加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!这个问题已经不厌其烦的讨论了多次,总而言之,首先你要身临其境,其次是学无止境。。。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!什么是当地文化?干吗要融入?
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)什么是当地文化?干吗要融入?点击展开...干嘛要来加拿大?
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!LZ想象中的加拿大是不是这样滴?---吃西餐,喝可乐,搞趴铁,穿礼服,吃面包,切蛋糕,看看海。实际上,家园里大部分同志都是这样滴:买菜,炒菜,搞卫生,读书,管孩子,有空出去走走,没空在家呆着,偶尔几户人家聚聚包个饺子啥的。
回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!首先是法语
回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!LZ想象中的加拿大是不是这样滴?---吃西餐,喝可乐,搞趴铁,穿礼服,吃面包,切蛋糕,看看海。实际上,家园里大部分同志都是这样滴:买菜,炒菜,搞卫生,读书,管孩子,有空出去走走,没空在家呆着,偶尔几户人家聚聚包个饺子啥的。点击展开...西餐,可乐,Party,礼服,面包,蛋糕,这些恰恰我没想到。 几户人家聚聚包饺子,这个大概还是中国人聚会吧。 和当地文化没什关系吧。 也许我想问的是 怎么样让自己真正成为你所在社会的一分子,因为看到很多人发帖说不能融进主流社会,始终觉得自己还是异乡人。所以我很想问问?另外,很想知道大家的朋友圈还真的就只限于中国人吗?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13首先是法语点击展开...恩,语言很重要?非法语区就是英语要很好。谢谢!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13什么是当地文化?干吗要融入?点击展开...真呀
回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!前天万圣节你要装扮了就算融进去些了,反正我办公室老外同事都变身了,老中们该干啥干啥,呵呵。
登陆蒙特利尔4年了.......什么是当地文化?干吗要融入?点击展开... soleil_lee 的回答很创意。很想知道你的加拿大幸福生活的基础是什么?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13前天万圣节你要装扮了就算融进去些了,反正我办公室老外同事都变身了,老中们该干啥干啥,呵呵。点击展开...就没一个中国人入乡随俗的?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!都是人呀,只是头发眼睛的颜色不一样。交朋友,何必勉强自己?和玩的来的人一起玩就好啦。融入,是个假命题。我们也做义工,也过万圣节,也过着普通日子,计划着去哪里旅游。入乡随俗?就我看来大家都一起俗着乐着,有啥问题吗?LZ对于加拿大的想法,还要来了后好好修正修正。呵呵
回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!都是人呀,只是头发眼睛的颜色不一样。交朋友,何必勉强自己?和玩的来的人一起玩就好啦。融入,是个假命题。我们也做义工,也过万圣节,也过着普通日子,计划着去哪里旅游。 入乡随俗?就我看来大家都一起俗着乐着,有啥问题吗?LZ对于加拿大的想法,还要来了后好好修正修正。呵呵点击展开...问问happy2004lili和西人玩儿得来吗? happy2004lili有没有身在异乡为异客的感觉呢?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!先感谢各位的回帖和大家探讨一下文化的定义:英国人类学家A.R.拉德克利夫布朗认为,文化是一定的社会群体或社会阶级与他人的接触交往中习得的思想、感觉和活动的方式。文化是人们在相互交往中获得知识、技能、体验、观念、信仰和情操的过程。文化的要素 主要包括:①精神要素,即精神文化。它主要指哲学和其他具体科学、宗教、艺术、伦理道德以及价值观念等,其中尤以价值观念最为重要,是精神文化的核心。精神文化是文化要素中最有活力的部分,是人类创造活动的动力。没有精神文化,人类便无法与动物相区别。②语言和符号。两者具有相同的性质即表意性,在人类的交往活动中,二者都起着沟通的作用。语言和符号还是文化积淀和贮存的手段。人类只有借助语言和符号才能沟通,只有沟通和互动才能创造文化。③规范体系。规范是人们行为的准则,有约定俗成的如风俗等,也有明文规定的如法律条文、群体组织的规章制度等④社会关系和社会组织。社会关系是上述各文化要素产生的基础⑤文化具有民族性和特定的阶级性。一般文化是从抽象意义上讲的.现实社会只有具体的文化,如古希腊文化、罗马文化、中国古代文化、中国现代文化等。以上这些也都是纸上谈兵,各位大侠才更有发言权,我愿意洗耳恭听。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!加拿大的文化就是Multi-culture,就是各个民族自己玩自己的,谁也别给谁捣乱。只有收入高低的区别,不存在融不融入的问题。
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!Hur? First let me give the answer, and then I will explain. Integration is one of most important issues an immigrant needs to deal with in order to succeed in a new culture. This is even true in the same culture. Remember what your parent may have said when you left home for your first job, work with your colleague harmoniously.Integration needs to and can be achieved in different aspects of your new life. The first aspect or level is society. Social interactions are a set of games and you have to play by the rules. Your rules, if any, do not work here. The second one is workplace. Remember what your parents may have said, as a principle, it works here too. Lastly, the spirit. Because your mental characters are somewhat related to your DNA which can not be changed as you wish, this is the most difficult area in which you can integrate, if not impossible. The bottom line is that you have to integrate in this society and your company. As to the spirit, you are what you are when you close your door. However, if you do integrate at this level, you would benefit from it, definitely.An integration process is challenging, sometimes painful, yet full of new discoveries.(This is an interesting topic. If you want to discuss with me more, please send your email to [email protected] )
回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!加拿大的文化就是Multi-culture,就是各个民族自己玩自己的,谁也别给谁捣乱。只有收入高低的区别,不存在融不融入的问题。点击展开...即便不融入,也应该有或多或少的渗透吧?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13Hur? First let me give the answer, and then I will explain. Integration is one of most important issues an immigrant needs to deal with in order to succeed in a new culture. This is even true in the same culture. Remember what your parent may have said when you left home for your first job, work with your colleague harmoniously. Integration needs to and can be achieved in different aspects of your new life. The first aspect or level is society. Social interactions are a set of games and you have to play by the rules. Your rules, if any, do not work here. The second one is workplace. Remember what your parents may have said, as a principle, it works here too. Lastly, the spirit. Because your mental characters are somewhat related to your DNA which can not be changed as you wish, this is the most difficult area in which you can integrate, if not impossible. The bottom line is that you have to integrate in this society and your company. As to the spirit, you are what you are when you close your door. However, if you do integrate at this level, you would benefit from it, definitely. An integration process is challenging, sometimes painful, yet full of new discoveries. (This is an interesting topic. If you want to discuss with me more, please send your email to [email protected] )点击展开...谢谢你全面又专业的解释! 完全同意你的观点,并对此话题很感兴趣。 will send email to you !
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Life is what happens while you are having other plan. 20070102 FN --20080905 S2--20081202 12--20090317 ME--20090505 12---20100205 13回复: 大家说说如何融入当地文化的!很简单,学好法语和英语,就是融入当地的重大表现。
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