加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息搭讪哈佛一次,结果被天天骚扰
觉得很多人学不好,是因为学习方法不对。包个饺子还需要学,更别说把知识往脑子里装了。前几周突发奇想,那就报一个研究学习方法的专业,读个博士,今后也能帮助更多的人。看了看斯坦福的教育系,有learning研究方向,再看了看一些研究论文的题目,觉得挺虚的。于是跑到哈佛的网站上填了个信息,想着哈佛大学或许能有点创意,和他们的招生聊聊,看咱这条件行不行。结果这些日子,哈佛几乎天天发信过来,当然是系统群发的,让填表,让参加宣讲会,让报名申请。没理。有天早上,收到一封哈佛的信,感觉是人写的,讲的情真意切,让相互了解,欢迎申请。想着自己年纪也大了,就礼貌的回信说了说实际情况。结果哈佛那人回信说,这个需要对申请人统一衡量,以前不招本科生,现在也直接招本科生了。你就直接说年龄大不行了吧。删了。刚又被骚扰一次如下,希望这是最后一次吧。This email is to remind you that the deadline for applying to a Doctoral Program at HBS is just a few weeks away! Applications for Fall 2020 can be completed here through the Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Application portal. Applications, including all letters of recommendation and test scores, must be submitted no later than December 1, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST. If you haven't already contacted your recommenders for the 3 required letters, now is the perfect time to reach out to ensure they are received on time. It is also helpful to learn more about Faculty and Research at HBS to get a better sense of the current scholarly work being done in our community.
shw019 说:怀疑你搭讪的是哈佛的格来登分院。点击展开...或许吧,没注意
·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
·生活百科 尴尬的屋顶布局