加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大的社会现状!!



回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!知道的请回答

分分赞反馈:helenjoe 2007-10-27#3 ilovecanada 1,352 $0.00 回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!不知道听谁说的. 如果加拿大更腐败, 就不会有那么多受过高等教育有些良知的中国人要移民加拿大了.

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!是我的一位同行,在职务培训时候举了这么个加拿大的反面看法的,他也没去过加拿大,不是对否?

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!是我的一位同行,在职务培训时候举了这么个加拿大的反面看法的,他也没去过加拿大,不是对否?点击展开...不知道为何会有这样的职务培训? 什么职务来的?

燃??意思居 ?造更少框框的生活 赜盛由之而?回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!有可能的。

2005年12月北京递案!2008年5月6日变5(补料)!10月8日变12!10月13日签发ME! 11月1日上海瑞新体检!11月13日变7!09年4月26日瑞新补女儿体检!5月6日变8!5月25日变12!09年6月29日变13!7月6日CIC变DM!7月8日变17!2009年7月9日大信封!!![FONT=宋体][/FONT]回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!对,楼主说的非常非常的对,加拿大到处都是贪官污吏,政府收税不为老百姓办事儿,老百姓生病没钱看病,小孩上不起学。。。。。楼主以后不用再关心加拿大了,中国挺好。

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!哈哈,楼上说的好.

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!对,楼主说的非常非常的对,加拿大到处都是贪官污吏,政府收税不为老百姓办事儿,老百姓生病没钱看病,小孩上不起学。。。。。 楼主以后不用再关心加拿大了,中国挺好。点击展开...如此激愤?!

燃??意思居 ?造更少框框的生活 赜盛由之而?回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!一群加拿大的永远的雷波,而且还是小雷波能知道个啥呕.加拿大的福利好你们就好好的享受吧,激愤个啥呢? 加拿大的腐败你们这些小雷波这辈子也不会知道的.正是一个雷波知道个啥!

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!嘿嘿,国内的腐败对经济也是一种润滑剂啊。其他“金砖”(印度阿3、北极熊和巴西)的腐败也很嚣张啊。

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!网评员培训,鉴定完毕。

本ID暂停使用。回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!有话好好说嘛,这是干嘛呢?

燃??意思居 ?造更少框框的生活 赜盛由之而?一群加拿大的永远的雷波,而且还是小雷波能知道个啥呕.加拿大的福利好你们就好好的享受吧,激愤个啥呢? 加拿大的腐败你们这些小雷波这辈子也不会知道的.正是一个雷波知道个啥!点击展开...

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/护士如何在蒙城做回本行-我的经验与教训.146270/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/想上学-绝不可错过的两个网站.125589/http://forum.iask.ca/threads/你能免掉多少college-课?-我先撞墙得到的珍贵经验.421342/回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!哈哈

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!没觉得。起码和老百姓接触到的官员们不腐败。比如区政府里的mayor和councillor的收入和补贴都是公开的,写在发给每个居民的刊物里,薪水也很一般。大学里的收费每一项都是列在网上的,说明用途,精确到分,一开学就交了,不会再交什么。单位里公款吃喝挺少的,让人觉得不如在国内爽,也根本不会发实物。平时也就免费给吃点水果cheese软饮料之类,偶尔给吃一两顿烤鸡翅和pizza(一年间<5次),只有圣诞大餐上得了台面。就这还算好的了,起码一半以上的单位比我们更差。

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!加拿大可腐败了, 有好些腐败分子呀 不过, 大部分是从其他国家来这里避难的

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!今天刚听说,加拿大比中国更腐败,学校乱收费很严重,有这事吗?点击展开...中国能做到加拿大的十分之一,中国就算清廉国家了.加拿大正规学校从不乱收费.

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!这篇谈的所谓政府腐败在中国各级政府普遍存在,如社保案等.看看审计署的报告就知道了.但在加拿大,有腐败政党和政府就得下台接受调查. Government Corruption in Canada As a Canadian I am not surprised that the current government in Canada (Liberal Party) led by Prime Minister Paul Martin is about to topple amid allegations of corruption and abuse of power involving hundreds of millions of dollars. The Adscam probe into allegations of misappropriation of funds by government officials and cronies who had access to Sponsorship Program funds has been blown wide open by testimony (publication ban) from Jean Brault president of the ad agency Groupaction. Former employees of Groupaction have indicated in the past that the ad agency has been involved in money laundering and drug trafficking though those allegations have yet to be proved. Brault has testified that he met with a key aide to former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien in an effort to ensure that Groupaction was able to obtain huge amounts of federal advertising dollars. The aide, Jean Carle than met with federal bureaucrat Chuck Guite where the two of them discussed putting together a program that would guarantee that five Liberal party connected firms including Groupaction, a monopoly on government sponsored sporting or cultural events and other related work. It should come as no surprise that the sponsorship program became a slush fund worth $250 million, of which $100 million was distributed in the payment of fees and commissions to the five firms who oversaw the program in Quebec. Other notable figures to testify in the Gomery Inquiry also include Alfonso Gagliano, a former Public Works ministry official and ambassador to Denmark. It is alleged that the former Labour Minister and Deputy House Leader is a longtime soldier in the Bonanno crime family and was their made man in Montreal. The FBI concurs that investigations and interviews with a reputed mobster have indicated that Gagliano has mafia connections in both the US and Canada. Prime Minister Paul Martin(Liberal Party leader) has done his best to shield himself from accusations swirling around the Sponsorship Program by appointing the Gomery Commission to investigate the allegations of mismanagement and misuse of federal monies. It should also be noted that a lot of the misappropriated funding eventually made its way back to Liberal coffers (an election war chest) via campaign contributions that some employees of Groupaction insist they were strong-armed into giving. Though some employees were re-imbursed for their contributions from the sponsorship fund via bonuses for work supposedly done on behalf of the sponsorship program, the intent to defraud the program and Liberal party kickbacks is obvious. Paul Martin (as well as Jean Chrétien) and his Liberals have become an embarrassment to the electorate in Canada. To suggest that Paul Martin hasn't been a bit player (he may have played an even bigger role) in this multi-million dollar scandal is a slap in the face to all Canadians who expected more integrity and honesty from a party and it's leaders that has been allowed to rule the country for the past 15 years. The end of Liberal rule in Canada is on the horizon and anybody who supports this type of government should reconsider electing Paul Martin and his Liberals for another term. It's time to come to grips with the fact the Liberal Party of Canada is only acting in it's own best interests and not the best interests of Canada and it's taxpayers. Heads should roll. Paul Martin, Jean Chrétien and the Liberal party should be held accountable for their actions now. Please visit Roadkill for background and up-to-date information regarding corruption in the Canadian government.

回复: 加拿大的社会现状!!任何国家的腐败和中国比起来那真的是不算什么!

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