加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息好消息,罢工结束了。
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。Important messageFollowing an agreement in principlebetween the STM and the Syndicatdu transport de Montréal (CSN),transit service is beinggradually resumed.Normal service on the entiremétro and bus networkshould be available as oftomorrow morning.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。是该结束了
拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395 赏 反馈:julieeric 2007-05-26#4 J 128 $0.00 回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。给echokao加sw,这么及时的消息,给与表扬。
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。怎么老是罢工,那不是说租住在地铁附件很不方便?
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。太棒了,这两天真是苦了我们了
settling in Montreal回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。ding
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。太好了!!
Nouveau Montréalaishttp://xingyu.canalblog.com回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。那里在罢工啊?
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。太好了
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。怎么老是罢工,那不是说租住在地铁附件很不方便?点击展开..."老是罢工"? 蒙城地铁通车今年是40周年, 这次是40年来第15次罢工. 平均3年不到1次.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。不知道明天博物馆日的免费公交专线开不开!蒙特利尔博物馆日免费向市民开放32个公共博物馆,如果公交罢工结束,政府将提供6条线路的免费穿梭巴士,往返于各大场馆之间.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。不知道明天博物馆日的免费公交专线开不开!蒙特利尔博物馆日免费向市民开放32个公共博物馆,如果公交罢工结束,政府将提供6条线路的免费穿梭巴士,往返于各大场馆之间.点击展开... 蒙城华人报上面有一则消息,“本周日博物馆日继续提供免费公车接送”, “每年五月的最后一周,是蒙特利尔一年一度的免费博物馆日,隶属于蒙特利尔博物馆管理董事会的博物馆免费向市民开放。上万蒙特利尔人在这一天游弋在各大小博物馆内,感受蒙特利尔的历史和文化魅力。今年有27间博物馆免费开放,比往年有所减少。由于本周五公交罢工结束,蒙特利尔公交公司(STM)将继续为参观展览的民众提供免费公车接送。本报列出了原定的六条免费巴士线上的各博物馆介绍,每条线上的博物馆有不少相距不远,希望给大家带来参考。周末地铁运营时间仅为早上6:00- 9:00,下午2:00 - 5:00。而各博物馆的开放时间为早上9:00-下午6:00。”所以,应该是有免费班车的。不过,对于最后得地铁周末运营时间,好像存有疑义。因为STM.INFO的主页上面写“As a result of an agreement reached between the STM and the Syndicat du transport de Montréal (CSN), all our regular service schedules are now in effect.” 照理说,regular service似乎应该包括正常时间的地铁运营时间才对.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。蒙城华人报上面有一则消息,“本周日博物馆日继续提供免费公车接送”, “每年五月的最后一周,是蒙特利尔一年一度的免费博物馆日,隶属于蒙特利尔博物馆管理董事会的博物馆免费向市民开放。上万蒙特利尔人在这一天游弋在各大小博物馆内,感受蒙特利尔的历史和文化魅力。今年有27间博物馆免费开放,比往年有所减少。由于本周五公交罢工结束,蒙特利尔公交公司(STM)将继续为参观展览的民众提供免费公车接送。本报列出了原定的六条免费巴士线上的各博物馆介绍,每条线上的博物馆有不少相距不远,希望给大家带来参考。周末地铁运营时间仅为早上6:00- 9:00,下午2:00 - 5:00。而各博物馆的开放时间为早上9:00-下午6:00。”所以,应该是有免费班车的。不过,对于最后得地铁周末运营时间,好像存有疑义。因为STM.INFO的主页上面写“As a result of an agreement reached between the STM and the Syndicat du transport de Montréal (CSN), all our regular service schedules are now in effect.” 照理说,regular service似乎应该包括正常时间的地铁运营时间才对.点击展开...刚看见,http://www.museesmontreal.org/site/museumsday.htmTHE 21st EDITION OF MONTREAL MUSEUMS DAY WILL OFFER FREE SHUTTLE TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN MUSEUMSMontréal, Friday, May 25, 2007, 4 p.m. ? The Montreal Board of Museums (MBM) announces that an agreement has been reached with the Société de Transport de Montréal (STM) to provide free shuttle bus transportation between museums on Sunday. The announcement follows the acceptance of the STM proposal by the STM employees.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。免费穿梭巴士分别为蓝,绿,淡紫,黄,红,紫6条专线与地铁四条颜色线路无关.启返程地点为蒙特利尔日报Journal de Montreal报社4545,rue Frontenac,运行时间为27日早9点至下午4点半.蓝色巴士线每10分钟一班,途经蒙特利尔医院博物馆,工业博物馆,大图书馆,魁北克电影博物馆,蒙特利尔现代艺术博物馆.绿色线每25分钟一班,Stewart Hall艺术厅,Lachine博物馆Guy-Descary文化展厅,加拿大国家历史景点Lachine皮毛交易所,Lachine博物馆.淡紫色每25分钟一班,二战大屠杀纪念馆,魁省艺术家博物馆.黄色线每10分钟一班,McCord加拿大历史博物馆,Redpath博物馆,美术博物馆,j加拿大建筑中心,天文馆.红色线每10分钟一班,Maison Saint-Gabriel博物馆与历史景点,Pointe-a-Calliere考古历史博物馆,历史中心,科学博物馆,Chateau Ramezay博物馆,Marguerite-Bourgeoys博物馆,George-Etienne Cartier加拿大历史景点.紫色线每10分钟一班,Chateau Dufresne博物馆,生态馆,爱国者监狱展览中心,Stewart博物馆, 加拿大环境生物圈.大家可以根据自己的兴趣选择参观,另外馆内会有些活动详情查讯网站
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。留着5月的月票, 到9月可以退3.50刀. http://www.stm.info/English/info/comm-07/a-co070525.htm We sincerely regret that clients have been deprived of the service to which they are entitled. We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this strike may have caused to our clientele and to the general population», indicated Mr. Trudel. «It is for this reason that I am going to recommend to the members of the Board of Directors that they approve the decision to compensate clients, as was done in 2003». At that time the STM paid compensation of $5.00 to holders of a regular monthly pass and $2.50 to holders of a reduced fare monthly pass for a strike that lasted seven days. Mr. Trudel is therefore asking clients to keep their May CAMs, as they will serve as proof for the eventual compensation that has been set at $3.50 (regular fare CAM) and $2.00 (reduced fare CAM). This measure would be implemented in September.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。4天的混乱生活+浪费的时间=3.5$加拿大人的时间真不值钱啊.
回复: 好消息,罢工结束了。留着5月的月票, 到9月可以退3.50刀. http://www.stm.info/English/info/comm-07/a-co070525.htm We sincerely regret that clients have been deprived of the service to which they are entitled. We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this strike may have caused to our clientele and to the general population», indicated Mr. Trudel. «It is for this reason that I am going to recommend to the members of the Board of Directors that they approve the decision to compensate clients, as was done in 2003». At that time the STM paid compensation of $5.00 to holders of a regular monthly pass and $2.50 to holders of a reduced fare monthly pass for a strike that lasted seven days. Mr. Trudel is therefore asking clients to keep their May CAMs, as they will serve as proof for the eventual compensation that has been set at $3.50 (regular fare CAM) and $2.00 (reduced fare CAM). This measure would be implemented in September.点击展开...多谢
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