立法一旦通过,安省人民今后将无法在程序上对政府和政府官员进行起诉。这也是进步保守党在安省的一个实验,一旦成功,日后大选胜利后会推广到全国。进步保守党实权派三巨头政权:福特(现任安省省长,富三代,爷爷是Ernest Ford英国小贵族富商一战逃兵役移民加拿大)军权:小马尔罗尼 (安省总检察长,前总理老马尔罗尼的女儿,加拿大最大律师事务所合伙人)财权:康尼(前总理哈帕的好基友,前移民部部长,草原三省实际总舵主)傀儡:安德鲁·希尔 (现任党魁,1979年出生,渥太华工薪阶层草根,苏格兰人,老婆是萨省的爱尔兰人,有5个孩子,萨省的选区也是老丈人家的)Ford is protecting himself and others for the laws he is going to make in the future that go against everything that is good in this world.Premier Doug Ford's Progressive Conservatives are moving to make it harder to sue the Ontario government. The PCs plan to repeal and replace the long-standing Ontario Proceedings Against the Crown Act — legislation that, among other things, outlines government liability in cases of misfeasance and negligence.https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/proceedings-against-the-crown-act-repeal-replace-pcs-1.5097205
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