今天晚6:30左右,Mississauga 有一男一女以carbon less 公司名义,说是与enbridgegas 合作,敲门上门合对客户用气信息,会在未来帐单退还30元,并让签了一个表格,carbon less回打了电话,说"Yes "。这所有的一切一切,感觉遇到了骗子,各位朋友有遇到这样的亊吗?下面应该怎么办,才能挽回损失?

Two sales women pretending to work for a utility company convinced a Brampton senior to agree to pay more than $3,500 for replacement smoke alarms and a video door bell. She says she didn't realize how much it would all cost until it was too late.

globalnews.ca另外,你有可能会被告知If cancelled the cancellation fee is $8 per month for 5 years. If u don't pay they say it'll go to collections.在安省根据Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act,Consumers have 10 days to cancel a direct services contract signed at home.但如果销售人员做了误导或错误的声明,那你则会有一年的时间去解除合同.打电话取消很大概率不会接你电话,亲自去一趟,仔细阅读这里,顺便再把它给投诉了.虽然投诉可能没什么用但至少你尽力了,这年头没丑闻你都没办法连任...https://www.ontario.ca/page/door-door-sales-and-home-service-contracts#section-6补:地址有误,这公司鸡贼的很Plaza, 2000 Argentia Rd #1, Mississauga, ON L5N 1P7根据新闻,地址应该是这个, 办公室应该在三楼
701 - 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd WMississauga, ON L5B 3C2Business ManagementMr. Darren Michael Cocchetto, PresidentShruthi Sharma, Secretary/Treasurer
反馈:小鼠波波, 一庐春秋, lea2008 和 2 其他人
1.74 2019-11-12#3

2,480 $0.00 顶好帖子。

Two sales women pretending to work for a utility company convinced a Brampton senior to agree to pay more than $3,500 for replacement smoke alarms and a video door bell. She says she didn't realize how much it would all cost until it was too late.

globalnews.ca另外,你有可能会被告知If cancelled the cancellation fee is $8 per month for 5 years. If u don't pay they say it'll go to collections.在安省根据Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act,Consumers have 10 days to cancel a direct services contract signed at home.但如果销售人员做了误导或错误的声明,那你则会有一年的时间去解除合同.打电话取消很大概率不会接你电话,亲自去一趟,仔细阅读这里,顺便再把它给投诉了.虽然投诉可能没什么用但至少你尽力了,这年头没丑闻你都没办法连任...https://www.ontario.ca/page/door-door-sales-and-home-service-contracts#section-6补:地址有误,这公司鸡贼的很Plaza, 2000 Argentia Rd #1, Mississauga, ON L5N 1P7根据新闻,地址应该是这个, 办公室应该在三楼
701 - 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd WMississauga, ON L5B 3C2Business ManagementMr. Darren Michael Cocchetto, PresidentShruthi Sharma, Secretary/Treasurer点击展开...非常感谢您提供的信息,这就去办
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