Rogers has started to roll out Canada’s first 5G network in downtown Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal so it is ready when 5G devices become available. The 5G network will initially use 2.5 GHz spectrum in the downtown cores, and will expand to use 600 MHz 5G spectrum later this year. 600 MHz is best suited for wireless data across long distances and through urban areas, creating higher quality coverage in remote areas and smart cities. Rogers says that in the future, it will also deploy 3.5 GHz spectrum and dynamic spectrum sharing, which will allow 4G spectrum to be used for 5G. It’s important to note that no one will be able to use the network yet, as there aren’t any phones authorized to the network. The carrier hasn’t provided any information regarding coverage. “5G is the biggest technological evolution since the launch of wireless in Canada. We are making the right investments, building the right partnerships and deploying the right technology to bring Canadians the very best of 5G,” said Joe Natale, president and CEO of Rogers Communications in a press release.Rogers says it partnered with Ericsson for its 4.5G and 5G technology.
Congrats Ericsson! You deserve it!
时间混够,就成了老移民 赏 2020-01-15#3
5,095 $0.00 Rogers + Ericsson BELL + NOKIA TELUS + Huawei ???评论
fatck 说:Bell好像是和华为吧?点击展开...是的,现在是pending。好像BELL下面的一个小公司偷摸摸的和NOKIA在多伦多部署了5G。
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