加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息蒙城2009年买屋政府补贴最高可达1万$(没有仅限
而且我并没有发现要求一定是condo和新屋啊,现房出租房都可以啊。 http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=5097,16351566&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL此政策暂时仅限于今年。谁是有资格获得财政援助? 首次置业者(个人)谁购买新的可负担得起的住房或居住的租屋且有资格获得财政援助者,他们必须符合计划的要求。买家在魁北克省过去五年不能拥有的房屋。什么类型的房屋有资格? 购买下列其中一个就有资格获得财政援助:新的住房,其购买价格,包括税和附加税等,不超过所列援助金额标准; 现有租赁楼宇带有两至五个住房的,其房屋土地和建筑物价值,不超过所列援助金额标准。房屋必须是完全适合居住的。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 蒙特利尔买屋政府补贴最高已经升到1万块了有孩子的家庭一直都是1万,只是好像不能二手房,新房23万5不是很远就是很小。唉。
回复: 蒙特利尔买屋政府补贴最高已经升到1万块了买面包有没有补贴??
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Let nature take its course回复: 蒙特利尔买屋政府补贴最高已经升到1万块了What is the amount of financial assistance?Financial assistance is granted for the purchase of a property and varies according to the type of housing and, in the case of new properties, the type of household:Property Type Maximum eligible purchase price 1 Maximum eligible property value Financial assistance New dwellinghousehold without children $180,000 - $6,500 New dwellinghousehold with at least one child under 18 years of age on the date of purchase 2 $235,000 - $10,000 Existing duplex - $296,000 $5,500 Existing triplex - $346,000 $7,500 Existing fourplex - $398,000 $8,000 Existing fiveplex - $455,000 $8,500 1 Including taxes and extras.2 For the purpose of this program, the date of purchase is the date of registration in the land register.If the property is certified by the Novoclimat energy efficiency program, the maximum purchase price may be increased by $2,500.The financial assistance is paid in a single instalment once the new owner has proven that he occupies the unit and has met all other program requirements.The program ends on December 31, 2009 or when the funds earmarked for it are exhausted.
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