加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震
??院汶川地震?家委??成?滕吉文日前表示,中?境?在15年?有可能办生多次7?以上地震。他解?,近年全球8?以上的地震办生的铎率锢著增加,中?又?於世界上?大地震活??的控制??,地震是不可避免的。他建阻?家把房屋抗震烈度增至9度(修??加利烈度,最高?12度)。相晷新?刊A2、21??方咀和人民咀?道,在上周六佩揠的中?科?陪人文??上,中?科?院院士、??院汶川地震?家委??成?滕吉文办表嘱?指出,本世硷以?全球地震「咄咄逼人」,2001年起办生了6次8?以上地震,2004年的趟樵答拍地震更哌9.1?,都在?太平洋地震?和喜褚拉雅地震?(?表)出?,而中??土正跨越了呃??地震?。?土跨越?高危地震?滕吉文根??年??得出,全球地震已咄入新一?活苡期,在?南?及附近地?尤其集中,他估?在中?境?,15年?有可能办生多次7?以上地震。滕吉文帐?,腠然地震盍?十分困膣,但不?因此而停止探索,他建阻加??肴?戌交流陪合作,「地不分南北?西,人不分?????外,都能使用?器韵?,?取愚?儋料」。天?始剿避?可避,滕吉文建阻提高房屋抗震程度?防止「人?」。滕吉文帐?,建郝物防震的烈度?提高到9度,建郝造??因此而提高10至15%。他真,??重建工作需要?咿?篦怎?、啉址、啉材、建韵等肓段,大概需要3年?殓完成,其中重建啉址至?晷嫔,「呃?(重建)地方必??咿??的地震烈度怎?」,?需全面整查地冱?造,包括山泥??和堰塞湖未?锾胝。另外,中?工程院院士、?州大?工程抗震研究中心主任周福霖亦帐?要?未?的地震作??。他真,唐山、汶川?次大地震都办生在原本判定的「中低烈度?」,因此房屋的抗震??不足,唐山的建郝物抗震??是6度,汶川??是7度,但呃次地震烈度哌11度,造成?重房屋?,「?可有??震,不要??而震」。?可有??震 不要??而震?加利地震烈度(Mercalli intensity scale)是量度地震?某一特定地?所受影?的量度?位。由地震?地面建郝物受破?程度、地形地貌改?、人的感迂等宏愚?象判定。目前所用的是「修??加利地震烈度」,分1至12度,5度或以上才?造成破?,烈度?因?愚?地?不同而?。
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震还是远离地震带吧
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。还是远离地震带吧点击展开...but u said that u will go back to china after retirement no?
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震远离地震带?难道会人为造成一个无人区?
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震but u said that u will go back to china after retirement no?点击展开...中国也不是处处都是地震
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。中国也不是处处都是地震点击展开...problem is u never know where gonna be the next one.
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震problem is u never know where gonna be the next one.点击展开...problem is u never know where gonna be the next one on the Earth.
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震EarthquakesDid the disciple experience earthquakes in their life time? Yes, they did. Tacitus mentions earthquakes at Rome. He wrote, "Frequent earthquakes occurred, by which many houses were thrown down," and "twelve populous cities of Asia fell in ruins from an earthquake." Seneca, writing in the year 58 A. D., said, "How often have cities of Asia and Achaea fallen with one fatal shock! How many cities have been swallowed up in Syria! How many in Macedonia! How often has Cyprus been wasted by this calamity ! How often has Paphos become a ruin! News has often been brought us of the demolition of whole cities at once." In 60 A.D., Hierapous, Colosse, and Laodicea were overthrown from earthquakes. There were earthquakes in Crete, Apamea, Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, Samos, and Judea. Earthquakes in diverse places! History records earthquakes in Crete 46AD, Rome 51AD, Apamaia 53AD, Laodicea 60AD, and Campania 62AD. The Bible records earthquakes in divers places after Jesus' prediction and before 70AD (Mat.27:51; 28:2, Acts 16:26). In spite of what Jesus said, "The end is not yet," many today take this passage out of context and speak ignorantly about "The signs of the times," trying to show that this battle, serious earthquake, or devastating famine is a sign of Christ's imminent return. ALL these things happened in the time prior to AD 70 and the fall of Jerusalem. They are not signs! As we look back over history, when has there been a time when there were not wars, famines, pestilence and earthquakes? These things are not signs. Jesus said to his disciples that these things are the "beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:8), not the end. The phrase "beginning of sorrows" could be translated "birth pains." This image is sometimes used in the Old Testament simply to express great pain; but it is often used of a woman in pain of child birth. In Isaiah 13:8; 26:17; Jeremiah 4:31; 6:24; Micah 4:9-10, it is used almost as a special term for "the birth pains of Messiah." In our passage it speaks of the period of distress preceding the return of Christ in AD 70. Its use here is expressly chosen to denote the birth pains of a new world. Let's look at how Jesus uses this phrase in John 16:16. The disciples question Jesus about his statement (John 16:17-19): Jesus explains himself in John 16:20-23. The disciple would be sorrowful during the Lord's absence but their sorrow would turn to joy at his return. This idea of a woman in labor is used for the suffering that precedes the coming of the Lord in his kingdom (Micah 4:9-10). Jesus said, "All these are the beginning of sorrows." They were not signs to the disciples and they are not signs today. They did not signal the end, but stretches over the entire period between the Lord's Ascension and Second coming.
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震let's look at what the Bible says about earthquakes. First of all, Jesus only uses the word "earthquakes" three times in Scripture. They are all found in the Gospels in parallel accounts. Matthew 24:7 (NKJV) "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震The number and intensity of earthquakes this century is at a level higher than any other time in history. A staggering number of seismic events occur around the world daily. The earthquake seismic monitor IRIS shows all major earthquakes for the last year. Indicated by yellow and red circles, the seismic events of the last 15 days provides strong evidence of the fulfillment of Matthew 24:7 in our day. By contrast, in the years from 1890 to 1900 there was only one major earthquake in the world.
回复: ?家倡提高房屋抗震?? 中?料15年?理有?震
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