医生说加拿大新冠状病毒进入本地社区传染是无法避免了Carly Weeks2020年2月3日,加拿大首席公共卫生官Theresa Tam表示,有些省份,特别是卑诗省和安大略省,已经开始对更广泛的人群进行测试,以检测该病毒可能在社区中的传播,其中包括即使最近没有出去旅行但仍带有流感样症状的人。传染病专家说,加拿大境内COVID-19的本地社区传染是不可避免的,他们警告这里的官员们行动起来不够迅速,无法赶上并控制新病例的传播。多伦多汉伯河医院的感染预防专家兼主任迈克尔·加丹说:“您可以减缓传染速度,但不能阻止它。” “本地传染即将到来。”冠状病毒的本地传播,在加拿大社区内人与人之间传播,与前往世界各地爆发疫情的旅行无关。Gardam博士和其他人正在发出警报,因为华盛顿州的官员正在努力遏制一次COVID-19疫情,该疫情在连续数周未被发现的情况下已经造成6人死亡。该州爆发的疫情使人们越来越担心对BC(北部)的影响。研究人员认为,COVID-19已经在华盛顿州流行了至少六周。星期一BC卫生部长阿德里安·迪克斯(Adrian Dix)表示,华盛顿州的局势对该省构成了严峻挑战。COVID-19在加拿大本地传染的威胁是传染病专家呼吁对社区中的病毒进行更积极测试的关键原因之一。加拿大首席公共卫生官Theresa Tam说,有些省份,特别是卑诗省和安大略省,已经开始对更广泛的人群进行测试,以检测该病毒可能在社区中的传播,其中包括即使最近没有离开加拿大旅行但仍带有流感样症状的人。目前尚不清楚哪些城市或医院在进行其他监视。BC省卫生官员邦妮·亨利(Bonnie Henry)周一说,官员已在该省现有的流感监测网络中添加了COVID-19测试,这意味着将对众多患者进行冠状病毒筛查。在BC如果流感测试阴性,我们还将对患有严重呼吸系统住院疾病的患者进行冠状病毒测试。安大略省卫生部首席医疗官David Williams周一表示,该省一些试点正在对具有流感样症状的患者进行测试。官员们说,安大略省还对多伦多一些严重呼吸道疾病住院患者进行了冠状病毒测试。安大略省周一还宣布了一个新的监督结构,以集中沟通,并帮助进行与COVID-19相关的响应和计划。一个新的省级指挥小组将负责为该省提供行政领导和战略指导。安大略省还建立了其他专家小组,包括区域规划和道德规范表。多伦多迈克尔·加隆医院的传染病医生Janine McCready表示,加拿大政府仍然过于关注那些曾到过一些爆发疫情的国家(例如中国,日本,韩国和意大利)。她说,现在是时候扩大该标准,以测试有任何呼吸道症状的患者。麦克雷迪说:“每天我们都在增加新的国家。” “这是不可能的,而且继续这样做也是不切实际的。您会错过一些病倒。”周一,加拿大公共卫生局宣布,所有加拿大人都应避免不必要的伊朗旅行。从伊朗来加拿大的任何人都被要求在机场检查站检查自己的身份,并与当地卫生官员联系。他们还被指示要监视自己的症状并进入自愿隔离区14天。最近几天,加拿大有好几人从伊朗回来后COVID-19测试呈阳性。加拿大有27例确诊的COVID-19病例:安大略省18例,卑诗省8例。还有一个在魁北克。谭博士说,官员们正在传达的信息是,任何进入加拿大的国际旅行者都应该意识到这种病毒,并自我监测是否有疾病迹象,例如发烧或咳嗽。但是,国家标准仍然指示临床医生将测试重点放在那些已前往七个爆发疫情国家之一的症状患者身上。谭医生说,尽管如此,它仍然具有“一定的灵活性”,临床医生仍应为前往未列入清单的国家/地区的患者订购检测试剂。麦克雷迪博士说,她的医院是目前正在进行其他检查的地点之一。但是她说,全省对其他检查缺乏透明度,这意味着临床医生在黑暗中进行手术,不知道其他医院在做什么,也不知道是否发现了新病例。她说:“我真的不明白为什么我们不会尽可能快而广泛地共享这些信息。”Tam博士说,虽然尚无证据表明这种疾病正在加拿大本地社区传播,但这种情况可能会改变,人们应该为不寻常的事件做好准备,例如取消大型聚会和关闭学校。在GO Transit乘客的COVID-19测试结果呈阳性之后,多伦多的两个最大的公交机构正在加大对公共汽车和火车的清洁。负责GO Transit的地区代理商Metrolinx已在测试一种新的抗菌剂治疗方法,目前正在将其应用于车辆。据该机构发言人Anne Marie Aikins称,这种旨在提供比常规消毒剂更长久的保护作用的处理方法应在周三之前在所有公交车和火车上完成。多伦多运输委员会(Toronto Transit Commission)正在考虑采用一种类似Metrolinx的抗菌处理方法。发言人斯图尔特·格林说,该机构每天有近170万名乘客,而且还加强了车辆的清洁工作,并且更频繁地擦拭楼梯的扶手和把手。
Coronavirus transmission inevitable in Canada, doctors sayCarly WeeksPublished 9 hours ago
Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, seen here on Feb. 3, 2020, said that some provinces, particularly B.C. and Ontario, are starting to test a wider sample of the population to detect possible community spread of the virus, including those who go to the hospital with flu-like symptoms even if they haven’t travelled outside of Canada recently.Adrian Wyld/The Canadian PressLocal transmission of COVID-19 within Canada is inevitable, according to infectious disease experts who warn officials here are not moving fast enough to catch and control the spread of new cases.“You can slow it down, but you can’t stop it,” said Michael Gardam, an infection prevention expert and chief of staff at Toronto’s Humber River Hospital. “Local transmission is coming.” Local transmission of the coronavirus is person-to-person spread within communities in Canada not related to travel to a part of the world experiencing an outbreak.Dr. Gardam and others are sounding the alarm as officials in Washington State struggle to contain a COVID-19 outbreak that has so far killed six people after spreading undetected for weeks. The growing outbreak in the state is raising concerns about the ramifications for British Columbia, which is directly to the north. Researchers suggest COVID-19 has been circulating in Washington State for at least six weeks.On Monday, B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix said the situation in Washington State poses a serious challenge for the province.The threat of local spread of COVID-19 in Canada is one of the key reasons why infectious disease experts are calling for more aggressive testing for the virus in communities.Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, said that some provinces, particularly B.C. and Ontario, are starting to test a wider sample of the population to detect possible community spread of the virus, including those who go to the hospital with flu-like symptoms even if they haven’t travelled outside of Canada recently.It’s unclear which cities or hospitals are doing additional surveillance.B.C. provincial health officer Bonnie Henry said Monday officials have added COVID-19 testing to the province’s existing influenza surveillance network, which means a broad array of patients will undergo screening for the coronavirus. B.C. is also checking all patients admitted to hospital with severe respiratory illness for COVID-19 if they have a negative flu test.David Williams, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health, said Monday that some pilot sites in the province are testing patients with flu-like symptoms for COVID-19. Ontario is also testing patients admitted to some Toronto hospitals with severe respiratory illness for the coronavirus, officials said.Ontario also announced Monday a new oversight structure to centralize communication and help with responses and planning related to COVID-19. A new provincial command group will be responsible for providing executive leadership and strategic direction to the province. Ontario is also creating other expert groups, including for regional planning and ethics table.Janine McCready, an infectious diseases physician at Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto, said governments in Canada are still too focused on looking for COVID-19 in people who have travelled to a handful of countries experiencing outbreaks, such as China, Japan, South Korea and Italy. It’s time to widen that criteria to test patients who have any respiratory symptoms combined with any travel outside of Canada, she said.“Every day we’re adding new countries,” Dr. McCready said. “It’s impossible and it’s also not practical to keep doing that. You’re going to miss cases.”On Monday, the Public Health Agency of Canada announced that all Canadians should avoid non-essential travel to Iran. Anyone coming to Canada from Iran is being asked to identify themselves at airport screening checkpoints and check in with local health officials. They are also being instructed to monitor themselves for symptoms and enter a voluntary quarantine for 14 days.Several people in Canada have tested positive for COVID-19 in recent days after travelling to Iran. There are 27 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Canada: 18 in Ontario, eight in B.C. and one in Quebec.Dr. Tam said officials are sending the message that any international travellers arriving in Canada should be aware of the virus and monitor themselves for signs of illness, such as fever or cough.But the national criteria still direct clinicians to focus testing on people with symptoms who have travelled to one of seven countries experiencing an outbreak. Despite this, Dr. Tam said there is “some flexibility” and that clinicians should still order tests for patients who travelled to a country not on the list.Dr. Gardam said officials must also aggressively look for COVID-19 cases in the community, given how quickly the virus is spreading in the United States as well as the rapid rise in cases in Ontario and B.C.Dr. McCready said her hospital is one of the sites where additional tests are now taking place. But she said there’s a lack of transparency from the province about additional tests, which means clinicians are operating in the dark, not knowing what other hospitals are doing or whether any new cases are identified.“I don’t really understand why we wouldn’t be sharing that information as rapidly and broadly as possible,” she said.While there’s no evidence the disease is spreading locally in Canada yet, Dr. Tam said that could change and people should be prepared for unusual events, such as the cancellation of large gatherings and the closing of schools.Toronto’s two biggest transit agencies are ramping up cleaning on buses and trains after a GO Transit passenger tested positive for COVID-19.Metrolinx, the regional agency that oversees GO Transit, has been testing a new antimicrobial treatment and is now applying it to its vehicles. The treatment, which is intended to provide longer-lasting protection than regular disinfectant, should be completed on all buses and trains by Wednesday, according to agency spokeswoman Anne Marie Aikins.The Toronto Transit Commission is looking at employing an antimicrobial treatment like the one Metrolinx is using. The agency, with nearly 1.7 million daily riders, has also stepped up its cleaning of vehicles and is doing more frequent wipe-downs of stair-rails and hand-holds, spokesman Stuart Green said.
口风变啦? 措施还是没跟上!
ermite808 说:口风变啦? 措施还是没跟上!点击展开...关键是美国一失控,加拿大还怎么防?已经是防不胜防。
WorryFree 说:关键是美国一失控,加拿大还怎么防?已经是防不胜防。点击展开...既舍不得经济利益又想抵抗疫情传播确实不大可能。
本来就是嘛。这是空气就能传播的病毒,不是带着炸弹的恐怖分子。大部分处心积虑的恐怖分子尚且只能在袭击发生后才发现,这些病毒以目前人类的科技水平更不可能一下子全部freeze掉或者杀死了。“You can slow it down, but you can’t stop it”。这句话说得一点没错。现在要做的就是增强检测和跟踪密切接触者,尽量精准定位病例并且隔离,以此延缓病毒传播的速度,等待特效药或者疫苗的研发成功,或者气候变化导致的病毒自然消亡。幸运的是这个病毒的死亡率不是太高,尤其在医疗条件较好的地方更是死亡率低很多。当然,可能有一些后遗症,这是很令人担忧的。 但这就是reality。目前加拿大中文媒体所煽动的恐惧和焦虑,倒是”抗疫“之路上最大的敌人。往浅了说,这些恐惧丝毫无助于延缓病毒传播或者杀死病毒,却制造了诸如过量囤积粮食等社会混乱。往深了说,这种恐惧和焦虑会导致对已经患病的人群的歧视,可能会导致一些轻症患者不愿意向卫生部门报告就医。这就极大增加了病毒在社会流传的风险。
你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的
反馈:fatck, gzhou8888 和 tototo
0.01 2020-03-03#8
付费矿工 698$(0.13$赞力,#46) 12,305 $0.29 $697.81 谭咏诗和谭政委一样都是吃闲饭的一个月前,她说疫情可防可控,不用担心后来知道加拿大的医院连口罩都不够可防可控的判断从何而来?一个月后,她说疫情不可避免,担心也没用
赏 2020-03-03#11 G 547 $0.00 没啥好害怕的, 该怎么生活还是怎么生活。 没有任何依据可以证明除了中国其他国家都防不好, 都要大爆发, 如果真的害怕那样的话, 回中国去吧, 那里最安全了
Kerrigan 说:本来就是嘛。这是空气就能传播的病毒,不是带着炸弹的恐怖分子。大部分处心积虑的恐怖分子尚且只能在袭击发生后才发现,这些病毒以目前人类的科技水平更不可能一下子全部freeze掉或者杀死了。“You can slow it down, but you can’t stop it”。这句话说得一点没错。现在要做的就是增强检测和跟踪密切接触者,尽量精准定位病例并且隔离,以此延缓病毒传播的速度,等待特效药或者疫苗的研发成功,或者气候变化导致的病毒自然消亡。幸运的是这个病毒的死亡率不是太高,尤其在医疗条件较好的地方更是死亡率低很多。当然,可能有一些后遗症,这是很令人担忧的。 但这就是reality。目前加拿大中文媒体所煽动的恐惧和焦虑,倒是”抗疫“之路上最大的敌人。往浅了说,这些恐惧丝毫无助于延缓病毒传播或者杀死病毒,却制造了诸如过量囤积粮食等社会混乱。往深了说,这种恐惧和焦虑会导致对已经患病的人群的歧视,可能会导致一些轻症患者不愿意向卫生部门报告就医。这就极大增加了病毒在社会流传的风险。点击展开...我看加拿大所谓的中文媒体可能连英文都不认识几个。 转发的消息都是微信, 知乎, 头条里面来的。
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