加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息CRA会打电话告知报税与收入不符问题吗?
最近两天一直收到 416780000电话,说是CRA的来电,今年报税与去年收入不符,要我选择1或2什么的,我都直接挂了。不会真是CRA在找我吧?
ptstar 说:最近两天一直收到 416780000电话,说是CRA的来电,今年报税与去年收入不符,要我选择1或2什么的,我都直接挂了。不会真是CRA在找我吧?点击展开...别回复,我也接到过,都是骗人的。如果CRA要求补充材料,会来信。
观文观人观世界。 赏 反馈:煤炭工人 2018-08-14#3 4,881 $0.00 我昨天还真的接到了税局电话,来电未显示号码的。不是骗子电话,具体为啥确定我就不说了,但是问题是关于住址的。可见税局还是会打电话来核实情况的。
我接到税局电话, 回答了问题, 但马上认为上当受骗了, 立刻给税局挂电话核实, 被告之确实是税局挂的。
人工电话能报的出SIN卡号和你上一年收入准确到小数点后两位的基本上就不是骗子了。倘若还是骗子,那真就没法待了。很久以前接过骗子1.0版本的答录机转人工这种电话,都不知道我叫啥。不知道现在什么套路。但是,https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/newsroom/alerts/alerts-2015/beware-new-telephone-scams.html?wbdisable=true点击展开...never leaves personal information on your answering machine or asks you to leave a message containing your personal information on an answering machine.也就是说,假如真联系你,一定不会是自动答录机问答选1.2.3这种而一定是人工服务…?
「但行好事,莫问前程」 赏 反馈:Snowman 和 小糯米 2018-08-14#6 风 1,037 $0.00 没接过,如果接我也会要求用信件或邮件联系,因为我不相信。
做随性而不放任的计划,过简单而不枯燥的生活。 我昨天还真的接到了税局电话,来电未显示号码的。不是骗子电话,具体为啥确定我就不说了,但是问题是关于住址的。可见税局还是会打电话来核实情况的。点击展开...为什么不在CRA My Account 设置 Online Mail ?To identify communications not from the CRA, be aware of these guidelines.If you receive a call saying you owe money to the CRA, you can call us or check My Account to be sure.If you have signed up for online mail (available through My Account, My Business Account, and Represent a Client), the CRA will do the following:send a registration confirmation email to the address you provided for online mail service for an individual or a business; andsend an email to the address you provided to notify you when new online mail is available to view in the CRA's secure online services portal.The CRA will not do the following:send email with a link and ask you to divulge personal or financial information;。。。。。https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/security/protect-yourself-against-fraud.html?wbdisable=true
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 反馈:shw019 2018-08-14#8 付费矿工 2,437$(0.44$赞力,#21) 17,472 $7.71 $2,437.47 我申请HST号的事, 要求打电话申请, 申了之后政府核实一下信息。
How to Register for Online MailThere are three ways to register to receive online mail from the CRA. First, you can enter your email address directly on your tax return, whether you file electronically or by mail. The CRA will automatically register you for online mail.Second, you can register by telephone. The number to call is 1-800-959-8281.Finally, you can register online easily by using the My Account service. To do so, log in to My Account and click on Manage Online Mail in the Quick Links bar on the left side of the page. From there, choose the Update Your Current Email address link and follow the instructions.Once you are finished, you will receive an automatic email from the CRA at the address you entered, confirming that your registration information has been received and that it will be processed within 7 days.
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