月末小结 - 找房篇+找工作一直在家园潜水,受益匪浅,首先先向家园各位前辈表示诚挚感谢。同时得到了很多的帮助,因此想借此与大分享一下我的几点小tips 联邦移民8月8日登陆蒙城以来,所有证件已办妥。前辈的经验不再重复,补充以下几点:1) 关于租房,请别局限于sinoquebec, 蒙城有两个很好的local网站kijiji, craigslist 可借鉴。( kijiji: 法语为主; craigslist: 找和租的较多) 我就是kijiji上找到现在的房子大一室半$525全包,还有室内游泳池和健身房。 2)关于驾驶证, 本人与10月6日参加笔试,用英文机考一次通过。有一年半国内驾驶经验,10月25日参加路试,一次通过5级。 * 个人觉得笔试用英文比较方便,时间快,没有翻译上的误解。考前在家园上无意浏览到一个试题链接非常非常有用,似乎就是题库,有哪位想用英文考试的请务必熟读!!!(一下子找不到链接,还好我downloaded files.如有需要我可转发)* 笔试后如不能马上约上路试,可坚持打SAAQ的电话。我于10月16日约到25日的路试。 * 路试是考你驾驶的安全,而非技术,找西人教练是上选。我的师傅以前是SAAQ的考官,现以教课为副业,价格比有些国人教练还便宜。英语法语perfect, 特别耐心,对考试要点特别了解,同时教你建立驾驶的安全感,因为考试只是一次性的,今后的驾驶更为重要。(P.S. 如有需要可回复本贴,留下联系方式。可帮忙介绍。) 3) 关于电话网络和电视,如打算长登的可选择rogers/fido签三年合同,可得first 3 months free. Bell的home wirless是很好的选择,contract 1 year( first 3 months free) 拿着bell给的modem自己回家就可安装, 如你租的地方可装卫星,可选bell的bundle。 今天就写到这吧,以后再续...
回复: 月末小结非常好的帖子,也是新移民。当时电话中老太太也是让我坚持时不时打电话问有没有人缓考,一直没有打,约到了1个多月之后,确实耽误很多时间。你说的是这个链接么?http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca/services-saaqclic/public/en/questionnaire.htm
当没有人帮助你的时候,试试帮助别人。回复: 月末小结不是的。saaq 上的测试题太少,也很简单。我找到的是一个大的压缩文档。 上传一个供参考。
回复: 月末小结dingding
加拿大惜缘海参行为您提供多种纯天然野生北极淡干海参。爱琴海刺参,绝对淡干。同时提供加拿大和中国的邮寄服务,邮寄费用请查ups网站。联系电话。514-512-0588回复: 月末小结好铁!楼主继续。。。
回复: 月末小结赞一个。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 月末小结这么好的帖子要顶一下!!!
噶玛巴千诺回复: 月末小结顶起来
战斗在加拿大华人互动社区http://www.revecanada.comQQ群:35579929欢迎你的加入回复: 月末小结楼主,写得非常好。有用。请把租房的网站链接和驾照考试的内容也公布一并出来,期待。
FN:2008年3月26日ME:4月7日体检:5月2日DM:6月12日PL:7月25日回复: 月末小结那个附件打开怎么是乱码?????
FN:2008年3月26日ME:4月7日体检:5月2日DM:6月12日PL:7月25日回复: 月末小结http://montreal.kijiji.ca/f-housing-apartments-for-rent-W0QQCatIdZ37 http://montreal.kijiji.ca/ http://montreal.en.craigslist.ca/roo/ 附件是压缩文档,可能需要装上解码软件才行。 I will try to find the link as well.
回复: 月末小结[FONT=宋体]对于租房一事根据我的经验补充几点[/FONT]:1) First step to chose a temporary lodgment([FONT=宋体]短租[/FONT]), get yourself a city map and metro map, a STM monthly pass ( unlimited taking and exchange metro and bus ), a cell phone number, starting doing your papers meanwhile getting to know Montreal and its transportation net 2) --Set up budget for the rental, --Select the area very important cause you don’t have much source to know certain areas ( eg: there is area with more homosexuals, there is area with more Jewishs/Africans, area with more drugs…) my suggestion is to take the metro and go there, observe with you eyes, you can probably tell something by their dressing or behavior. --Check thru internet or newspaper or knock the door and inquiry directly. 3) Take notes and schedule the visits to the apartments. This is the most tiring part, but no pain no gain.4) No rush, take your time, many people say to find your apartment is as like to find you husband and wife. There are many choices, but you will only take the one you like and the one good for you. Sometime you will have the feeling when you step into it, trust me cause my searching was quite dramatic. 5) My 5 principles: a. walking distance to metro stationReasons: You won’t get your car shortly You won’t like to stay in the “fridge” for long cause the weather here is frozen, better not to spend time wait for bus You will probably start working several part-time jobs for living, convenient transport is always a plus esp. when you know it more on your way home from work.b. Supermarkets are within easy reach (don’t think it’s necessary to specify the reason.)c. Safty and security is foremost. d. Better to find a place inclus everything ( heat, electronic, hot water, the water is free in Canada). * heating must incluse. DON’T SIGN THE CONTRACT IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE cause the procedure of “divorcing” is always painfulMy conclusion is that if you can chose the season to come, spring and summer is better; if you have to chose between price and location, go with the location; if you feel frustrated visiting and finding apartment, take it as an opportunity to get to know more about the city. You will for sure find the one you like and "get married".
回复: 月末小结[FONT=宋体]对于租房一事根据我的经验补充几点[/FONT]:1)First step to chose a temporary lodgment([FONT=宋体]短租[/FONT]), get yourself a city map and metro map, a STM monthly pass ( unlimited taking and exchange metro and bus ), a cell phone number, starting doing your papers meanwhile getting to know Montreal and its transportation net 2) --Set up budget for the rental, --Select the area very important cause you don’t have much source to know certain areas ( eg: there is area with more homosexuals, there is area with more Jewishs/Africans, area with more drugs…) my suggestion is to take the metro and go there, observe with you eyes, you can probably tell something by their dressing or behavior. --Check thru internet or newspaper or knock the door and inquiry directly. 3) Take notes and schedule the visits to the apartments. This is the most tiring part, but no pain no gain.4) No rush, take your time, many people say to find your apartment is as like to find you husband and wife. There are many choices, but you will only take the one you like and the one good for you. Sometime you will have the feeling when you step into it, trust me cause my searching was quite dramatic. 5) My5 principles: a. walking distance to metro stationReasons: You won’t get your car shortlyYou won’t like to stay in the “fridge” for long cause the weather here is frozen, better not to spend time wait for busYou will probably start working several part-time jobs for living, convenient transport is always a plus esp. when you know it more on your way home from work.b. Supermarkets are within easy reach (don’t think it’s necessary to specify the reason.)c. Safty and security is foremost. d. Better to find a place inclus everything ( heat, electronic, hot water, the water is free in Canada). * heating must incluse. DON’T SIGN THE CONTRACT IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE cause the procedure of “divorcing” is always painfulMy conclusion is that if you can chose the season to come, spring and summer is better; if you have to chose between price and location, go with the location; if you feel frustrated visiting and finding apartment, take it as an opportunity to get to know more about the city. You will for sure find the one you like and "get married".
FN:2008年3月26日ME:4月7日体检:5月2日DM:6月12日PL:7月25日回复: 月末小结想问一下楼主,驾照两年以上的是不是可以免笔试了?直接预约路考行吗?另外,想问一下,你国内的驾照是怎么处理的?每年还年审吗?
FN:2008年3月26日ME:4月7日体检:5月2日DM:6月12日PL:7月25日回复: 月末小结写得都很有借鉴意义,就是最后一条,网络,千万千万不要选BELL,99%选上它会麻烦。 记住这条没有错。 我到哪里都宣传不要用BELL不要用BELL!ROGERS据说也不怎么样。
回复: 月末小结一定要加分!有用等我们去了可能需要你介绍教练哦
回复: 月末小结不错,顶顶
回复: 月末小结-找工作Time flies, here to report everyone I'm here 6 months, over the honeymoon I think.And spent my first winter here quote one of my colleagues' comments: this winter is nothing. The weather in March is a miracle. So I’m hoping next winter gonna be nothing as well, keep on hoping the winter is no more long and boring. My life here moves into normal trajectory: work, study, gym and shopping. Next project: looking for more fun in summer.
回复: 月末小结26个字母
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