加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息安省保守党2019预算赤字惊人 债务加速飙升!!!


自由党 2016 - 2017 赤字24亿 | 2017 - 2018 赤字37亿保守党 2018 - 2019 赤字117亿 | 2019 - 2020 赤字103亿1. 降低汽车保险费用 - 没有兑现,并且大幅增加2. 降低汽油税费价格 - 没有兑现,并且大幅增加3. 砍掉了OHIP+,老人小孩吃药需要全部自费了4. 砍掉了教育经费,学校班级人数从21增长至285. 浪费10亿重新制作所有车牌,只为更新一个口号 Yours to Discover - > A Place To Grow6. 降低电费 - 没有兑现7. 取消了碳排放交易,损失30亿收入8. 核电站超期服役产生巨额运行成本9. 利率上升导致利息成本大涨,安省现在有超过3300亿债务,一年利息超过100亿10. 最低工资从15元降至14元534005目前自由党小特鲁多的GDP是2%,加拿大历史以来最差的是上届保守党哈帕,然后还是保守党的马尔罗尼。考虑到经济总量,2019年2%GDP还是比1989年的2.3%的含金量更高。所以小特鲁多至少比保守党马尔罗尼和哈帕要强很多。Data never lies,禁止民粹骂人!harperrecord-gdp.png

BMO99 说:保守黨不是最能控制預算赤字的?看來安省是沒救了。点击展开...都是骗人的,保守党的经济从来都是最差的,要想挣钱,就投自由党。美国也一样,克林顿的时候,美国没有债务,布什8年多出来10万亿的债务。从布雷顿森林体系解体以来,信用货币无锚超发印刷以后,只有民主党克林顿时期债务是下降的,而美国债务的两次主升浪,一次是共和党老布什,另一次是共和党小布什。Gross_US_Federal_Debt_as_a_Percentage_of_GDP,_by_President.png加拿大的情况也一样,主要的国家债务都是在保守党执政的两个任期内产生的。本地白人都知道,知识分子搞经济找自由党,民粹分子骂人找保守党。tumblr_nr9jhfp0Np1tyv2j7o1_1280.jpg


你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~美国也一样,克林顿的时候,美国没有债务,布什8年多出来10万亿的债务。点击展开...这种谎话你也敢说?美国最后一年没有国债那可是1835年左右。

awander 说:这种谎话你也敢说?美国最后一年没有国债那可是1835年左右。点击展开...没有赤字

Kerrigan 说:如果自由党当选了,这个楼主能连发10个帖子嘲笑加拿大华人又要花钱养难民,嘲笑社会治安继续恶化,嘲笑大麻之后会是什么更厉害的药物合法?点击展开...你是一个活在自己世界里的人,论坛上的人都知道我是自由党党员,稍微做一点点功课在喷,喷的高级一些。像太阳李一样。

wodelaoba 说:你是一个活在自己世界里的人,论坛上的人都知道我是自由党党员,稍微做一点点功课在喷,喷的高级一些。像太阳李一样。点击展开...我是一个活在多伦多的人。我反对自由党。我喷的高级不高级,网友说了算。Period。

你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~没有赤字点击展开...第一,债务不等于赤字,这不难懂。第二, 你真认为布什8年多出来10万亿债务? 要知道2018年年底美国国债总计16万亿。


[FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]赞反馈:arfei, cloud123 和 luf_7_6 2019-04-13#12 小青 6,943 $0.00 安省保守党去年六月才上台,为啥要担全年?而且福特上台后审计自由党的帐,藏了几十亿的帐甩锅。


你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人自由党03年上台到18年下台,创造了近2000个亿的赤字,去年说赤字只有67个亿,结果一认真核实,150个亿,执政15年,留下3268个亿赤字的烂摊子,还好意思,保守党计划在5年内持平。。。浏览附件534033点击展开...是的,说是67亿,结果150亿,自由党弄虚作假。

小青 说:安省保守党去年六月才上台,为啥要担全年?而且福特上台后审计自由党的帐,藏了几十亿的帐甩锅。点击展开...去年保守党接手的时候,自由党留下赤字150亿,福特上台,不停的消减各种开支,最后将18年的赤字减少了33个亿,自由党这些年留下了3430个亿啊。。。

2019 Ontario Budget | Foreword

2019 Ontario Budget: Protecting What Matters Mostbudget.ontario.cabudget.ontario.caMinister’s Foreword This is a Budget for the people, by the people and one that, after years of neglect, puts the people first. It builds on the progress our government has made over the past nine months to deliver on our five core commitments. They are to: Put more money in people’s pockets;Create and protect jobs;Restore accountability and trust in government;Clean up the hydro mess; andCut hospital wait times and end hallway health care.During the development of the 2019 Ontario Budget, members of our government fanned out across the province to meet with and listen to individuals, families and business owners. We heard first-hand about the struggles people are facing in a province that is overtaxed and overregulated, and where the services we cherish most are being threatened by spiralling costs and a high provincial debt burden and deficit. Cabinet and caucus colleagues also provided specific Budget ideas put forth by constituents from all walks of life. In addition, thousands of people took the time to email us, mail us letters and complete online budget submissions with thoughtful and practical ideas to help fix the government and deliver value for money. We thank everyone for taking part in this incredibly important initiative. Without question, our government inherited a significant fiscal challenge. The previous government left us with a $15 billion deficit. When we came to office, the previous government had been spending $40 million a day more than it was receiving in revenue. Our province now has the largest subnational debt in the world at $343 billion in 2018–19, strapping Ontario taxpayers with interest payments that are larger than the annual budgets of most provincial ministries. The previous government’s actions were both irresponsible and reckless. And we are now fixing that. The vast majority of the people we speak with understand the fundamental need to get our fiscal house in order and focus on balancing the budget and reducing the debt burden. Every dollar we are spending on interest payments is a dollar we are not using to support critical front-line services like those in our hospitals, our schools and for child care. To deal with this unsustainable fiscal situation, our government launched a line-by-line review of all spending within our government ministries and agencies. We acted immediately and imposed a hiring freeze, restricted travel, meals and hospitality, and clamped down on discretionary spending. We set out to spend smarter and work smarter, and to find efficiencies across government. We are taking deliberate steps to reinvent government in order to put the province back on a sound financial footing and we are seeing progress. In 2018–19, the government reduced the inherited $15 billion deficit by $3.3 billion while delivering $2.7 billion in much-needed relief to individuals, families and businesses. We are taking a balanced approach to government. We are putting money back in people’s pockets, making Ontario open for business and open for jobs and at the same time, reducing the deficit. We are mapping out a reasonable and responsible path to balance. We are proud to say that we will achieve a balanced budget by 2023–24, while protecting what matters most to Ontario individuals, families and businesses. We firmly believe it is time that government held itself to the same customer service standards as private sector businesses. This means taking nothing for granted and putting the customer, or in our case, the citizen and the taxpayer first. It also means putting people at the centre of government. For too long, individuals, families and businesses have been forced to feel like they are working for the government. It’s about time that your government started working for you. That is Premier Doug Ford’s approach. That is the approach of your Government for the People. We encourage everyone to read the following pages. The 2019 Ontario Budget lays out a plan that restores the accountability of government and the people of Ontario’s trust in it, and puts an end to an unacceptable culture of waste and mismanagement. Sincerely, [Original Signed by] The Honourable Victor Fedeli Minister of Finance

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人自由党03年上台到18年下台,创造了近2000个亿的赤字,去年说赤字只有67个亿,结果一认真核实,150个亿,执政15年,留下3268个亿赤字的烂摊子,还好意思,浏览附件534033点击展开...保守党计划在5年内持平。。。这个话我也是不信的,就跟土豆说的balance by itself一个球样


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