加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”


试问:到底什么才算加拿大货?贴标签的?半成品的?还是纯粹全部都产自加拿大? 商机还是陷阱? The Canadian Press OTTAWA -- Two major unions are demanding that governments adopt a "Buy Canadian" policy to save jobs. The Canadian Auto Workers and the United Steel Workers say tax dollars spent on infrastructure projects should go to Canadian workers. The call comes after the federal government lobbied hard against efforts in Washington to attach a "Buy American" policy to a multibillion-dollar bailout program. "At a time when our governments are poised to spend billions on much-needed infrastructure, we are calling on all levels of government to immediately enact comprehensive `Buy Canadian' policies to keep our tax dollars at home," said CAW president Ken Lewenza. Ken Neumann, national director of the steelworkers union, said Prime Minister Stephen Harper should raise the matter next week when U.S. President Barack Obama visits Ottawa. "This is not about protectionism," said Neumann. It was a puzzling message, given that both union leaders stressed how deeply integrated their respective sectors are with the U.S. economy. Neumann noted that Canada's steel industry is exempt from the very "Buy American" policy that he lauds and said his international union is working to keep it that way. He said the "synergies" between the two countries make it an opportune time to institute a "Buy Canadian" policy. Added Lewenza: "The reality is we're in a global financial crisis. Canada needs the United States, a very important trading partner, but the United States also needs Canada. It's a very important trading partner. So in the sectors that we represent, obviously there's an integration that's incredibly necessary."

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”如果一味得强调“加拿大货”,估计加拿大懒汉就不能再如今这般逍遥了~~

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”so dollar store, walmart.... gonna be closed.

回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”so dollar store, walmart.... gonna be closed.点击展开...有人倡议加拿大人都回到农村去,那里可以做到都是加拿大货~~这难道是上山下乡?

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”it's nonsense.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)it's nonsense.点击展开...canadian is nonsense?

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”这也就是个提倡,实际上做不到,精神层面居多。

一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”以后大家找对象,别找中国人了,要找本地的,也算是加拿大原产。

谁为我领航?试问:到底什么才算加拿大货?贴标签的?半成品的?还是纯粹全部都产自加拿大?商机还是陷阱? The Canadian PressOTTAWA -- Two major unions are demanding that governments adopt a "Buy Canadian" policy to save jobs. The Canadian Auto Workers and the United Steel Workers say tax dollars spent on infrastructure projects should go to Canadian workers. The call comes after the federal government lobbied hard against efforts in Washington to attach a "Buy American" policy to a multibillion-dollar bailout program. "At a time when our governments are poised to spend billions on much-needed infrastructure, we are calling on all levels of government to immediately enact comprehensive `Buy Canadian' policies to keep our tax dollars at home," said CAW president Ken Lewenza. Ken Neumann, national director of the steelworkers union, said Prime Minister Stephen Harper should raise the matter next week when U.S. President Barack Obama visits Ottawa. "This is not about protectionism," said Neumann. It was a puzzling message, given that both union leaders stressed how deeply integrated their respective sectors are with the U.S. economy. Neumann noted that Canada's steel industry is exempt from the very "Buy American" policy that he lauds and said his international union is working to keep it that way. He said the "synergies" between the two countries make it an opportune time to institute a "Buy Canadian" policy. Added Lewenza: "The reality is we're in a global financial crisis. Canada needs the United States, a very important trading partner, but the United States also needs Canada. It's a very important trading partner. So in the sectors that we represent, obviously there's an integration that's incredibly necessary."点击展开...陷阱,谁提的?逻辑一下

回复: 继“买美国货”之后有组织倡议“买加拿大货”多伦多信息(记者彭琳报道):周二,加拿大工会领导人出现在国会山。他们催促联邦政府在全面施行400亿元的经济刺激方案之前,紧急采取“购买加货”的(Buy Canadian)政策。 加拿大汽车工人工会(Canadian Auto Workers)主席Ken Lewenza在新闻发布会上表示,“我们坚持认为,加拿大需要制定完整的条例以保证各级政府实施购买加拿大产品和服务的政策,这样,才可以支助加拿大的制造业岗位,增加就业人数,刺激当地消费,最终才有税金回流进国库。” Lewenza称,“购买加货”政策不会违反北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)或其它的什么贸易协定,也不会引发贸易战。 近来,美国政府经济刺激方案中的“购买美货”(Buy American)政策是备受争议,而加拿大汽车工人工会的此次举动也正是在这种情况下采取的。“购买美货”政策规定,美国基础设施建设工程中的钢铁必须产自美国,这就引发了美国贸易保护主义和违反贸易协定的争论。为平息争论,该规定条例之后有所缓和。 加拿大钢铁工人联合会(United Steelworkers)主席Ken Neumann在新闻发布会上指出,加拿大工会希望加拿大政府能够施行同样的政策,但他们称这并不是保护主义。 周二当天,通用汽车公司宣布2009年将全球裁员6.3万至7.3万人,并将减少工人的工资待遇。Neumann称,“如果钢铁业和汽车业经济都不发达,加拿大全国经济是不会有什么繁荣景象的。” Neumann催促总理哈珀(Stephen Harper)将加美两国的钢铁业和汽车业关系作为奥巴马下周访加的首要议题。

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