加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息考试报名怎么还要求不用VOUCHER和PROMOTIONS付费


考试报名怎么还要求用VOUCHER和PROMOTIONS付费,请指教这是什么东东我报名参加一个考试,登陆报名网站,得知,只有两种方法付费,一种叫VOUCHER,一种叫PROMOTIONS,并且VOUCHE还要求不能用全是数字的卡号,弄得我更是一头雾水,请高人指点一下,怎么才能交钱。谢谢。<H2>VoucherTo use a voucher for payment, enter the number and click Apply Voucher. If the voucher is valid, your Total Due amount above will be adjusted. Voucher Number: You may use one voucher per order, and a voucher may be used only to pay for an exam appointment. Valid voucher numbers consist of both letters and numbers; if your voucher number contains only numbers, please contact for assistance.​PromotionsTo use a promotion code for payment, enter the code and click Apply Promo Code. If the code is valid, your Total Due amount above will be adjusted. Promotion Code: If you have multiple promotion codes, enter one code and click the button. Then enter another code and click the button.​</H2>

2)团聚移民申请类别:团聚3)团聚签证审批中心:北京4)寄出申请材料日期:2012-01-255)申请材料签收日期:2012-01- 266)申请确认电邮日期:2012-03-26,FN回复: 考试报名怎么还要求不用VOUCHER和PROMOTIONS付费,请指教这是什么东东顶一下

2)团聚移民申请类别:团聚3)团聚签证审批中心:北京4)寄出申请材料日期:2012-01-255)申请材料签收日期:2012-01- 266)申请确认电邮日期:2012-03-26,FN回复: 考试报名怎么还要求用VOUCHER和PROMOTIONS付费,请指教这是什么东东To use a voucher for payment, enter the number and click Apply Voucher. If the voucher is valid, your Total Due amount above will be adjusted. Voucher Number: You may use one voucher per order, and a voucher may be used only to pay for an exam appointment. Valid voucher numbers consist of both letters and numbers; if your voucher number contains only numbers, please contact for assistance.​Voucher:收据,凭单,优惠券 用优惠券付费,输入(优惠券)号码并点击"Apply Voucher键".如果是有效的优惠券,你的应付总额将会被调整(就是说应付款-优惠额). 购买(order)一次只能用一个优惠券,而且优惠券只能用来付考试费.有效的优惠券号码包含数字和字母,如果你的优惠券号码只有数字,请向(我们)寻求帮助. Promotions促销 To use a promotion code for payment, enter the code and click Apply Promo Code. If the code is valid, your Total Due amount above will be adjusted. Promotion Code: If you have multiple promotion codes, enter one code and click the button. Then enter another code and click the button.​ 用促销代码(Code)进行付款(可能他们有几种促销方法,每个方法有一个代码),输入代码号并点击"Apply Promo Code键".如果代码号是有效的,你的应付总额将会被调整(应付额-促销额).如果你有多个促销代码,输入一个,然后点击(Apply Promo Code键).然后输入另一个代码并再按该键.(就是说可以用多个促销代码). 试着翻译了一下,不知道能不能帮到你.如果有误请指正.

回复: 考试报名怎么还要求不用VOUCHER和PROMOTIONS付费,请指教这是什么东东另外,我想,如果你既没有Voucher,又没有promotion code,网上又没有显示第三种交款方法,那就只有给他们打电话问问了.

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