加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---


我想正式去移民局举报被我老婆骗婚的经历,不知道会是什么样的结果?我举报的有利条件: 一: 在她拿到签证(还没有登陆的时候),在QQ聊天里就有提出离婚的要求.二: 我在她登陆加拿大之前的几天向移民局写信怀疑她有骗婚的目的.三:她3月19日离开家里,4月25日报警说我打她,目的是怕我到移民局告她骗婚,(从她留的字条上写着,是她偷偷的跑掉的) (我知道又会有人骂我SB,我在这里只是咨询是否有同样经历的同志,可以私下给我留言帮忙,非常感谢)

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---如果是被骗了,搜集证据,举报,走正规法律程序。如果的确有欺骗行为,她PR身份会被取消,被遣返回国。

移民部授权注册移民法律顾问。专业办理移民、留学、签证。免费咨询请跟贴http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=670760网址:www.smartvisa.ca 人而无信,不知其可也。大车无輗,小车无軏,其何以行之哉?赞反馈:秦砖汉瓦 2014-02-22#3 SmartVisa 1,902 $0.00 回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---举报详细说明:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/protection/fraud/report.asp

移民部授权注册移民法律顾问。专业办理移民、留学、签证。免费咨询请跟贴http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=670760网址:www.smartvisa.ca 人而无信,不知其可也。大车无輗,小车无軏,其何以行之哉?回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---顶重庆人哥

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---火钎刘明字写得挺漂亮啊。

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---Can't type Chinese right now. She is smart, if the police report indicates even a sign of domestic violence exists, then it's hard to make her loss the PR status. If not, she may lose the PR status since she could not complete the 2-year sponsorship probation period. But one thing you can proof is that she mentioned the separation (planning to divorce) before her landing, so print this QQ history as your evidence.I used Google translate for you: 她很聪明,如果警方的报告表明家庭暴力的存在,甚至带点迹象,那么就很难使她丧失了永久居民身份。如果不是,她可能会失去永久居民身份,因为她无法完成2年的保证人试用期。但有一点可以证明是她提到,她在登陆前要分开(打算离婚),所以你可以打印这个QQ的历史作为你的证据。

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ Can't type Chinese right now. She is smart, if the police report indicates even a sign of domestic violence exists, then it's hard to make her loss the PR status. If not, she may lose the PR status since she could not complete the 2-year sponsorship probation period. But one thing you can proof is that she mentioned the separation (planning to divorce) before her landing, so print this QQ history as your evidence.点击展开...谢谢!当时她告我三项罪名,死亡威胁,打她,发短信骚扰.最后法官判决:absolutely discharge,只承认一项指控:发短信.我只是发短信希望她回家

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---老兄你去年就发帖征求过意见吧,怎么还没行动?

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---谢谢!当时她告我三项罪名,死亡威胁,打她,发短信骚扰.最后法官判决:absolutely discharge,只承认一项指控:发短信.我只是发短信希望她回家点击展开...So all three counts were completely discharged? How about the message texting? If so, then she may loss the status. Collect all those evidences including the QQ history and the paper you showed in this topic. I hope everything will be ok for both of you, try to communicate with her to solve the problem. One thing I have to remind you: if you finally divorced her but without reporting to Immigration Canada, then you next spouse cannot be sponsored by you in 5 years because you signed sponsorship undertaking agreement. If you reported, and Immigration Canada suspended her, then you can sponsor someone else right away. That's the difference.But make sure that she got visa after Oct 25, 2012. Before this date you can't do anything because that rule became effective on Oct 25, 2012.

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 老兄你去年就发帖征求过意见吧,怎么还没行动?点击展开...Really? Last year??After 2 years LZ can't do much about this.

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---老兄你的事情怎么还没有处理完啊?

关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。So all three counts were completely discharged? How about the message texting? If so, then she may loss the status. Collect all those evidences including the QQ history and the paper you showed in this topic. I hope everything will be ok for both of you, try to communicate with her to solve the problem. One thing I have to remind you: if you finally divorced her but without reporting to Immigration Canada, then you next spouse cannot be sponsored by you in 5 years because you signed sponsorship undertaking agreement. If you reported, and Immigration Canada suspended her, then you can sponsor someone else right away. That's the difference.[/quote]非常感谢这个提醒!我发的短信也是希望她回来,说些劝告她回家,还有她离开我,我自己感到生活没有意义之类的话点击展开...

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---老兄你去年就发帖征求过意见吧,怎么还没行动?点击展开...因为案子还没有结案,所以拖到现在

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---同情

感谢生命中的一切人和事,无论好与坏,无论对与错,无论爱与恨,施予的都是收获 回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---记得她不是也威胁过你嘛,你也可以写进去。

如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔我想正式去移民局举报被我老婆骗婚的经历,不知道会是什么样的结果?我举报的有利条件: 一: 在她拿到签证(还没有登陆的时候),在QQ聊天里就有提出离婚的要求.二: 我在她登陆加拿大之前的几天向移民局写信怀疑她有骗婚的目的.三:她3月19日离开家里,4月25日报警说我打她,目的是怕我到移民局告她骗婚,(从她留的字条上写着,是她偷偷的跑掉的) (我知道又会有人骂我SB,我在这里只是咨询是否有同样经历的同志,可以私下给我留言帮忙,非常感谢)点击展开...没必要在这里求助 掌握证据立马去移民局告她 自己不知怎么做可请个律师 一旦移民局确认证据属实,立即取消她身份。

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---同情点击展开...多谢支持!

回复: ---求助:有没有人去移民局举报骗婚的经历?---你们睡过觉就算了。谁也不担保一辈子陪你睡的,让她去吧?

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