猪肉炖粉条,大葱照,承蒙错爱,获赞多多。Time to return your kindness!Shall we build an English corner and learn English together? Let's share English songs, writings, books, movies, speeches, etc., see if we can help each other out in English study.Don't be shy and worry about your English not being good enough. No matter how good some of us might be at it, at the end of the day, it's still our second language, which, requires constant practice and learning.Hopefully, it will attract like minded people and help them to sharpen their language skills, because, as you know, living in an English speaking country, we depend on it for everything!
God is love. He always wants the best for you! 赏

God is love. He always wants the best for you! 赏

Good idea!
刚刚写主贴的时候,温习了一下 etc. 的用法。这是个拉丁文,it is a Latin expression that is used in English to mean "and other similar things", or "and so forth". 这个简短的解释,能够帮助你迅速掌握用法, 它分为用在句子中,和句尾。"Etc." is used to indicate that only some of the items from a list have been used. Generally, in American English, if "etc." is used in the middle of a sentence, it is followed by a comma. (Tennis, soccer, baseball, etc., are outdoor games.) However, if this word appears at the end of a sentence then the period (which is part of "etc.") serves as the final punctuation mark. It should not be followed by a comma, whether it is daily writing or a research paper. (Being outdoors, we played tennis, soccer, baseball, etc.)
God is love. He always wants the best for you!90年的时候,上海人民公园有个"英语角",大家见面,一定会先把how do you do,im good。。。。这一段背完,然后开始不知道说啥。很滑稽。点击展开...然后就相对无言是吧。。。
God is love. He always wants the best for you!hello, do u speak chinese?点击展开...Yup, I'm bilingual.
God is love. He always wants the best for you!我支持,应该有个专版,去那里必须说英文。这样愿意聊英文的有个去处。点击展开...That's what I was thinking at first, but then it occurred to me that it might scare people away, so now I'm suggesting that we talk in either language, as long as it's English study related.
God is love. He always wants the best for you! 赏


风烟俱净 赏

reed 说:法语也不限吧,以前论坛有个猪头哥,中英法三语轮着说,很酷点击展开...unfortunately, I know nothing about French, not even a word, but if somebody wants to talk about it, I don't think anybody would mind.
God is love. He always wants the best for you!many years ago, i worked far away from home, alone, lonely. A friend recommended Enya to me. Then her songs flowed every conner of my tiny room. her solemn, peaceful and emotional voice comforted my soul...点击展开...Oh, she is a goddess! Just a goddess! I simply love her music. So soothing and calming.
God is love. He always wants the best for you!me,toocantonese and mandarin...点击展开...Good for you! I worked in Guangdong for a few years, but, till today, it remains a total foreign language to me!
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