加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何识别一个人是否是犹太人?
为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。五毛跟五分的共同点:他们都信政权等于民族,政权代表人民;历史等于教科书,文化等于风气。他们都信斗争和仇恨。 赏 2019-04-04#2 6,475 $0.00 我说下关于犹太血统的内容。1.犹太人是不是只是文化民族?不是南非黑色犹太人,经y染色体测试是属于犹太祭司家族(Cohen)哥辖(利未、哥辖、米拉利),亚伦的儿子之一的。参见:Y Chromosomes Traveling South: The Cohen Modal Haplotype and the Origins of the Lemba-the "Black Jews of Southern Africa"Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthoodOrigins of Old Testament priestsChromosomes of Jewish PriestsDistinctive genetic signatures in the Libyan Jews各地犹太人有独立的数目极少的母系奠基者参见:Founding Mothers of Jewish Communities: Geographically Separated Jewish Groups Were Independently Founded by Very Few Female Ancestors基因显示犹太人与所在地居民基因差别巨大参见:A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European AmericansAbraham's Children in the Genome Era: Major Jewish Diaspora Populations Comprise Distinct Genetic Clusters with Shared Middle Eastern AncestryExtended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route1.犹太人是不是只是血统民族?不是犹太人中也有不少归化者。最著名的就是可萨汗国的突厥人归化者是德裔犹太人(犹太人最著名分支)的一个重要来源。参见:Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern routeSephardic signature in haplogroup T mitochondrial DNA另外八卦下。目前测试显示希特勒很可能是犹太血统。
为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。五毛跟五分的共同点:他们都信政权等于民族,政权代表人民;历史等于教科书,文化等于风气。他们都信斗争和仇恨。 赏 2019-04-04#3 6,475 $0.00 人民网--404页面希特勒可能不小心坑了爹近来,英美各大媒体纷纷报道一个惊人发现——希特勒很可能是遭到他极端歧视甚至屠杀的犹太人的后裔。但是,这个“发现”也遭到不少人的质疑。
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