加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Free transit April 28 and 29


Free transit April 28 and 29“To mark this important achievement, the STM Board of Directors agreed to give the public a first look by holding an Open Doors event on April 28 and 29 to celebrate the official opening of all three stations”, explained Mr. Trudel. “Transit users will have free access to the STM’s entire network so they can discover the new installations.” Information stands will be set up in various locations for the occasion, and teams of AMT, STM and STL representatives will be on hand to provide visitors with a variety of transit information.“From now on, our clients will benefit from a full range of transit services, including bus, metro and commuter trains. For us, that’s what providing better services means: working together to their advantage. And from our side, more than ever, our employees take pride in having to transport an entire city ! So, for the purpose of sharing in this momentous occasion with all Laval residents, STL transit will also be free on April 28 and 29,” emphasized STL Chairman, Jean-Jacques Beldié.For the STL, the extension of the métro’s Orange line was an opportunity to redesign their transit network, with an eye to converging upon the three new metro stations. As a result, 19 bus routes will head to Cartier station, 3 others will make a stop at de la Concorde station, and 14 routes will travel to Montmorency station. Consequently, the STL expanded the number of bus routes from 34 to 40, a 17.6% increase. The number of daily departures will rise to 2166 on weekdays, a 16.7% increase. On weekends, the numbers jump by 24.1% and 23.5% respectively, with 1339 departures on Saturdays and 1224 on Sundays.

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