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我帮翻译和补充一下信息,有需要的就直接发email 网吧在地铁Mont-royal附近工作内容是网吧管理员,简单轻松,但工资不高工作时间较长,对语言要求不高,适合不宜承担繁忙工作的人士(但你需要和气友好、做事负责任)。如果是男生,最好语言好些。年龄不限 老板是韩国人,很和气,需要简单英文来跟他沟通。联系方式:[email protected]祝好运 Internet Caffee, looking for worker The internet-cafe NetZone is looking for a day-time work for 2 to 3 days per week from 10:00am to 10:00pm, we have another 2 workers for day-time who can make the schedule more flexible for you. NetZone is offer very easy job with reasonable pay. If you are interesting to join us, please contact us as soon as possible, with my best wish.Request: We are looking for a female worker, who can speak reasonable English, and French. ( for French if you can understgand the numbers in French, that will be just fine )In some case, we are still accept for a male worker who can speak both English & French.We have trainers for the new worker. NetZone InternetCaffee ( 2 mins walk from the Mount-Royal metro station )e-mail: [email protected]
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