加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教哈哈儿
回复: 请教哈哈儿不能读本科以上的文凭,(training和法语都可以)最低工资的支票工,EI的金额也不高,还不如aide sociale的钱多,建议还是先拿这个,等到工资高了,再考虑EI。最低工资支票工的EI真得很少啦,估计不太够用,不过念书的时候也是可以打工的。至于说daycare,还是很好的工作,至少比在工厂里好的多,建议作一段时间,调整一下。俺最喜欢小孩了,有一堆小孩可以当玩具的工作真好。。。。
我们本是良民,上进之路被尔等堵死,还被贪官盘剥衣食不全,只得乞食外邦,今你骂我是汉奸,我却看你是国贼。回复: 请教哈哈儿记得把银行存款处理了,哪个才真的影响L&B的申请呢
我们本是良民,上进之路被尔等堵死,还被贪官盘剥衣食不全,只得乞食外邦,今你骂我是汉奸,我却看你是国贼。回复: 请教哈哈儿存款应该是不影响的,只有收入以及配偶收入会影响。有孩子会多一些。
随遇而安回复: 请教哈哈儿谢谢哈哈儿,SW没加上,以后一定补上!请问什么是aide social,什么条件可以申请?读书时可以申请吗?如果工作时间超过910小时,对领EI有影响吗?问题多了点,麻烦你了!
回复: 请教哈哈儿http://www.mess.gouv.qc.ca/
我们本是良民,上进之路被尔等堵死,还被贪官盘剥衣食不全,只得乞食外邦,今你骂我是汉奸,我却看你是国贼。回复: 请教哈哈儿收到,正在认真研读!谢谢!
回复: 请教哈哈儿有人找不到,看来我还是全部转过来好了http://www.mess.gouv.qc.ca/solidarite-sociale/programmes-mesures/assistance-emploi/prestation-de-base_en.aspThe following are the adult employment-assistance benefit amounts, depending on your situation as at January 1, 2008. Social Assistance Program(1) Category Basic benefit(3) Temporarily limited capacity allowance QST Amount Total Amount Excluded work income 1 adult(2) No limitations $551 $0 $24.33(4) $575.33 $200 Temporarily limitations $551 $117 $24.33(4) $692.33 $200 1 spouse of student No limitations $152 $0 $14.50 $166.50 $200 Temporarily limitations $152 $117 $14.50 $283.50 $200 1 independent adult admitted to a shelter or required to live in an establishment for social reintegration purposes or 1 minor adult sheltered with his or her dependent child $179 $0 $0 $179 $200 2 adults(2) No limitations $854 $0 $29 $883 $300 Temporary limitations $854 $201 $29 $1 084 $300 2 adults in different situtations 1 adult with no limitations and 1 adult with temporary limitations $854 $117 $29 $1000 $300 2 adults with temporary limitations, of which 1 adult is not entitled to the temporarily limited capacity allowance(2) $854 $117 $29 $1000 $300 Social Solidarity Program (1) Categories Social Solidarity Allowance QST Amount Total Amount Excluded work income 1 adult $838 $24.33(4) $862.33 $100 1 spouse of a student $424 $14.50 $438.50 $100 1 independent adult admitted to a shelter or required to live in an establishment for social reintegration purposes or 1 minor adult sheltered with his or her dependent child $179 $0 $179 $100 2 adults $1253 $29 $1282 $100 Note 1:These amounts cover the adults’ basic needs. Other amounts may be added as adjustments for dependent children of minor or major age, or as special benefits.Note 2:If you are involved in an employment assistance measure or social assistance and support program administered by Emploi-Québec, in addition to your benefit, you could receive an employment assistance allowance or support allowance. If you are entitled to one of these allowances, however, you may not receive the temporarily limited capacity allowance at the same time.Note 3:The basic benefit under the Social Assistance Program, which is granted to an independent adult, family or spouse of a student who lives with his parents, is reduced by $100 per month or, in the case of the spouse of a student, by $50 per month, except in the situations specified in the Regulation respecting individual and family assistance.Note 4: If you share your dwelling with a person other than a dependent child, the QST amount is $14.50 instead of $24.33.
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