加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息10,000 Reasons


分享一首自己很喜欢圣歌《10,000 Reasons》,此歌荣获2013年格莱美最佳福音歌曲的奖项圣歌的作者Matt Redman是一位英国基督教音乐领头人中英文歌词:Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名The sun comes up; it's a new day dawning太阳升起来 新的一天开始It's time to sing Your song again这是再次唱赞歌给你的时刻Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me无论前面如何 无论等待我的是什么Let me be singing when the evening comes当黑夜来临 让我继续唱这赞歌Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地 唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名You're rich in love and You're slow to anger你有丰富的慈爱 你不轻易发怒Your name is great and Your heart is kind你的名伟大 你的心仁慈For all Your goodness, I will keep on singing我将坚持唱下去 赞美你的好10,000 reasons for my heart to find我的心找到了一万个理由Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名And on that day when my strength is failing当那一天 我的力量渐渐衰残The end draws near and my time has come离世的时刻渐渐来到Still my soul will sing Your praise unending我的灵仍然 仍然高唱赞美你的歌 不停止10,000 years and then forever more一万年 直到永永远远Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。赞反馈:jamy, eleclan, kknd 和 8 其他人 0.21 2020-10-08#2 未尝不可
31,560 $0.00 Matt Redman - 10,000 Reasons Live in Times Square

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。分享一首自己很喜欢圣歌《10,000 Reasons》,此歌荣获2013年格莱美最佳福音歌曲的奖项圣歌的作者Matt Redman是一位英国基督教音乐领头人中英文歌词:Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名The sun comes up; it's a new day dawning太阳升起来 新的一天开始It's time to sing Your song again这是再次唱赞歌给你的时刻Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me无论前面如何 无论等待我的是什么Let me be singing when the evening comes当黑夜来临 让我继续唱这赞歌Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地 唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名You're rich in love and You're slow to anger你有丰富的慈爱 你不轻易发怒Your name is great and Your heart is kind你的名伟大 你的心仁慈For all Your goodness, I will keep on singing我将坚持唱下去 赞美你的好10,000 reasons for my heart to find我的心找到了一万个理由Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名And on that day when my strength is failing当那一天 我的力量渐渐衰残The end draws near and my time has come离世的时刻渐渐来到Still my soul will sing Your praise unending我的灵仍然 仍然高唱赞美你的歌 不停止10,000 years and then forever more一万年 直到永永远远Bless the Lord, O my soul赞美主,我的灵O my soul哦 我的灵Worship His holy name敬拜他的圣名Sing like never before好像从未如此这般地唱起来O my soul哦 我的灵I worship Your holy name我敬拜你的圣名点击展开...感谢分享!

未尝不可 说:Matt Redman - 10,000 Reasons Live in Times Square点击展开...现场的感染力更强

reed 说:现场的感染力更强点击展开...2018第60届格莱美当代最佳基督教歌曲获奖音乐:《What a Beautiful Name》

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 2020-10-08#6 未尝不可
31,560 $0.00 2019格莱美当代最佳基督教歌曲,《You Say》,90后Lauren Daigle ,音线跟阿黛尔非常像,也是一首可以单曲循环的歌歌手劳伦·戴格尔出生于1991年9月,已经成为当代最佳基督教流行敬拜音乐歌手和词曲作者之一,她独特的嗓音更被誉为基督徒版“阿黛尔”。I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enoughEvery single lie that tells me I will never measure upAm I more than just the sum of every high and every low?Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know, ooh ohYou say I am loved when I can't feel a thingYou say I am strong when I think I am weakAnd You say I am held when I am falling shortAnd when I don't belong, oh, You say I am YoursAnd I believe (I), oh, I believe (I)What You say of me (I)I believeThe only thing that matters now is everything You think of meIn You I find my worth, in You I find my identity, ooh ohYou say I am loved when I can't feel a thingYou say I am strong when I think I am weakAnd You say I am held when I am falling shortWhen I don't belong, oh, You say I am YoursAnd I believe (I), oh, I believe (I)What You say of me (I)Oh, I believeTaking all I have and now I'm layin' it at Your feetYou'll have every failure God, You'll have every victory, ooh ohYou say I am loved when I can't feel a thingYou say I am strong when I think I am weakYou say I am held when I am falling shortWhen I don't belong, oh, You say I am YoursAnd I believe (I), oh, I believe (I)What You say of me (I)I believeOh, I believe (I), yes, I believe (I)What You say of me (I)I believe (oh)

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 2020-10-09#7 richard cz 2,527 $0.00 世界上的大音乐家肖邦、巴赫、莫扎特、贝多芬、亨德尔、李斯特等都是基督徒,他们创作的所有名曲灵感都来自伟大的造物主。 音乐作品与人的灵魂是契合的,作品就是生命!

如果不相信有神,人什么事都做得出来。------诺贝尔奖得主索尔仁尼琴 2020-10-09#8 richard cz 2,527 $0.00 中文版:千万个理由。

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