加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息印度科学家的发现,学医的也许能读懂这篇论文



你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。赞反馈:木头的耳朵, 沧水, 白白的月亮 和 3 其他人 0.34 2020-01-31#2 未尝不可
31,560 $0.00 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1.full.pdf

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。专业论文,医学园友快来看看!点击展开...我是看不懂

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 2020-01-31#5 frontenac 付费矿工 687$(0.12$赞力,#47) 13,216 $0.00 $687.06 顺着你给的链接找到原来网站,这篇文章是preprint 文章,没有被同行review 过的,至少目前没啥权威意义。。。。然后文章下面有一些品论,你自己看看就明白了,这个文章问题很大。。www.biorxiv.org

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid...www.biorxiv.orgwww.biorxiv.orgD0D34484-992C-4271-AA1F-BEA28EA53260.jpeg

一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方顺着你给的链接找到原来网站,这篇文章是preprint 文章,没有被同行review 过的,至少目前没啥权威意义。。。。然后文章下面有一些品论,你自己看看就明白了,这个文章问题很大。。www.biorxiv.org

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid...www.biorxiv.orgwww.biorxiv.org点击展开...赞刚出来的论文,不能作为权威我相信但你为啥说问题很大?

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。赞反馈:flowing_water 0.03 2020-01-31#7 未尝不可
31,560 $0.00 刚发布的?1580524687984.png

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 2020-01-31#8 frontenac 付费矿工 687$(0.12$赞力,#47) 13,216 $0.00 $687.06 不是刚出来的文章,是没有经过peer reviewed的文章,一个好文章,是不会走这样的路的。。你们IT界发论文没有这样的事吗?难道张三李四搜可以随便在大牛杂志上发表文章的吗?比如柳叶刀,各个学科,他会有个专家组,分散在世界各地的行业大牛,有人投稿,会给这些专家看,靠谱不,专家还可以质询作者问题啥的,觉得没有学术上的问题,行业领先,就推荐发,多少多少个人推荐发以后,才真的能发。。我给的链接下面有评论啊,你没看?评论里面有一个写得比较浅,问题讲得很清楚了,你应该能看懂。All four of the identified amino acid insertions are extremely short and are found in the genomes of many other organisms, not just HIV. In other words, the primary finding of this work are entirely a highly expected coincidence.All organisms contain a DNA code that has the genetic instructions for development, functioning, and growth - this is known as the "genome". You can imagine each genome as a book of instructions. What these authors did is look in the genome book of the 2019 novel coronavirus and identified 4 sets of letters that aren't found in the genome book of SARs, a related coronavirus. They then compared these letters to the genome book of HIV, and found some places where they looked somewhat similar - but not even identical. However, because these sets of letters were so short, they are often found in many genome books by chance - they way you might search for the phrase "can be there" in Google Books and find that thousands of books contain those words - but this is not an example of plagarism.Note here: We call these sets of letters "insertions" because they are in one genome, but not in a close relative - "insertion" does not imply human interference or engineering - it is an evolutionary term and refers to a natural evolutionary mutation.Here are the four insertions:TNGTKRHKNNKSRSYLTPGDSSSGQTNSPRRAThese four insertions are protein sequences, that are encoded by a DNA sequence (which you may know uses molecular "letters" of A, G, C, and T to encode for proteins, which uses 20 molecular amino acid "letters").You, dear reader, do not have to take anybody's word for it that these letters are a concidence - you can do the bioinformatics yourself!If you would go to:https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih....You will arrive at a search engine for these genome books, kind of like the Google of biology. Click on "Protein Blast", because are going to search for these protein sequences.Under where it says "Enter accession number", you can paste any one of the four sequences above.And then you can hit the "BLAST" button at the bottom of the screen. In a few minutes you will get a set of results.Let's go through the results for the longest sequence, "RSYLTPGDSSSG", together.Under the "Description" field you can see resulting hits. The first hit you see is to "spike glycoprotein [Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus]" - this is good, because we know that this sequence came from this genome. Under "Per. Id" you can see the similarity of this sequence to other hits - in this case, you can start by seeing that this sequence is also found in Bat coronavirus, so isn't actually novel at all! And there are many comparative hits that as equally as good, or often better, than the HIV comparison.Let's then take a look at the second sequence, "HKNNKS", together.If you go through the same search process for this sequence and look again at the results, you can see hundreds of perfectly identical matches. Maybe you see Sipha flava - that's an Aphid, or Tetrahymena - that's an Amoeba. Drosophila is a fruit fly. Clearly this sequence is found in thousands of genomes.Fortunately, the search has a built in way of answering the question "How likely was this result to have occurred by chance?". It is called the E-value, or Expect Value - the number of times we'd expect to see this result purely by chance. As you can see here, many of the E-values listed on this page are greater than 7829 - so we'd have expected to see 7829 instances of matches like these completely by chance! This is not evidence for gene transfer or gene similarity - it's simply a coincidence. As you now search for the other insertions described by this paper, you'll see that all of them hit hundreds of other genomes simply by chance. It is no surprise at all that they could have matches with some similarity in the HIV genome.Congratulations! You are now a more careful and proficient bioinformatician than the authors of this paper.

一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方赞反馈:土农, 至尊寶, stellated 和 4 其他人 0.27 2020-01-31#9 Long Vacation
付费矿工 17$(0.00$赞力,#80) 5,761 $1.23 $17.11 熊猫和小芳毕竟都是学医的,熊猫的冷静判断和BC政府建议不谋而合,小芳几句话,就解释了其中奥妙,未尝如假包换的江湖郎中,这还不算,还喜欢传谣,天天睁开眼睛就散布思想病毒,力求制造紧张气氛。


frontenac 说:不是刚出来的文章,是没有经过peer reviewed的文章,一个好文章,是不会走这样的路的。。你们IT界发论文没有这样的事吗?难道张三李四搜可以随便在大牛杂志上发表文章的吗?比如柳叶刀,各个学科,他会有个专家组,分散在世界各地的行业大牛,有人投稿,会给这些专家看,靠谱不,专家还可以质询作者问题啥的,觉得没有学术上的问题,行业领先,就推荐发,多少多少个人推荐发以后,才真的能发。。我给的链接下面有评论啊,你没看?评论里面有一个写得比较浅,问题讲得很清楚了,你应该能看懂。All four of the identified amino acid insertions are extremely short and are found in the genomes of many other organisms, not just HIV. In other words, the primary finding of this work are entirely a highly expected coincidence.All organisms contain a DNA code that has the genetic instructions for development, functioning, and growth - this is known as the "genome". You can imagine each genome as a book of instructions. What these authors did is look in the genome book of the 2019 novel coronavirus and identified 4 sets of letters that aren't found in the genome book of SARs, a related coronavirus. They then compared these letters to the genome book of HIV, and found some places where they looked somewhat similar - but not even identical. However, because these sets of letters were so short, they are often found in many genome books by chance - they way you might search for the phrase "can be there" in Google Books and find that thousands of books contain those words - but this is not an example of plagarism.Note here: We call these sets of letters "insertions" because they are in one genome, but not in a close relative - "insertion" does not imply human interference or engineering - it is an evolutionary term and refers to a natural evolutionary mutation.Here are the four insertions:TNGTKRHKNNKSRSYLTPGDSSSGQTNSPRRAThese four insertions are protein sequences, that are encoded by a DNA sequence (which you may know uses molecular "letters" of A, G, C, and T to encode for proteins, which uses 20 molecular amino acid "letters").You, dear reader, do not have to take anybody's word for it that these letters are a concidence - you can do the bioinformatics yourself!If you would go to:https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih....You will arrive at a search engine for these genome books, kind of like the Google of biology. Click on "Protein Blast", because are going to search for these protein sequences.Under where it says "Enter accession number", you can paste any one of the four sequences above.And then you can hit the "BLAST" button at the bottom of the screen. In a few minutes you will get a set of results.Let's go through the results for the longest sequence, "RSYLTPGDSSSG", together.Under the "Description" field you can see resulting hits. The first hit you see is to "spike glycoprotein [Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus]" - this is good, because we know that this sequence came from this genome. Under "Per. Id" you can see the similarity of this sequence to other hits - in this case, you can start by seeing that this sequence is also found in Bat coronavirus, so isn't actually novel at all! And there are many comparative hits that as equally as good, or often better, than the HIV comparison.Let's then take a look at the second sequence, "HKNNKS", together.If you go through the same search process for this sequence and look again at the results, you can see hundreds of perfectly identical matches. Maybe you see Sipha flava - that's an Aphid, or Tetrahymena - that's an Amoeba. Drosophila is a fruit fly. Clearly this sequence is found in thousands of genomes.Fortunately, the search has a built in way of answering the question "How likely was this result to have occurred by chance?". It is called the E-value, or Expect Value - the number of times we'd expect to see this result purely by chance. As you can see here, many of the E-values listed on this page are greater than 7829 - so we'd have expected to see 7829 instances of matches like these completely by chance! This is not evidence for gene transfer or gene similarity - it's simply a coincidence. As you now search for the other insertions described by this paper, you'll see that all of them hit hundreds of other genomes simply by chance. It is no surprise at all that they could have matches with some similarity in the HIV genome.Congratulations! You are now a more careful and proficient bioinformatician than the authors of this paper.点击展开...评论我没看,我论文就根本看不懂,楼名才叫你们学医的来看啊这个论文啊,

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。熊猫和小芳毕竟都是学医的,熊猫的冷静判断和BC政府建议不谋而合,小芳几句话,就解释了其中奥妙,未尝如假包换的江湖郎中,这还不算,还喜欢传谣,天天睁开眼睛就散布思想病毒,力求制造紧张气氛。点击展开...和尚啊,你花了两个月连cdc的报告都没看清楚,就开始扯了,你就丢人吧,

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 2020-01-31#13 frontenac 付费矿工 687$(0.12$赞力,#47) 13,216 $0.00 $687.06 我的生化,分子生物学早丢爪哇国了,勉强解释一下,评论。。文章中提到的四种所谓amino acid insertions,是因为萨斯病毒没有,现在的新病毒有,所以说是insertions,而艾滋病病毒也有这些片段,所以,推出两病毒可能有基情。。革命群众则觉得insertion这个词很可疑,充满了阴谋,可能是人在背后做了手脚,事实上,这只是个中性术语。。因为这些这些蛋白质片段太短,在自然界中普遍存在。不仅仅是艾滋病毒有,从植物到动物,微生物,都有,从数据库里一搜,出来一大把,很多比艾滋病毒更接近,但作者都视而不见,偏偏选了艾滋病毒。。而有一个病毒大约叫萨斯样蝙蝠病毒2013,这四种片段里,它有2 个一模一样,两个高度相似,所以如果说亲戚,它才更可能是新冠毒的亲戚。。这个文章大意就好比,布拉德彼得没酒窝,迪卡普里奥有酒窝,迪卡普里奥一定是发生了突变(说不定有人给他整容了)。而迪卡普里奥有酒窝,我家的狗也有酒窝,所以迪卡普里奥和我的狗一定是亲戚。。。

一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方我的生化,分子生物学早丢爪哇国了,勉强解释一下,评论。。文章中提到的四种所谓amino acid insertions,是因为萨斯病毒没有,现在的新病毒有,所以说是insertions,而艾滋病病毒也有这些片段,所以,推出两病毒可能有基情。。革命群众则觉得insertion这个词很可疑,充满了阴谋,可能是人在背后做了手脚,事实上,这只是个中性术语。。因为这些这些蛋白质片段太短,在自然界中普遍存在。不仅仅是艾滋病毒有,从植物到动物,微生物,都有,从数据库里一搜,出来一大把,很多比艾滋病毒更接近,但作者都视而不见,偏偏选了艾滋病毒。。而有一个病毒大约叫萨斯样蝙蝠病毒2013,这四种片段里,它有2 个一模一样,两个高度相似,所以如果说亲戚,它才更可能是新冠毒的亲戚。。这个文章大意就好比,布拉德彼得没酒窝,迪卡普里奥有酒窝,迪卡普里奥一定是发生了突变。迪卡普里奥有酒窝,我家的狗也有酒窝,所以迪卡普里奥和我的狗一定是亲戚。。。点击展开...深入浅出,妙,特别最后的比喻,可是未尝还是会倒地耍泼:听不懂,听不懂嘛,

Long Vacation 说:深入浅出,妙,特别最后的比喻,可是未尝还是会倒地耍泼:听不懂,听不懂嘛,点击展开...你和五哥什么回事啊,你们两个不用这样吧。。

一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方你和五哥什么回事啊,你们两个不用这样吧。。点击展开...逗他开心,

未尝不可 说:评论我没看,我论文就根本看不懂,楼名才叫你们学医的来看啊这个论文啊,点击展开...五哥,我知道你就是想求证一下,看看别人的想法,并不是有啥先入为主的,所以我Update 一下,作者自己撤回这个文章了。。一堆科学家实名在评论区说他。。 :LOL: :LOL:DF99D067-22DD-4A78-8A18-FE1D0AD62590.jpeg

一个人是一座孤岛。。。一错便是一生 老照片,外公外婆的故事 生命中的一天 那些别处的人生 那些被美剧勾引出来的往事:种蓖麻 三个移民找工作的故事 家乡和那些零碎的记忆 开启思维发散模式的剪草 那一刻,决定了放手 说说俺做photofacial(光子嫩肤)的经历吧 帅哥站在我面前,裤子没拉拉链 让我们荡起双桨 俺就是这样变成月光族的昨天去博物馆看了木乃伊展览 自己把deck油了,有图有真相 买了nematodes杀草地白虫 俺们西岛好地方赞反馈:未尝不可 和 hkkuo33 0.05 2020-02-01#18 骆驼客
付费矿工 1,769$(0.32$赞力,#30) 14,719 $14.07 $1,768.90 太高深哦,完全没看懂

是朋友、多来往;不是朋友、少见面。出来玩,开心最重要!别的,一切都是浮云! 2020-02-01#19 L 7,611 $0.00 三哥上次靠谱的发现发明是啥时候?发明阿拉伯数字的时候?

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.三哥上次靠谱的发现发明是啥时候?发明阿拉伯数字的时候?点击展开...那时的三哥与现在的三哥可能不是同一族群了吧?

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