加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息各位XDJM,请问:蒙城有哪些英文报?中文报?



水清鱼读月,山静鸟谈天 2006-12-04#2 拉拉驹 5,095 $0.00 最喜欢看广告类中文报是《华侨新报》、《蒙城华人报》,最八褂的报是《星岛日报》,前两个是免费的,后一个是1元/份。唐人街的小店都有免费索取(当然前提是在店里买点东东才行)英文报偶只看图,不看文 抓车时有事没事开到最大声的是CBCNEWS广播电台,基本能听懂新闻了

拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395赞反馈:yuduyue 2006-12-04#3 yuduyue 382 $0.00 多谢, 加声望!看来中文报不少, 谢谢!

水清鱼读月,山静鸟谈天 2006-12-04#4 M 1,194 $0.00 英文报有GAZTTE,以前放学在VONDOM地铁免费拿,现在都没有了。想看得花钱了。

http://www.highwayhome.com/media/newspapersbycity/quebec/quebecnewspapers.html Quebec & Montreal Newspapers Language Location Telephone Brome County News English Knowlton 450-242-1188 Canadian Jewish News English Montreal 416-391-1836 Canoe French Montreal * Chomedey News English Laval 450-978-9999 Chronicle, The English Dollard des Ormeaux 514-685-4690 Cites Nouvelles French Montreal * Concordian, The English Montreal * Correo Canadiense Spanish Toronto 416-789-3100 Courrier Ahuntsic French Montreal * Courrier Bordeaux-Cartierville French Montreal * Courrier Frontenac French Thetford Mines 418-338-5181 Courrier Laval French Laval 450-759-3909 Cyberpresse French Montreal 514-285-7070 Eastern Door, The English Kahnawake 450-635-3050 Eastern Townshipper, The English Quebec-Vermont Border * El Chasqui Latino Spanish Montreal 514-374-2209 Equity, The English Shawville 819-647-2204 First Informer, The English Magdalen Islands 418-985-2100 Gaspe Spec, The English New Carlisle 418-752-5400 Greek Montreal Internews English Montreal 514-339-1002 Hour English Montreal 514-848-0805 Hudson Gazette English St Lazare 450-458-5482 Ici Montreal French Montreal 514-847-9155 Journal de Montreal French Montreal 514-521-4545 Journal de Quebec French Vanier 418-683-8886 Journal de Rosemont French Montreal * Journal L'Edition French St Leonard 514-257-1000 Journal le Plateau French Montreal * Journal L'Express d'Outremont French Montreal * Journal Nouvelles Hebdo French * * Journal PAMH French Montreal 514-728-3902 La Concorde French Montreal 450-974-2244 L'Action French Joliette 450-759-3664 Lakeshore Online English & French * * La Nouvelle & L'Union French Victoriaville 819-758-6211 La Presse French Montreal 514-285-7070 La Revue French Terrebonne 450-964-4444 La Voix de l'Est French Granby 514-285-7070 Le Bulletin Regional French Alma 418-668-4717 Le Canada Francais French St-Jean-sur-Richelieu 450-347-0323 Le Courrier de Saint-Hyacinthe French Saint Hyacinthe 450-773-6028 Le Devoir French Montreal 514-985-3399 Le Matinternet French Montreal * Le Nouvelliste French Trois-Rivieres 819-376-2501 Le Progres French Coaticook 819-849-9846 Le Quebecois Libre French Montreal * Le Quotidien French Chicoutimi 418-690-8800 Le Radar French Cap-aux-Meules 418-986-2345 Le Reflet French Delson 450-635-9146 Les Affaires French Montreal 514-392-9000 Le Soleil French Quebec City 514-285-7070 L'Etincelle French Windsor 819-845-2705 L'Eveil French Montreal 450-974-2244 Linfonet French St Eustache 450-974-2244 Log Cabin Chronicles English Ayers Cliff 819-876-2538 Low Down to Hull & Back News English Wakefield 819-459-3831 McGill Tribune English Montreal 514-398-6789 Montreal Community Contact English Montreal 514-489-4540 Montreal Gazette English Montreal 514-987-2222 Montreal Mirror English Montreal 514-393-3173 Montreal Newspaper Guild English Montreal 514-843-6621 Montreal Tribune English Montreal * Nord Info French Montreal 450-974-2244 Northshore Online English & French Northshore * Nouvelles Saint-Laurent French Montreal * Planete Quebec French Montreal * Point Net Communication French Montreal 514-392-4242 Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph English St Foy 418-650-1764 Quebec Community Newspapers Association English Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue 514-398-7706 Quebec Science French Montreal * Sherbrooke Record English Sherbrooke 819-569-6345 Stanstead Journal English Stanstead 819-876-7514 The Equity English Shawville 819-647-2204 The Senior Times English Montreal 514-484-5033 TMR Weekly Post English & French Montreal * Vision Chateauguay English Chateauguay 450-691-2320 Voice of Community, The Russian Montreal * Voir French Montreal 514-848-0805 Voir Quebec French Quebec 418-522-7777 WestIsland OnLine English & French West Island * Westmount Examiner, The English Montreal 514-481-7510 Related Links Montreal Directory @ HH Montreal Radio Stations Montreal TV Stations Montreal NightClubs News Bureaus

Newspapers - Chinese (Montreal)Da Ji Yuan Shi Bao = The Epoch TimesWeekly newspaper published beginning in 2000. Editions also published in Vancouver and Toronto.Locations: Library and Archives CanadaEast Wind see Hua Ch'iao Lun T'anThe Epoch Times see Da Ji Yuan Shi BaoHebdomadaire chinois see Xin Shi JieHua Chiao Hsin Pao = Les nouvelles chinoisesWeekly Chinese-language newspaper published beginning March 2, 1991.Locations: Library and Archives CanadaHua Ch'iao Lun T'an = East WindChinese-language newspaper published by the East Wind Club, from May 10, 1959 to December 1960. Superseded by Tung Feng.Locations: Library and Archives CanadaKuang Chi Ts'ung Monthly Chinese-language newspaper published about 1961. Locations: UnknownLes nouvelles chinoises see Hua Chiao Hsin PaoSino Weekly see Xin Shi JieTung FengChinese-language newspaper published by the East Wind Club, beginning January 1961. Supersedes Hua Ch'iao Lun T'an.Locations: Library and Archives CanadaXin Shi Jie = Hebdomadaire chinois = Sino WeeklyWeekly newspaper published beginning 2000. Locations: UnknownPhoto banner: Detail from VPL Historical Photograph 78362http://www.vpl.vancouver.bc.ca/ccg/Newspapers_Mon.html

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华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



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