加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息办理出生证,能加急吗?




大雅 说:Hello,I actually deliver my second child on the 17 nov, I filled the Newborn Registration online and I paid for the Birth certificate, I would like to know if I can get the birth certificate before the times that are shown of the website ( 6 to 8 weeks) I need the birth certificate of my child because we are going on a family trip just now the 24 dec, and without his Birth certificate I cant make his passport and with no passport we can´t travel!! Is there another option of how getting his birth certificate before? or is there any other way I can get his passport with any other document or proof??Please! answer me ASAP! I realy need this information if not I will loose my flightsThanks!Reply to this TopicModeratorOntario11609 Posts Hello, Thanks for sharing your situation with us. Congratulations on the birth of your second child.We can appreciate that you would be concerned about this. According to the Ontario.ca website, as long as the birth is registered and you have proof of urgency, you can apply for an "urgent" or "emergency service. In order to do this, you must apply in person. Applications will be processed within 2 days plus delivery and $30 surcharge.It is not clear though if this would apply completely to your situation since you have already applied and the process may have already started. In this case, for more information about your situation, you may want to contact the nearest ServiceOntario centre.You may also want to try and contact the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156.I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions and if there is any follow up to yourquestion/situation.=====AnnaSettlement.Org Content and Information/Referral Specialist, CIRSSettlement.Org点击展开...你好!我网络申请了两次出生证明。第一次申请出生证明是在1月16日,后来去查上面说:“”


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