加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于上学的问题
有个问题要请教各位高人,我现在有点犹豫,有几个专业我有点犹豫不决,一个是营养学,一个是物流,还有一个是和旅游有关的专业。1。有人跟我说,在蒙城学university不如上college.是这样的吗?2。 这几个专业那个前途比较好3。学营养学,好找工作吗?可以找什么样的工作?哪些单位需要营养师4。如果想读Mcgill的营养学专业,需要什么条件
赏 2006-05-12#4 清 182 $0.00 你语言好么?我曾经问过一个朋友,为什么MCGILL那么难申请,他说MCGILL要看你在前几年是否在读书.如果脱离学校环境很久,人家肯定不收你的.不知道真假.我有打算读再教育.但是英语不合格.唉.营养学?不知道.我比较喜欢物流些.将来就算回国也好找工作
why not surfer the canadian official site to find which one is best demanded? my opinion: tourism is not a major to be learned, for u need to learn it by practice. logistics is a good major, wihich is also related to your formal major: IT. but i'm not sure whether this is a hot major. nurition is a good major too, but i guess u need to pass some professional exams to get the working permit. so i think logistics is good for u.but anyway, before your application, make sure there exists a great demand in working market.if not, try to find some jobs relative to IT. don't be frightened that you are not familiar with IT, since u had been working in gouvernement for a long time. i think that u can do a majority of works in this field. except some thing relative to system designer or project manager, the programmer will be an easy job for u if u work hard at the very beginning. this is the truth, i guess, that in school, they teach no big things, the real school is working. the same thing for language learning.
清凉月影 说:你语言好么?我曾经问过一个朋友,为什么MCGILL那么难申请,他说MCGILL要看你在前几年是否在读书.如果脱离学校环境很久,人家肯定不收你的.不知道真假.我有打算读再教育.但是英语不合格.唉.营养学?不知道.我比较喜欢物流些.将来就算回国也好找工作点击展开...我的英语不错,法语目前不是很好。我毕业后又上的二学历,2003年毕业的,这个时间算久的吗?
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