加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?我也想知道!我儿子十三岁.不知道去蒙城是否合适?
给我visa等也无妨!回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?少年teenage最好不要来. 因为青春期,逆反心理等因素.到时你会失控的.孩子越小越容易.但是如果太小,今后中文就成问题. 根据我们家的经验,最好是8,9, 10岁左右过来. 在国内已经有一定中文基础, 知道a, o, e都自动会拼音了.这个年纪来, 最快适应, 很容易跟上的. 小孩在班里比较出跳, 就增强自信心. 这样更加容易学习. 以上意见仅供参考.百家孩子百家性, 不能一概而论.
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?Teenage will have problem anywhere if we do not handle properly. Make sure you and your kids enjoy the life here! And if possible, give her or him help at the beginning of French studying.
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?你可以看看睛空万里的文章,她就是14-15岁来这里的,而且现在学习非常优秀
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?Teenage will have problem anywhere if we do not handle properly. Make sure you and your kids enjoy the life here! And if possible, give her or him help at the beginning of French studying.点击展开...谢谢你的鼓励!我只担心他两年的欢迎班法语水平不足以应付高中的文学和历史地理等科目(应付日常生活应该没问题)。如果不能在十八岁拿到中学毕业证,问题就大了。
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?你可以看看睛空万里的文章,她就是14-15岁来这里的,而且现在学习非常优秀点击展开...看过了。可她还没有上高中不是?我想看到一个成功例子,因为我觉得十五岁才开始法语,两年之后就能学别人的中学语文历史之类的东西而且考试还能通过,好象是神化。
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?It's very hard, my friend's son is only 12 years old when they came here last year, but the son is very unused to the study and don't want to go to school at all (he was a very behaved boy before). If we can't handle it right (Parents and son or daughter), it will be a disaster for both of you.
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?如果不能在十八岁拿到中学毕业证,问题就大了。这就是关键中的关键,别弄不好,算个成人高中。我一朋友的小孩,女孩子还是,学得相当的苦,一般去欢迎班一年就差不多了,她呆了两年欢迎班。总之年龄大了要考虑慎重一些。
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?I have another friend whose son is is 15 years when they came here last year. My friend found a college student to help her son's home work everyday 1 hour, you may need to consider this if you can't be help to your kids.
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?In my opinion,you should consider this seriously.The best way is to let your child finish the high schoo(grade 2 is ok) in China then come here to go to college directly.There are too much negtive examples of teens here in Montreal.
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?It's very hard, my friend's son is only 12 years old when they came here last year, but the son is very unused to the study and don't want to go to school at all (he was a very behaved boy before). If we can't handle it right (Parents and son or daughter), it will be a disaster for both of you.点击展开...是呀,我正在慎重考虑这个问题呢。
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?I have another friend whose son is is 15 years when they came here last year. My friend found a college student to help her son's home work everyday 1 hour, you may need to consider this if you can't be help to your kids.点击展开...我自己会一些法语,用中文教孩子的高中数学和物理应该没问题。不知道这样算不算是我能help my kids.
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?In my opinion,you should consider this seriously.The best way is to let your child finish the high schoo(grade 2 is ok) in China then come here to go to college directly.There are too much negtive examples of teens here in Montreal.点击展开...谢谢你的opinion. 我有另一方案不知道可不可行:让孩子今年过去,然后读一年英语,然后再去考私立中学四年级,正好读两年,十八岁,毕业,然后再读英语的college。就是不知道我儿子有中国初三的英语水平,再在蒙城强化一年的英语,能不能考上私立的高中?
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?蒙城强化英语?蒙城强化法语肯定没问题,上一般的学校强化英语恐怕没效果好的,除非舍得花钱请个外教什么的。蒙城都处都是法语学校,强化了英语即使上了COLLEGE也还是要学法语的,上英文的COLLEGE也要求会第二外语除了母语外的。
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]蒙城强化英语?蒙城强化法语肯定没问题,上一般的学校强化英语恐怕没效果好的,除非舍得花钱请个外教什么的。蒙城都处都是法语学校,强化了英语即使上了COLLEGE也还是要学法语的,上英文的COLLEGE也要求会第二外语除了母语外的。点击展开...我看了拉拉驹的文章,她好象说她的孩子报名读了什么英语班,又不贵效果又好什么的。本来觉得自己会法语,又有csq,蒙城费用又不高,当拿到了签证,就以为一家人去就是了,孩子可以快乐健康地学习成长,我要求不高,找一份糊口的工作,我们过平静的生活就行。谁知又有孩子能否顺利高中毕业这么严重的问题!现在我的选择就是:要么孩子花重金在蒙城读私立英语学校(有谁知道私立学校的费用是多少吗?),要么我们不去魁省,去渥太华。学法语,三年之内就能高中毕业确实不现实。
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?Since you know French, it will be much better for your son. The next thing is to make sure to enjoy life here: swiming, skating, snow skiing, shows.... Here is Montreal high school ranking for year 2005: http://www.cbc.ca/montrealmatters/features/ratings.html, 2006 ranking also came out, you may search internet, I forgot the website, if you can't find it, give me your e-mail, I will scan and e-mail to you from news paper. Some private school need SSAT test: here is the organization helding the test, you could also see the private shool list and their website (on school's website, you will see school's time schedule and admission requirement, including fees): http://www.ssat.org/quebec
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?Since you know French, it will be much better for your son. The next thing is to make sure to enjoy life here: swiming, skating, snow skiing, shows.... Here is Montreal high school ranking for year 2005: http://www.cbc.ca/montrealmatters/features/ratings.html, 2006 ranking also came out, you may search internet, I forgot the website, if you can't find it, give me your e-mail, I will scan and e-mail to you from news paper. Some private school need SSAT test: here is the organization helding the test, you could also see the private shool list and their website (on school's website, you will see school's time schedule and admission requirement, including fees): http://www.ssat.org/quebec点击展开...非常感谢你的热心帮助!你所给的信息正是我需要的,我会去你推荐的网站看一看的。我的email:[email protected] 要是真能enjoy life there, 那真谢天谢地。 我现在就告诉儿子到那里去准备继续吃苦,把语言拿下来。
回复: 有谁的孩子是十五岁去蒙特利尔读欢迎班的?我看了拉拉驹的文章,她好象说她的孩子报名读了什么英语班,又不贵效果又好什么的。本来觉得自己会法语,又有csq,蒙城费用又不高,当拿到了签证,就以为一家人去就是了,孩子可以快乐健康地学习成长,我要求不高,找一份糊口的工作,我们过平静的生活就行。谁知又有孩子能否顺利高中毕业这么严重的问题!现在我的选择就是:要么孩子花重金在蒙城读私立英语学校(有谁知道私立学校的费用是多少吗?),要么我们不去魁省,去渥太华。学法语,三年之内就能高中毕业确实不现实。点击展开...你孩子年纪不算小了对再重新学一门新语言来说。蒙城的HIGH SCHOOL都有基本免费的英语课程,只交个材料费和报名费,有白天班和晚上班,但是据上过的人说效果都不太好,有的是老师不负责任,有的可能是学生不努力,反正效果真的不好说。如果你小孩英语还可以的话,可以上MCGILL的有个英语班,要交钱,他们的那个效果好像也还行,一共四级还是几级我不太清楚了,考过那个证再申请MCGILL大学都好使。你可以试试这个学校的英语课,或者是找个外教什么的。个人意见,供你参考。
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]你孩子年纪不算小了对再重新学一门新语言来说。蒙城的HIGH SCHOOL都有基本免费的英语课程,只交个材料费和报名费,有白天班和晚上班,但是据上过的人说效果都不太好,有的是老师不负责任,有的可能是学生不努力,反正效果真的不好说。如果你小孩英语还可以的话,可以上MCGILL的有个英语班,要交钱,他们的那个效果好像也还行,一共四级还是几级我不太清楚了,考过那个证再申请MCGILL大学都好使。你可以试试这个学校的英语课,或者是找个外教什么的。个人意见,供你参考。点击展开...太谢谢了!你的这个信息非常宝贵,我们可以少走弯路。而且你前面的分析都很有道理。真的非常感谢!merci beaucoup!
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