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纽约警官Paul Malesky回忆了自己早年的一次出警经历:1988年的一天,我从一辆被窃的车里揪出一个稚气未脱的少年,他吓的半死。我看的出,他一定是让狐朋狗友们给卷进了这通胡作非为,就像一只好苹果被丢进了一筐烂果子里。我放走了他,让同事把那辆车作为寻获的失窃车辆拖走了。我正告他:“不要让我为今天的决定感到后悔!”三年前我又见到了他——已卸任的纽约某消防局小队长!他告诉我,“是你改变了我的人生之路!“

大清国完了,中国还是中国国民党走了,中国还是中国共产党没了,中国就亡了国?​如此感人!我除了点个赞之外,都不知该如何表达心情。点击展开...是,我看到这个故事时,也深受感动。你是个善良的人! me too : )

大清国完了,中国还是中国国民党走了,中国还是中国共产党没了,中国就亡了国?​纽约警官Paul Malesky回忆了自己早年的一次出警经历:1988年的一天,我从一辆被窃的车里揪出一个稚气未脱的少年,他吓的半死。我看的出,他一定是让狐朋狗友们给卷进了这通胡作非为,就像一只好苹果被丢进了一筐烂果子里。我放走了他,让同事把那辆车作为寻获的失窃车辆拖走了。我正告他:“不要让我为今天的决定感到后悔!”三年前我又见到了他——已卸任的纽约某消防局小队长!他告诉我,“是你改变了我的人生之路!“点击展开...浪子回头金不换

人间正道是沧桑赞反馈:herbertguo 2018-02-03#6 sabre的马甲 16,255 $0.00 我也看到一个,America is built on rags-to-riches tales. But how does ‘class-passing’ actually work – and how to navigate your new life and your old?by Arwa MahdawiComments 1,081 On an October night in 2003, a flat tire changed Muhammad Faridi’s life forever.Faridi was 20. An immigrant who’d moved from a small village in Pakistan to Brighton Beach, Brooklyn when he was 12, he split his time studying at City University of New York during the day, and driving his dad’s cab at night to make money.One of his professors had organized a human rights conference in New Jersey and, knowing about Faridi’s side job, asked him to drive the woman delivering the keynote lecture to the conference and back. And that’s what Faridi was doing until he got a flat and had to pull over in the dark on the side of Route 80. As it turned out, Faridi’s passenger was Mary Robinson: the first female president of Ireland and the United Nations high commissioner for human rights from 1997 to 2002.It took Faridi a while to change the tire – everything seemed to be going wrong that night – and as he was struggling with the car jack, the two got talking.It was coming up to the second anniversary of 9/11 and Faridi told Robinson that, as a Muslim, he was no longer sure what his place was in America. A lot of his Pakistani friends had been rounded up in immigration raids and had been deported. “You’ve got to become a lawyer,” Robinson told Faridi firmly. That would be the best way to help his community. Her words stuck with him.Fast forward 14 years, and Faridi is a partner at a prestigious New York law firm. As a kid, Faridi’s loftiest goal was maybe one day being a limo driver, doing just a little better than his father. He never thought he’d be where he is today: conducting billion-dollar lawsuits and leading pro bono cases, representing Muslim community centers and death row inmates.

ROOTS 说:浪子回头金不换点击展开...感谢前辈对我的谆谆教诲,我出去后一定会洗心革面、痛改前非!:)

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