加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息突发:WHO宣布新型肺炎为全球紧急Coronavirus Live


Coronavirus Live Updates: W.H.O. Declares a Global Health Emergency官方宣布:这个决议不是因为中国国内的传染情况,而是因为中国之外的传染情况!https://twitter.com/search?q=who+coronavirus&ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5EsearchWorld Health Organization (WHO)@WHO·1h"The main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in #China, but because of what is happening in other countries"-@DrTedros#2019nCoV官方宣布:这个决议不是因为中国国内的传染情况,而是因为中国之外的传染情况!www.nytimes.com

Deaths Surpass 200, and State Department Urges Against Travel to China

The United States set its advisory at Level 4, which represents the highest safety risk. The World Health Organization said the virus represents a risk outside of China.www.nytimes.comwww.nytimes.comwww.who.int

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – World Health Organization

Information on COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.www.who.intwww.who.int

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克赞反馈:沧水, 未尝不可 和 亲baby 2.24 2020-01-30#2 未尝不可
31,560 $0.00 如果被宣布,对中国经济打击会比较大

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 2020-01-30#3 kittylee 2,986 $0.00 这个决定是啥意思?

kittylee 说:这个决定是啥意思?点击展开...中国被宣布为疫区,来自疫区的东西。。。

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。中国被宣布为疫区,来自疫区的东西。。。点击展开...未尝是在造谣吗?我明明刚从腾讯和新浪上看到快讯是:新华社快讯:世卫组织30日发布新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,强调不建议实施旅行和贸易限制,并再次高度肯定中方的防控举措。

也曾相识 说:未尝是在造谣吗?我明明刚从腾讯和新浪上看到快讯是:新华社快讯:世卫组织30日发布新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,强调不建议实施旅行和贸易限制点击展开...英文宣布里面没有这些语句。。。。相反,说了各国可以自行制定旅游贸易限制。后补,英文官方会议决议说明:W.H.O. declares the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency.The World Health Organization declared on Thursday that the new coronavirus outbreak was a global health emergency, acknowledging that the disease represents a risk outside of China, where it emerged last month.The declaration — officially called a Public Health Emergency of International Concern — serves notice to all United Nations member states that the world’s top health advisory body rates the situation as serious.Countries can then decide whether to close their borders, cancel flights, screen people arriving at airports or take other measures.

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克未尝是在造谣吗?我明明刚从腾讯和新浪上看到快讯是:新华社快讯:世卫组织30日发布新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,强调不建议实施旅行和贸易限制,并再次高度肯定中方的防控举措。点击展开...WHO一直在建议不要撤侨,没几个国家听。。。

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。WHO一直在建议不要撤侨,没几个国家听。。。点击展开...WHO昨天已经官方辟谣,说从没有说过不要撤侨。。。

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克 2020-01-30#10 F 487 当听到这个消息时,我伤心了好一阵,我几次怀疑自己听错了,唉,我们又能做什么呢?

fanfanfanfan 说:当听到这个消息时,我伤心了好一阵,我几次怀疑自己听错了,唉,我们又能做什么呢?点击展开...没啥,who已经表示,中国外也扩散了,中国隔离的非常好,意思你懂得。

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克英文宣布里面没有这些语句。。。。相反,说了各国可以自行制定旅游贸易限制。点击展开...The Committee acknowledged that, in general, evidence has shown that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies may be ineffective and may divert resources from other interventions. Further, restrictions may interrupt needed aid and technical support, may disrupt businesses, and may have negative effects on the economies of countries affected by the emergencies. However, in certain specific circumstances, measures that restrict the movement of people may prove temporarily useful, such as in settings with limited response capacities and capabilities, or where there is high intensity of transmission among vulnerable populations.In such situations, countries should perform risk and cost-benefit analyses before implementing such restrictions to assess whether the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks. Countries must inform WHO about any travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

kittylee 说:The Committee acknowledged that, in general, evidence has shown that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies may be ineffective and may divert resources from other interventions. Further, restrictions may interrupt needed aid and technical support, may disrupt businesses, and may have negative effects on the economies of countries affected by the emergencies. However, in certain specific circumstances, measures that restrict the movement of people may prove temporarily useful, such as in settings with limited response capacities and capabilities, or where there is high intensity of transmission among vulnerable populations.In such situations, countries should perform risk and cost-benefit analyses before implementing such restrictions to assess whether the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks. Countries must inform WHO about any travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.点击展开...您的这段是摘录,除此之外还有其他语句。我刚看过,就不给你找了。

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克英文宣布里面没有这些语句。。。。相反,说了各国可以自行制定旅游贸易限制。点击展开...你可以找一下腾讯和新浪

kittylee 说:The Committee acknowledged that, in general, evidence has shown that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies may be ineffective and may divert resources from other interventions. Further, restrictions may interrupt needed aid and technical support, may disrupt businesses, and may have negative effects on the economies of countries affected by the emergencies. However, in certain specific circumstances, measures that restrict the movement of people may prove temporarily useful, such as in settings with limited response capacities and capabilities, or where there is high intensity of transmission among vulnerable populations.In such situations, countries should perform risk and cost-benefit analyses before implementing such restrictions to assess whether the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks. Countries must inform WHO about any travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.点击展开...W.H.O. declares the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency.The World Health Organization declared on Thursday that the new coronavirus outbreak was a global health emergency, acknowledging that the disease represents a risk outside of China, where it emerged last month.The declaration — officially called a Public Health Emergency of International Concern — serves notice to all United Nations member states that the world’s top health advisory body rates the situation as serious.Countries can then decide whether to close their borders, cancel flights, screen people arriving at airports or take other measures.The decision came as cases have begun to appear in people who had not traveled to China during the outbreak.

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克你可以找一下腾讯和新浪点击展开...腾讯说我没交费不让我看,这是英文的:W.H.O. declares the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency.The World Health Organization declared on Thursday that the new coronavirus outbreak was a global health emergency, acknowledging that the disease represents a risk outside of China, where it emerged last month.The declaration — officially called a Public Health Emergency of International Concern — serves notice to all United Nations member states that the world’s top health advisory body rates the situation as serious.Countries can then decide whether to close their borders, cancel flights, screen people arriving at airports or take other measures.The decision came as cases have begun to appear in people who had not traveled to China during the outbreak.

2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克WHO昨天已经官方辟谣,说从没有说过不要撤侨。。。点击展开...感情又是中国自己说的?

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。欧耶!!!终于有一个意见的了。点击展开...回顾一下。。。1580418234483.png

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。欧耶!!!终于有一个意见的了。点击展开...是你刚才说很安全的吧,看看一线的真实报道吧。。。



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