加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问大家现在用的上网费
bell Sympatico 的high speed 5M的月费多少钱啊?今天打电话给我报价前3个月29.95/月,签2年合同,后21个月35/月,都是税前价。这个是不是太贵了?大家的月费都是多少呢?可以参考下吗?在考虑要不要换掉bell Sympatico .
随枫66 说:bell Sympatico 的high speed 5M的月费多少钱啊?今天打电话给我报价前3个月29.95/月,签2年合同,后21个月35/月,都是税前价。这个是不是太贵了?大家的月费都是多少呢?可以参考下吗?在考虑要不要换掉bell Sympatico .点击展开...i'm paying the same price as yours.
BELL发给我的合同报价,供参考:By clicking the "Agree" link below you are confirming that the information above is correct and you are agreeing to subscribe to the Bell Sympatico High Speed Internet service under the following 12-month contract offer. Under the terms of this 12-month contract offer, you will receive your Sympatico High Speed Internet service at $0.00/month for the first month of your contract followed by the monthly rate $19.95/month for 5 months. The then current monthly rate (which is now $32.95 but subject to change from time to time) applies for the remainder of the term. A one-time activation/offer change fee of $35 also applies.This monthly rate includes internet access, modem rental, and 30GB per month combined download and upload bandwidth activity. Additional charges apply for excess bandwidth usage. Currently, additional bandwidth is $1.50/GB and is charged in increments of 100 MB (1024 MB = 1 GB) for a maximum of $30.00/month.Early cancellation of your Sympatico High Speed Internet service before the expiration of your 12-month contract period will result in an early termination charge of $100.00 being applied to your account.我之前免费试用过3个月(现在已没有这种促销),到期后询价,比较后选了这个PACKAGE,建议你直接打BELL客服,多问几种PACKAGE。
guway 说:BELL发给我的合同报价,供参考: By clicking the "Agree" link below you are confirming that the information above is correct and you are agreeing to subscribe to the Bell Sympatico High Speed Internet service under the following 12-month contract offer. Under the terms of this 12-month contract offer, you will receive your Sympatico High Speed Internet service at $0.00/month for the first month of your contract followed by the monthly rate $19.95/month for 5 months. The then current monthly rate (which is now $32.95 but subject to change from time to time) applies for the remainder of the term. A one-time activation/offer change fee of $35 also applies. This monthly rate includes internet access, modem rental, and 30GB per month combined download and upload bandwidth activity. Additional charges apply for excess bandwidth usage. Currently, additional bandwidth is $1.50/GB and is charged in increments of 100 MB (1024 MB = 1 GB) for a maximum of $30.00/month. Early cancellation of your Sympatico High Speed Internet service before the expiration of your 12-month contract period will result in an early termination charge of $100.00 being applied to your account. 我之前免费试用过3个月(现在已没有这种促销),到期后询价,比较后选了这个PACKAGE,建议你直接打BELL客服,多问几种PACKAGE。点击展开...谢谢大家的回复。今天给bell打电话,要了这种1年的合约。
Sorry that sometimes I can't input Chinese from this computer. 赏 2006-10-10#8 53 $0.00 我的是一年合同,前6个月19+,后6个月29+
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