加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息China F1 host in corruption probe
http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/10/18/china.f1.reut/index.html SHANGHAI, China (Reuters) -- A massive investigation of corruption in Shanghai has spread to the sporting world, implicating the host of the city's Formula One Grand Prix, state media said on Wednesday.Yu Zhifei, general manager of Shanghai International Circuit Co., was "assisting investigations" into a scandal involving the city's social security system and breaches of rules in running his company, the official Shanghai Securities News reported.The Chinese Grand Prix, last held early this month, is staged with government support on a $350 million track outside Shanghai which is operated by Shanghai International Circuit.Senior officials of the company, contacted by telephone, declined to comment on the report.A team of over 100 investigators is probing suspicions that some of Shanghai's social security funds, which total over 10 billion yuan ($1.26 billion), were siphoned off in illicit loans and investments.The scandal has implicated at least 10 city officials and businessmen, including the head of Shanghai's Communist Party Chen Liangyu, who was dismissed late last month.Yu, 54, is a flamboyant figure who moved from running a small manufacturing company to controlling a Shanghai soccer club before he took the racing job. He brought Manchester United to Shanghai to play against his club in 1999.The newspaper said Shanghai's holding of the Formula One race in future would not be jeopardized by the scandal. Authorities postponed summoning Yu for questioning until after this year's race to avoid affecting it, the newspaper added.Chen Liangyu was a major driving force behind the construction of two major sporting facilities in Shanghai, the race track and the $150 million Qi Zhong tennis center which hosts the prestigious Masters Cup tournament next month.
据上海证券报报道,上海知情人士透露,上海国际赛场有限公司总经理郁知非被有关部门传召,协助调查有关案情及上赛场运作中存在的问题。 早在今年9月下旬,即有消息传出,郁知非因涉及上海社保基金案,接受有关部门调查。但由于9月底至10月1日F1举办期间,负责F1工作的郁知非一旦不露面,将会影响F1的正常运行。因此,有关部门待F1结束后,才正式传召郁知非。 据此前苹果日报披露,郁知非有中国F1“父”之称、曾任上海申花足球俱乐部董事长、总经理,在陈良宇早年任职黄浦区区长期间,他曾任黄浦区事业单位局局长,两人关系良好。 “社保案”已经导致上海市委书记陈良宇下马,多人受牵连接受调查。 中国最大的国营工业企业之一上海电气集团股份有限公司周三(18日)公告,该公司高层管理人员徐伟因为涉嫌违反党纪,因此正在协助调查。 徐伟现时为上海电气集团内属下子公司上海输配电监事会主席、上海机电董事会副主席、上海电气财务公司董事及轨道交通发展公司监事,曾经长期负责上海电气总公司资产财务。 上海电气集团前董事长王成明、前副总裁韩国璋已经因为受到“社保案”牵连,涉嫌“严重违纪”被“双规”,接受调查。 郁知非简介 1952年出生于上海。 1969年从上海到黑龙江生产建设兵团当兵。 1978年回到上海读书、工作。 1983年创办三灵电机厂,申花集团和申花股份有限公司的前身。 1991年以20万元人民币将上海足球队从广东顺德神州热水器厂购回。 1994年就任上海申花足球俱乐部的董事长、总经理。 2001年在申花的最后一个主场,郁知非洒泪退出足坛。 2002年在这一年的5月,郁知非就任上海国际赛车场有限公司副总经理。
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