加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?


在租房子过程中收到email,大家看看是不是‘尼日利亚’骗局 Thanks for your interest on my available aparment and it is my joy to hear from you. I'm Frank Donald by name, the owner of the house you are making enquiry of. Actually I resided in the house with my family, my wife and my only son before and presently we had packed due to my transfer on a missionary work to Nigeria and now i'm presently in Nigeria Presently my house is still available for rent for $750 and it's for the apartment with all the untensils you might need like: Microwave, toaster, stove... Refrigerator and freezer.TV, DVD,Video and HI-FI . Table Games and many moreMaps of town.No lockout.Daily clearing service.Monitoring videocamara.Internet Access 24 hours FREE. Pls i want you to note that, i want you to know that i spent alot on my house that i want to give for rent, so i will solicit for your absolute maintenance of this house and i want you to treat it as your own, hope you could understand me,it is not the money that is the main problem but want you to keep it tidy all the time so that i will be glad to see it neat whenever i come for a check up, i do that once in a while. I also want you to let me have trust in you as i always stand on my word. SO IF YOU ARE REALY INTeRESTED I WILL WANT YOU TO FILL THERENT APPLICATIONS FORMS BELOW. 1) Your Full Name2) Your present address & Phone Number3) How old are you?4) Are you married? 5) How many people will be living in the house? 6) Do you have a pet?7) Do you have a car?8) Occupation?9) What is your religion?10) How long are you stayingLooking forward to hear from you with all this details so that i can have it in my file incase of issuing the receipt for you and contacting you. Await your urgent reply so that we can discuss on how to get the document and the key to you, please we are giving you all this base on trust and again i will want you to stick to your words, you know that we do not see yet and only putting everything into God hand, so please do not let us down in this our property and may God bless you more as you do this. ​Location of the house : 1[FONT=宋体]陆[/FONT]. 3550 Lorne avenue. Montreal​Thanks and God bless you.Frank Donald

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?不清楚是否骗局,但我不喜欢与看不见的人士交易

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?有可能

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?没有听说著名的尼日利亚骗局被应用在住房领域吧?一般都是一笔巨额遗产或者油田矿山什么的,再怎么变化,要骗你的首期款也要超过数千美元以上吧? 这封信并没有提到钱的问题,所以暂时可以不必太怀疑。建议你去他写的那个地址看看,问问邻居是不是那个地方有房出租。 倒是我觉得写信人的遣词造句很不够商业客套,有点奇怪。 比如:用God bless you,这对信仰其他宗教的收信人来说,是一种可能的、危险的冒犯,在商业信函中没有人敢随便用上去。 还有: i want you to know that i spent alot on my house that i want to give for rent, so i will solicit for your absolute maintenance of this house and i want you to treat it as your own, hope you could understand me,it is not the money that is the main problem but want you to keep it tidy all the time so that i will be glad to see it neat whenever i come for a check up, i do that once in a while. I also want you to let me have trust in you as i always stand on my word. 这段絮絮叨叨地说要你好好对待他的房子,象朋友聊天,的确有点奇怪。 也许这个写信人受的教育不高吧!?

是骗局1) Your Full Name2) Your present address & Phone Number3) How old are you?4) Are you married? 5) How many people will be living in the house? 6) Do you have a pet?7) Do you have a car?8) Occupation?9) What is your religion?10) How long are you staying​点击展开...凡是有类似以上问题的就是骗局。先骗你的个人信息,如果发现你比较好骗,再骗你的钱。如果被你察觉骗不到钱,就把你的个人信息卖给垃圾邮件商,你就等着收更多的垃圾邮件吧。 我每天都收到这些邮件,内容竟然没有重复的,现在的骗子很有敬业精神,不再象以前那样搞COPY&PASTE,也不去抄其它骗子写的,每次都写新的。

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?怎么会让骗子知道你的邮箱了呢

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227凡是有类似以上问题的就是骗局。先骗你的个人信息,如果发现你比较好骗,再骗你的钱。如果被你察觉骗不到钱,就把你的个人信息卖给垃圾邮件商,你就等着收更多的垃圾邮件吧。 我每天都收到这些邮件,内容竟然没有重复的,现在的骗子很有敬业精神,不再象以前那样搞COPY&PASTE,也不去抄其它骗子写的,每次都写新的。点击展开... 这种解释有道理! 这封信的遣词造句太过诚恳亲切,不像未曾认识的人之间的客套,索要的个人资料又太过详细,楼主还是小心为好。

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?这是另一个email​as soon as you make the deposit, i will send the keys to you via DHL or UPS and all the neccessary documents to you with immediate effect and i'll get back to you with the tracking number so that you can track it on its arrival, so, i'll want you to email me your house address there in China for receiving the keys and document, and the name of the receiver of the keys and document. ​ let me know if i should email you the information for you to make the SECURITY FEE to via WESTERN UNION or MONEY GRAM, as soon as this fee as been confirmed, the keys and document will be send out to your address with immediate effect. ​​​​​​​​

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?这是另一个email​as soon as you make the deposit, i will send the keys to you via DHL or UPS and all the neccessary documents to you with immediate effect and i'll get back to you with the tracking number so that you can track it on its arrival, so, i'll want you to email me your house address there in China for receiving the keys and document, and the name of the receiver of the keys and document. let me know if i should email you the information for you to make the SECURITY FEE to via WESTERN UNION or MONEY GRAM, as soon as this fee as been confirmed, the keys and document will be send out to your address with immediate effect. ​ 点击展开...这要不是骗子,世界上就没骗子啦.不考察你的经济状况就把房子租给你,将来租客付不出钱来,房东岂不是要赔死?你要求见面付钱,保管他消失得比光速还快.

坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?Another Email: i have attached the rental application form for you to print out and fill your own part of the form, scan and send back to me via email.​​ the security deposit fee is $450, as soon as the security fee has been confirmed, all neccessary document will be send to the address you emailed me via DHL as i have make every neccessary enquiry from the DHL shiping company supervisor. ​​as soon as you are ready to make this payment, you will be making it directly on the shiping company supervisor information via Western Union so that the keys and document of the house will be send to you and the delivery will be well monitored by him, and i'll get back to you with the tracking number so that you can track everything on arrival. ​

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?Another Email: i have attached the rental application form for you to print out and fill your own part of the form, scan and send back to me via email.​ the security deposit fee is $450, as soon as the security fee has been confirmed, all neccessary document will be send to the address you emailed me via DHL as i have make every neccessary enquiry from the DHL shiping company supervisor. ​ as soon as you are ready to make this payment, you will be making it directly on the shiping company supervisor information via Western Union so that the keys and document of the house will be send to you and the delivery will be well monitored by him, and i'll get back to you with the tracking number so that you can track everything on arrival. ​点击展开...在考虑他是不是骗子之前,你先考虑考虑如果他是骗子,你有没有办法把钱要回来?这种人只要你把钱交给他,即使你报警你也永远别想把钱拿回来。750块租个House,还送家具,他随便在本地做广告,来住的能排一大溜,他为啥要费那个劲,到中国去找啊。别想占这个小便宜,你没有能力控制这件事。

坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?唉。。。。。。不是说了在国内租房很不靠谱的么。。。。。还真执著

登陆蒙特利尔4年了.......在租房子过程中收到email,大家看看是不是‘尼日利亚’骗局 Thanks for your interest on my available aparment and it is my joy to hear from you. I'm Frank Donald by name, the owner of the house you are making enquiry of. Actually I resided in the house with my family, my wife and my only son before and presently we had packed due to my transfer on a missionary work to Nigeria and now i'm presently in Nigeria Presently my house is still available for rent for $750 and it's for the apartment with all the untensils you might need like:Location of the house : 1[FONT=宋体]陆[/FONT]. 3550 Lorne avenue. Montreal​Thanks and God bless you.Frank Donald点击展开...警惕99% 是骗局或者可以去访问真正房主只是这个地址查不到3550 Lorne avenue. Montreal"Can't find the place you're looking for? Please let us know."http://www.multimap.com/maps/?&t=l&map=45.3412508913255,-66.0037155006818|12|4&loc=CA:45.3412508913255:-66.0037155006818:12#t=l&map=53.3904,-115.56734|3|4&hloc=CA|3550%20Lorne%20avenue,%20Montreal

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?警惕99% 是骗局 或者可以去访问真正房主只是这个地址查不到3550 Lorne avenue. Montreal"Can't find the place you're looking for? Please let us know."http://www.multimap.com/maps/?&t=l&map=45.3412508913255,-66.0037155006818|12|4&loc=CA:45.3412508913255:-66.0037155006818:12#t=l&map=53.3904,-115.56734|3|4&hloc=CA|3550 Lorne avenue, Montreal点击展开...用Google Map也没找到这个房子。估计就是个尼日利亚的黑人骗子,太不专业了,都没去过Montreal的那种。尼日利亚是个好地方,骗人不犯法,给个银行帐号就能替你把钱提光,还没人管。就是绑票挺多的,全国人民都失业,闲着没事互相绑票玩。

坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?大家说得对,这是一个没到过Montreal的Nigeria的骗子,他给了两个地址,3550 Lorne avenue. Montreal 和 Duluth St., intersection with Laval St.这不是同一个地址。​​​​

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?[FONT=宋体]最初我觉得这个[/FONT]Email [FONT=宋体]特别怪,很怀疑,因为只是在传说中听到[/FONT]Nigeria story, [FONT=宋体]就回了他几个[/FONT]email, [FONT=宋体]想看看这个骗局究竟是怎么玩的。如果大家看到与上面几封类似的[/FONT]email, [FONT=宋体]真的要警惕,[/FONT]Nigeria [FONT=宋体]的骗手已经伸到租房了。[/FONT]​

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?[FONT=宋体]最初我觉得这个[/FONT]Email [FONT=宋体]特别怪,很怀疑,因为只是在传说中听到[/FONT]Nigeria story, [FONT=宋体]就回了他几个[/FONT]email, [FONT=宋体]想看看这个骗局究竟是怎么玩的。如果大家看到与上面几封类似的[/FONT]email, [FONT=宋体]真的要警惕,[/FONT]Nigeria [FONT=宋体]的骗手已经伸到租房了。[/FONT]​点击展开...凡是陌生人要求通过西联这样的机构寄钱的,不论目的地在哪里,都是骗子。

坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?刚刚在网上看到与上面相似的一封Email,把它转贴在这里,大家看看,!!! Hello,Thanks for the email,want you to know that the listed apartment is still up for rent, and also Yes, My Husband Rev,Phillip Stordman jr, owned the house .and also want you to know that it was due to my husband immediate transfer on a christian mission to West Africa Nigeria that makes us to leave the house and also want to give it out for rent and looking for a respossible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time,and we are aswell looking out for someone who will take care of it as if it were its own,soon as it was been given out to him or her.So for now,Am here in Austin,TX, United State..... our new home and also with the keys of the house,we try to seek for an agent that we can hand the keys and the document over to before we left, but could'nt get anyone since we only have limited time, and as you already know that my husband is presently out in town on a christian mission transfer ,so i hope you will promise me to take a very good care of the house.So get back to me on how you could take care of our house or perhaps experiences you've had in renting homes.Hope you are okay with the utilities with hydro,heat laundry facilities,air condition, internet connection self contained laundry room with full-size washer/dryer. Hardwood throughout. Fireplace. Lots of storage in kitchen.Extensive walking paths just meters away and so on.I look forward to hearing from you ASAP, so that i can forward you an application to fill out and discuss on how to get the house for rent.Thanks and God Bless.Till I hear from you,Stay BlessedMrs Kathy Phillips jrfor the family.

回复: 这是不是‘尼尔利亚’骗局?他们出租的理由差不多都是到nigeria 或西非作基督传教工作,要求别人帮助看房,并保持房子干净!

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