Allo, I am searching for a good and valuable online trading software, cause the brokerage is quite expensive, at least 28.95/transaction(NBDB). Any suggestion? I've heard of some online trading platforms which will charge a monthly fee quite reasonable, but it is always douting how they will charge you. So I came here for advice again, really hoping you guys can help me out... Merci!
回复: searching for a good online trading software有没有类似scot trade之类的玩意儿,手续不要太复杂,请过来人赐教,谢谢
回复: searching for a good online trading softwareAllo, I am searching for a good and valuable online trading software, cause the brokerage is quite expensive, at least 28.95/transaction(NBDB). Any suggestion? I've heard of some online trading platforms which will charge a monthly fee quite reasonable, but it is always douting how they will charge you. So I came here for advice again, really hoping you guys can help me out... Merci!点击展开...etrade.ca
一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢! 赏 反馈:vickyzyd 2008-04-25#4
11,823 $0.00 回复: searching for a good online trading softwareetrade, i've heard it once. I will take a further look at it, thanks!评论
回复: searching for a good online trading software好象网上交易市场价都是每笔29刀左右(确实不便宜). 不过很多公司都有Active Trader计划了, 只要交易量多或资产多都可以享受9.99刀/笔的. 做option(期权)要稍贵一点.
回复: searching for a good online trading softwareetrade.ca looks good.. but you have to pay fees when you withdraw the money from your account. That feeling is bad.. in general, it costs a lot cheaper than using bank brokerage(NBDB). I think I am gonna to try that..
回复: searching for a good online trading software好象网上交易市场价都是每笔29刀左右(确实不便宜). 不过很多公司都有Active Trader计划了, 只要交易量多或资产多都可以享受9.99刀/笔的. 做option(期权)要稍贵一点.点击展开...etrade.ca 和 questrade.ca都是4.99 - 9.99 不需要你是active trader的。只有大银行的broker才会那么贵
一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢!etrade.ca 和 questrade.ca都是4.99 - 9.99 不需要你是active trader的。只有大银行的broker才会那么贵点击展开...etrade确实比较便宜, 但基本上都是羊毛出在羊身上, 听说好象etrade的service charge比较高, 比如statement也收费之类. 没用过不知道. 不过etrade的股票是跌了不少.
回复: searching for a good online trading softwareThanks a lot!
回复: searching for a good online trading softwareetrade确实比较便宜, 但基本上都是羊毛出在羊身上, 听说好象etrade的service charge比较高, 比如statement也收费之类. 没用过不知道. 不过etrade的股票是跌了不少.点击展开...应该会有e-statement,至少questrade是有的,不收费
一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢!回复: searching for a good online trading softwareWhat is e-statement? I am beginner, thank you. I think I will try «questrade». I seems to me that there are less limitations with «questrade» than «etrade». Agree?
回复: searching for a good online trading software«eStatement delivery is the electronic PDF delivery of your account statement that you can view, download, save or print at your convenience.»ok, I see. I thought it is free everywhere.
回复: searching for a good online trading softwareetrade.ca 和 questrade.ca都是4.99 - 9.99 不需要你是active trader的。只有大银行的broker才会那么贵点击展开...http://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/04/020604.asp Here it is the definition of active trading. I guess people who do active trading are called active trader, am I right?
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