第一次遇到这种事,给大家提个醒,辛苦切好炒好了才知道是苦的,奇苦无比,超过苦瓜,没法吃,只能倒掉了。可惜了炒在一起的三个omega-3的鸡蛋。吃多了可能会葫芦素中毒,大家小心。German Killed by Neighbor’s Poison Zucchini
A man in Germany died after being poisoned by some of his neighbor's home-grown zucchini. A bundle of home-grown zucchini is generally considered a very healthful way to make a meal, but a man in Germany was recently killed by toxins in a zucchini stew. According to The Local, a retired couple from Heidelberg, Germany, was recently given a generous gift of home-grown zucchini from a neighbor’s garden. The couple cooked the zucchini into a stew, but the wife said the stew tasted surprisingly bitter. They did not think much of it until they started feeling sick not long after. The wife said she was sick at her stomach, but her husband became much more ill. "His face had turned completely yellow," she said. The couple was rushed to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed the couple as having been poisoned. The wife was well again after a few days, but her husband had eaten much more of the zucchini and died at the hospital.
mayflower007 说:第一次遇到这种事,给大家提个醒,辛苦切好炒好了才知道是苦的,奇苦无比,超过苦瓜,没法吃,只能倒掉了。可惜了炒在一起的三个omega-3的鸡蛋。吃多了可能会葫芦素中毒,大家小心。浏览附件516436German Killed by Neighbor’s Poison Zucchini点击展开...谢谢提醒!
fn:0708,me:2012-12-18,体检:2012-12-27;me料妥投:2013-01-15;DM:2013-05-01;大信封:05-07 赏 2018-11-23#4
9,233 $0.00 这么可怕?还是少吃zucchini了,最近美国产的romaine也出事了,也不要吃了暂时。评论
我也买到过一次 里面切开都是黑的 感觉可能是被雪冻了 中国人超市买的有些蔬菜不新鲜
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