加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息蒙城出啥事了?


17 Montreal rioters charged GRAHAM HUGHES/CP Montreal police search and arrest a protestor at a demonstration against police brutality that turned into a riot on March 15, 2009. More than 200 people were arrested. Email story Print Choose text size Report typo or correction Mar 16, 2009 12:43 PM The Canadian PressMONTREAL ? Seventeen people arrested during an anti-police brutality demonstration that turned into a riot are facing charges including mischief, theft, assault and possession of weapons, Montreal police said today.Most of the 221 people arrested during the melee on Sunday were released after receiving a fine or under a promise to appear in court at a later date.But at least 17 are facing more serious charges and were scheduled to go before a judge today.Police were pelted with bricks, bottles and food during the annual protest, organized by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality, a Montreal group.The organizers said they don't condone violence but can't be held responsible for how protesters react.Mayor Gerald Tremblay said he was disappointed in the way the protest transpired on the weekend. He said he is considering a new bylaw that may oblige the organizers to divulge their route beforehand."I find it regrettable and sad what happened Sunday because it might have been an occasion to discuss in a more serene climate the preoccupations of youth and young people," Tremblay said today. "But the fact that some people took advantage of this situation to engage in vandalism doesn't bring them any honour."Police spokesperson Olivier Lapointe said that 189 people were released after receiving a $100 fine for violating municipal bylaws. And 15 others facing criminal charges were released under promise to appear at a later date.Lapointe said damage to about 25 local businesses was extensive and a number of vehicles ? including police cars ? were vandalized."The damages that were caused were of a value of around $200,000," Lapointe said."Police cars, other cars and windows of different stores were broken."Lapointe added that the list could be longer and the price tag higher after all the damages have been tabulated.

Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 蒙城出啥事了?没啥事儿,就是憋了一冬天,好不容易春天到了,惊蛰以后,大伙儿都跑到大街上活动活动腿脚。

- - - - - 50=32*18 - - - - - - - - - - -御枫而行- - - - - -回复: 蒙城出啥事了?我觉得蒙城的警察穿迷彩特别精神。比制服英武多了。

谁为我领航?回复: 蒙城出啥事了?看到电视画面还以为是美国呢,以后每年这天希望Lz及时提醒大家不要出门。

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