加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请
我朋友在负责的公司,西人公司,在蒙城,是毛衫制造商,主要在中国生产。需要找一名助理时装设计师。主要是法语或者英语。但是中文一定要好,写,打字。平时做制单, 画草图, 做试身等。具体请与对方联系。我只是有这个信息告知大家。如果有兴趣,请发悄悄话,我会告知你对方电子邮件和传真。抱歉,因为我朋友没有授权我登广告,所以我不能公布对方公司资料。请原谅。具体要求如下:Assistant Designer Responsibilities: 1) Fluent with Illustrator program to make drawings of new styles and to develop detailed tech-packs for each style.2) Creative ability to construct presentation boards at the beginning of each season to be presented, by the designer, to the sales force.3) Have a basic knowledge of garment construction. Experience in denim construction and machinery an asset.4) General knowledge of garment measurements / measuring and grading. Able and interested in all aspects of production in order to assist the designer during production periods: measuring prototypes and production approval samples and communicating comments with factories (in English)5) Fluency in English is a prerequisite and working knowledge of French an asset. 6) Capacity to multitask (two or three projects working in parallel).7) Self-motivated and having a passion for denim-related fashion. Able to problem solve. Must show an interest for his / her work.8) It is important that the person be readily available during the busiest periods of the line development (mid May-August, and Mid November-February) to work overtime when necessary.9) The job of assistant designer requires the person to be equally interested in both the production and the design aspect of the job.10) Person must be punctual and reliable.11) Person should have at least 2 years experience in the fashion field, with denim experience an asset.12) Person must be a good team player.13) It is of most importance that the person be very detail-oriented and precise.
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请附上具体要求。
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请无缘这份工作,但还是谢谢阿木木,要是在加拿大的中国人都这样互助的话,海外华人的社会地位肯定会提高几个档次
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请可惜了,无缘这份工了
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请热心人
体会中......回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请虽然无缘这份工,还是对木木表示感谢!
那一年最美的季节登陆了,眼看着花开了,眼看着枫叶红了,眼看着飘雪花了,眼看着草绿了......眼看着又一年过去了......无缘这份工作,但还是谢谢阿木木,要是在加拿大的中国人都这样互助的话,海外华人的社会地位肯定会提高几个档次点击展开...同感, 感谢阿木木。
美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...加入世界各族人民,拿來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變大。China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请感动,支持。
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请可惜我不是这个专业的,阿木木的精神长传。
养胖中回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请无论如何还是应该谢谢阿木木!
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请无缘这份工作,但还是谢谢阿木木,要是在加拿大的中国人都这样互助的话,海外华人的社会地位肯定会提高几个档次点击展开...
回复: 有份工,有兴趣的人可以去申请楼主好样的,加声望!!!
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