大雅 说:Hello,I actually deliver my second child on the 17 nov, I filled the Newborn Registration online and I paid for the Birth certificate, I would like to know if I can get the birth certificate before the times that are shown of the website ( 6 to 8 weeks) I need the birth certificate of my child because we are going on a family trip just now the 24 dec, and without his Birth certificate I cant make his passport and with no passport we can´t travel!! Is there another option of how getting his birth certificate before? or is there any other way I can get his passport with any other document or proof??Please! answer me ASAP! I realy need this information if not I will loose my flightsThanks!Reply to this TopicModeratorOntario11609 Posts

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·生活百科 洗涤太阳能电池板