行真是中共组织的。我就从此不反共了。而且我考虑公开给大使馆道个歉。

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克赞反馈:beijingwinter 2018-01-29#12 D 564 $0.00 某党是最擅长玩这套了,没机会都有创造出机会,比如当年杜撰北大女生沈崇被强奸案,再如卢沟桥事变日军失踪案,现在有了机会哪能放过。不过时代不同了,地点也不同了,海外华人不是轻易能被忽悠的。

  ·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
·生活百科 尴尬的屋顶布局



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