我是中国人!――记今日VFS开学典礼 VFS开学典礼

天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 赏 2007-02-20#3

更多将军的生活图片故事 评《中国移民选择蒙特尔利的十大理由》 做不成华尔街股神 就做唐人街股神[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]包怀小伙子的文章写的好,每次都进来看看,夸的话就不多说了。 也为你骄傲,为国人争光。点击展开...谢谢!加拿大蒙城最有文化最有品位,蒙城的移友也最浪漫最有风度! 很奇怪,本网上看过一个主题,讲的是歧视中国人的问题(老外歧视华人,港台的歧视大陆的等等),可是我走到哪里从来都没感觉到歧视,相反,老外对中国很高看的,那颗不是虚的!在香港,处处遇到很客气的香港同胞,处处给与帮助,同时还真诚地道歉自己的过于讲不好――“对不起,我的国语很烂……”。
这是我写给老外朋友们的―― It's another rainy day in Vancouver. As always, no jetlag for me. I got up early this morning to attend the Orientation of VFS--the world-class Vancouver Film School. The Orientation was held at Tinseltown Theater in Chinatown, on the 3rd floor. I was sitting in the small theater together with about 100 students from all over the world--at least 60% of them were from outside of Canada! The school leaders gave truly exciting speeches and presentations of student productions, and constantly focused on "marketing" and "network" to prepare us right from the start to be successful on the marketplace one day, soon. After the meeting we took student ID photos, and a whole bunch of men and women walked up to talk to me, including a small dark and curly-haired guy from Chicago, a tall, smiling, young blond guy from Calgary, Canada, a tall, dark-haired reticent girl from Denmark, a short, round-faced blond girl born in Moscow, growing up in Canada and speaking Russian and fluent English, as well as dark-skinned East Indian girls and South American guys. There were also students from the Middle East and South Africa, which really surprised all of us, but most of the students were whites. Only a few were from East Asia, who were apparently the shyest, never having enough courage to socialize in a pool of aspiring would-be filmmakers. After taking photos, we walked to the school's cafe, to mingle, to socialize...I seized the opportunity to talk to a number of people, each unique. An older guy from Switzerland approached me, saying he had always wanted to learn an Asian language. He first started Japanese, but found it too difficult, and then switched to Mandarin, only to find it even more diffucult. Wondering where I was from, he guessed that I was from Thailand or the Philipines. I almost laughed out loud, correcting him that I was from Beijing, China. Like most of the other students and teachers, he was just more than thrilled, asking me all about how to learn Mandarin well! I also had an intense and highly intellectual conversation with our Student Service Manager Liz, a chubby and yet charming woman in her 50s, with three sons all in the film industry for Hollywood. Again, she was excited to hear that I was from Beijing, China, and stated that nowadays all the world was looking at China. She said enviously, "You are going to host 2008 Summer Olympics, and we we are going to host 2010 Winter Olympics." We switched from one topic to another, very inspiring, thought-provoking and very delightful. Liz also said to me with great emphasis that I was the only stylish student she'd ever seen, and that she would encourage every student at VFS to be stylish like me in one year! Later, my Chinese pals who came to the Orientation with me all regarded me as a patriotic national hero! What impressed me was that most white students were quite sociable, and yet the few Asian students were so shy and passive. I saw this young Japanese guy, with timid narrow eyes, standing alone in a corner the whole time... Nobody noticed his existence. It's a strange feeling to be someone of the minority, to be the only Chinese person. But I'm also a resourceful multicultural and international character. God knows I'm not shy and I like to stand out from a crowd, sooner or later!
baohuai 说:谢谢!加拿大蒙城最有文化最有品位,蒙城的移友也最浪漫最有风度....点击展开... 还是小心为妙, 别一出狗洞,就钻进狼窝.
baohuai 说:谢谢!加拿大蒙城最有文化最有品位,蒙城的移友也最浪漫最有风度! 很奇怪,本网上看过一个主题,讲的是歧视中国人的问题(老外歧视华人,港台的歧视大陆的等等),可是我走到哪里从来都没感觉到歧视,相反,老外对中国很高看的,那颗不是虚的!在香港,处处遇到很客气的香港同胞,处处给与帮助,同时还真诚地道歉自己的过于讲不好――“对不起,我的国语很烂……”。点击展开...没有见过经历过的,不代表就不存在,任何地方都有阴暗面和闪亮面,习惯就好。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。没有见过经历过的,不代表就不存在,任何地方都有阴暗面和闪亮面,习惯就好。点击展开... 好象还算懂道理似的.
海晟名程 说:好象还算懂道理似的.点击展开...知道蒙特利尔某书包厂事件吗?掩耳盗铃不可取,实事求是才是真。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 赏 2007-02-21#13

szshenhua 说:知道蒙特利尔某书包厂事件吗?掩耳盗铃不可取,实事求是才是真。点击展开...包厂事件最后怎样了。 光顾整理行装没看到最后结果。能否介绍一下?
luckystar168 说:请教VFS是哪个学校的简称啊,不好意思。点击展开...VFS是温哥华电影学校,www.vfs.com VFS is a post-secondary entertainment arts school. In just one intensive year at VFS you receive a comprehensive education balancing theoretical instruction and hands-on production. VFS is known as the studio that teaches.
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