加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招
)面对一波波的物价飞涨及油价飙升,如何节约能源已成了人人所关心的话题。在此提供您10种省油妙招,除了帮助您看紧自己的荷包,更能为环境保护尽一份心力。 1. 保持车速稳定:行驶于平坦的公路上时,启动恒速行驶装置除了可保持平稳的行车速度,更有助于省油。不过在爬坡时,则不建议启动恒速行驶装置,因为爬坡时使用恒速装置,反而会导致引擎为了保持一定行驶速度而更加耗油。 2. 避免空车运转:车辆空转时,平均每一小时就会耗上一加仑的汽油。因此,当您因塞车而卡在路上时,不如停下车,找个地方休息一下吧。 3. 减轻车辆的负重:车子的装载量愈轻,越能节省燃料。如欲装设拖车、单车或其它用具,也应将其以支架固定在车尾,才能将风阻力减到最小。 4. 注意特惠活动:数百家饭店以及旅社均提供顾客免费油票。例如万豪酒店(Marriott Hotel )、希尔顿饭店(Hilton) 与假日大饭店 (Holiday Inn)等,均提供这类服务。 5. 善用周边商品:购买扫瞄者二代( ScanGauge II),可让您及时掌握车子运行中的耗油量。此外,一些导航系统,如Garmin、Magellan与TomTom等,均具有掌握附近加油站油价的功能,让您随时有最经济实惠的选择。 6. 轻踩油门,保持良好的行车习惯:开车习惯也会影响到车子的耗油量。猛踩油门,或车速过快,都会让车子的行驶哩程数大打折扣。此外,穿着平底鞋也能使您在加速与刹车的操作上,更加得心应手,也更能兼顾省油效益与安全性。 7. 减低冷气的使用:气温在26°C以下时,避免使用空调,便可节省10%以上的耗油量。 8. 慎选代步工具:机车的耗油量较汽车低,而单车更是零耗油的交通工具。建议可多加选择此类工具代步。全家单车旅游或机车露营也都是不错的选择。许多露营区都非常鼓励游客骑乘机车或单车前往渡假。 9. 使用大众交通工具:不仅省钱,也更能达到节约能源、保护环境的功效。此外,汽车共乘制在近来也随着油价飙涨而大受欢迎,也是个很不错的选择。 10. 使用汽车租借服务:某些企业及廉价商店,均提供丰田Yaris的租借服务。Yaris不仅外观可爱,行驶于高速公路时还可达到每加仑35英里(mpg)。虽然后车厢的行李空间不大,但与一般标准规格的汽车相比,可省油50%。 还想知道更多的省油妙招吗? 还有更多的省油妙招,可至http://ecomodder.com/网站查寻。
回复: 省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招车窗不要开得太大,这样风阻减少,应该也可以省油。
回复: 省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招车窗不要开得太大,这样风阻减少,应该也可以省油。点击展开...最好办法就是不开车。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。最好办法就是不开车。点击展开...so you gonna give me your caravan as free gift?
回复: 省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招so you gonna give me your caravan as free gift?点击展开...你哪看得上我那驹,3.3升耗油啊。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。你哪看得上我那驹,3.3升耗油啊。点击展开...no problem, i can take it as long as u give. anyway mine is 3.3 as well, Toyota sienna is more oil-efficient.
回复: 省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招no problem, i can take it as long as u give. anyway mine is 3.3 as well, Toyota sienna is more oil-efficient.点击展开...所以我平常不开,周末买买菜,估计比你耗油的还是少很多。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。所以我平常不开,周末买买菜,估计比你耗油的还是少很多。点击展开...how do u send your daughter to daycare?
回复: 省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招zt from cbcIn DepthPersonal transportationGas saving tipsWhat works … and what doesn'tThere's nothing like gasoline prices at well over $1 a litre to get people thinking about ways to save money at the pumps. Motorists hate it when gas prices rise and many refuse to believe that it's simply supply and demand at work. Your View:Gas saving tipsIt's almost a national sport — monitoring changes in the price of gas, hoping to time that fill-up to take advantage of the lowest available price. Most Canadians will drive an extra few blocks just to save a few tenths-of-a-cent per litre of gas. If you pumped 40 litres into your car's gas tank every week, a savings of half a cent a litre would net you enough to buy a large coffee — in about two months. Hurricane Katrina sent gasoline prices soaring to an average of $1.265 per litre in September 2005, shattering previous price records for the fuel. Almost a year after the storm, prices remained stuck at more than $1 a litre on average across the country, ranging from a low of 86.2 cents a litre in parts of southern Ontario to a high of $1.301 in Labrador City. A milder-than-normal winter of 2006-07 sent the price of crude oil back below $60 a barrel. Gasoline prices followed the downward trend, at times dipping below 70 cents a litre in some markets. But that was short-lived as the price of oil resumed its upward path for much of 2007. By Jan. 2, 2008, a barrel of oil fetched $100 for the first time. And gas prices kept rising. On Apr. 14, a litre of regular unleaded gas sold for an average of $1.185 across the country — the second-highest level ever. Drivers will dutifully consult websites devoted to finding the lowest prices in their area and will then drive kilometres out of their way to join the inevitable line to fill up. It seems there are few things more satisfying than buying a tankful of cheap(er) gas. Avoid jack-rabbit starts and hard brakingSeveral studies say driving without a lead foot results in the most significant gas savings of all. A European study cited by Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency found that rapid acceleration from stoplights and hard braking reduced travel time by just four per cent in city driving – the equivalent of just over a minute every half-hour – but resulted in a 37 per cent jump in fuel consumption and a five-fold increase in toxic emissions. Edmunds.com, a U.S.-based automotive website, also put this tip to the test four times in November 2005 and found similar savings to be had. "Chances are you've got hybrid-style mileage in your gas pedal foot," the testers concluded. Their recommendation: "Stop driving like a maniac." Slow down on the highwayThe speed limit on most Canadian highways is 100 kilometres an hour. But motorists who keep to that speed find they are passed by most of the traffic. Tests show they'll also have better gas mileage. The Canadian Automobile Association and Natural Resources Canada say it takes 20 per cent more fuel to go the same distance at 120 kilometres an hour than it does at 100 km/h. In their tests, Edmunds.com found gas savings averaged 12 per cent when they went 65 mph rather than 75. Use cruise controlTesters at Edmunds.com said they hadn't expected cruise control to save much gas but were surprised when they saw the results. Their tests showed an average saving of seven per cent. Natural Resources Canada and Edmunds.com both say that cruise control doesn't save on steep hills. "In hilly terrain, it's more fuel efficient to let your speed drop going uphill and build it up again going down the other side," the Natural Resources Department says. Don't idle excessively"Excessive idling (like warming up your vehicle on a cold day) wastes a lot of gas and can be hard on your engine," the CAA says. Natural Resources Canada agrees with that. It suggests that if you're going to be stopped for more than 10 seconds (except in traffic), turn off the engine. Edmunds.com found that when its testers drove a 16-kilometre route and stopped 10 times for two minutes each time, they used 19 per cent less gas when they shut off the engine rather than let it idle. Minimize air-conditioning useThe experts part company slightly on this one. The CAA advises motorists to use their AC "sparingly." So too does Natural Resources Canada's website, which advises people to instead use their flow-through ventilation on the highway and open a window when driving in the city. Edmunds.com, however, wasn't completely convinced. Its testers drove almost 100 kilometres in two cars at just over 100 km/h – one had the A/C on and the windows up, and one had the A/C off and the windows down. "The effect [of having the A/C on] appears to be fairly minimal in modern cars," it said. Keep tires properly inflatedNatural Resources Canada estimates that each tire that is under-inflated by two pounds per square inch causes a one per cent increase in fuel consumption. "Check your tires' pressure regularly, especially after a sharp drop in the temperature," the CAA advises. Edmunds.com agrees that proper tire pressure is important, but more for safety reasons than fuel economy. It found "no measurable effect" on the vehicles it tested. Beware of gadgets, gizmos, or additives that claim to improve gas mileageYou've seen the ads. "Get 27 per cent better fuel economy with [fill in the blank]." A few years back, CBC's Marketplace took a look at something called the Platinum Vapour Injector that promised to save its users an average of 22 per cent in fuel costs – all for just $270. Marketplace tested the device and found it failed to live up to its billing. The federal Competition Tribunal agreed, and fined the company and its owners $125,000 for deceptive marketing practices. It seems obvious that if there really was a $270 device that could lead to such gas savings that every carmaker in the world would install it as standard equipment. But many motorists fell for the advertising claims and paid up. The Competition Bureau is pursuing cases against several other companies that also claim to have invented some kind of miracle fuel saver.
回复: 省油大作战 教您十个省油妙招how do u send your daughter to daycare?点击展开...走路啊,很近的。
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