加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美警醉车凌晨3时40分撞死上海姑娘冯黄
美国警察醉酒驾车 撞死刚刚毕业的上海姑娘 消息来源:新闻晨报 当地时间2月7日,刚从纽约大学毕业的上海姑娘冯黄(音)在曼哈顿炮台公园隧道外遭遇车祸,当场死亡。肇事者是一名警察。目前,这名肇事者已被警方逮捕,并被控以车祸致死和酒醉驾车双重罪状。 据美国警方介绍,该起车祸发生在7日凌晨3时40分左右,事发地点是曼哈顿的下城西街和奥本尼街交口处。事故造成一死一伤。死者为来自中国的年轻姑娘冯黄。 晨报记者从冯黄的中国朋友处了解到,冯黄来自上海,今年26岁。4年前,冯黄来到美国留学,目前刚刚从纽约大学法律学院毕业,并在唐人街找到了工作。不过还没来得及开始新的工作生活,冯黄就惨遭致命车祸。 与冯黄一起遭遇车祸的是她的男朋友,25岁的丹尼斯・乐福瑞多,目前乐福瑞多正在圣云仙医院接受救治,伤势严重,但情况稳定。 肇事者事发后留在了现场,警方确认其为现年25岁的泽西市城市警局警察马丁・安布鲁。目前他已被停职,并被警方逮捕。Drunk cop caused fatal crashLast update: 11:15 a.m. EST Feb. 8, 2009NEW YORK, Feb 8, 2009 (UPI via COMTEX) -- An off-duty cop was intoxicated when he drove his vehicle into a young couple crossing a New York street, killing one and injuring the other, sources allege. The unidentified sources said Officer Martin Abreu of Jersey City, N.J., was facing criminal charges Sunday after an early Saturday traffic accident that left law school graduate Marilyn Huang Feng dead, the New York Post reported. Feng and her boyfriend, hedge-fund analyst Dennis Loffredo, were allegedly hit by Abreu's car in New York's financial district. Police said the collision killed Feng, 26, immediately and left Loffredo, also 26, in critical but stable condition. Abreu, who had no reported injuries, was arraigned Saturday night on charges of driving while intoxicated and aggravated vehicular homicide. Loffredo's mother, Diane, told the Post Feng was to have started a new job Monday. "She was hoping to just make her life better in the (United States)," she told the newspaper.
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 美警醉车凌晨3时40分撞死上海姑娘冯黄life is so fragile.
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