加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 8月10-13日老港的EXPOART MONTREAL的路线


我来发一个大家如何去以及这两天的时间表吧,大家有兴趣去看看吧,有很多艺术家的展位:Expo Art Montreal (Aug11―Aug 13) Aug10, Thur Opening Night (6:00pm---11:00pm) Ticket MustAug 11, Fri (noon to 10:00pm) FreeAug 12, Sat (noon to 10:00pm) FreeAug 13, Sun (noon to 8:00pm) Free LOCATION OF THE JACQUES-CARTIER PIERA.The entrance of the Jacques-Cartier Pier is reserved strictly for pedestrians. Vehicles access is by the Clock Tower Pier entrance only. B.If you’re coming from the South Shore over the Champlain bridge: take the Wellington exit and follow the directions for OldMontréal (Vieux-Montréal). The street that runs parallel to the Old Port is called de la Commune. Turn right at the intersection ofBonsecours and de la Commune. C.If you’re coming from the South Shore over the Vicotria Bridge: approximately one kilometre after the bridge, turn right onto rueMills (facing Costco). This street leads to de la Commune (after you cross a small canal). Turn right and, a little farther on, at theintersection of Bonsecours, you will see the entrance to the Clock Tower Pier. D.If you’re coming from the South Shore over the Jacques-Cartier Bridge: keep to the right as you exit the bridge and then turnright at the first traffic lights (Maisonneuve). Continue along this road, keeping to the left. You will cross Amherst and Saint-Hubertstreets, then turn left on Berri, which leads directly to de la Commune, in Old Montréal. Turn right then, at the first stop sign, turn left. E.If you’re coming from downtown: Berri, Saint-Urbain, de Bleury (du Parc, north of Sherbrooke), and McGill (Beaver Hall Hill, northof Viger) all lead to de la Commune, which runs parallel to the Old Port. The Clock Tower Pier is located at the intersection of de laCommune and Bonsecours. * Coming by metro?The Jacques-Cartier Pier is a few minutes’ walk from the Champ de Mars metro station. Walk toward Old Montréal (south) until youreach de la Commune. Turn right onto de la Commune until you reach Place Jacques-Cartier. 估计大家都会选最后一项,因为DOWNTOWN太难停车了!拉拉驹肯定深有体会:)

2006-08-11#2 zila 425 $0.00 今天下午专门去看了展览,主要是油画展,也有其他材料的画和雕刻品。 感觉游客比较多,真正的买家少。走了一圈居然没找到黑老师的地盘,回头时发现了,赫赫,百闻不如一见拉! 作品都是没得讲了,但是好象里面不能拍照的,一定要亲自去看看才行。还有个很深刻的感觉:作艺术家的托儿比较难。 只能不懂装懂,凑个人气还怕挡着其他人欣赏拉!


2006-08-12#4 拉拉驹 5,095 $0.00 偶去过了,儿子看中了一幅画呢。“天使在人间”也悬在那儿呢!

拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395 2006-08-12#5 wx77 2,054 $0.00 黑老师得空儿把PP发上来吧,大家都喜欢你的PP。

晕. 不能拍照的地方黑小子都可以拍. 上次在BERRI UQAM地铁那里的省立图书馆, 女儿特别喜欢那昆虫拉什么的, 问了工作人员:不可以拍哦。看到黑斑竹到处拍,感觉太过分拉!! 这不是胆大胆小的问题,而是遵纪守法的问题喽.

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