加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By
A woman who is 47, flumish and has never been kissed, wanna try to be a professional singer and make audiences rock. Susan Boyle, what an amazing woman (even though she looks... but she's still amazing!!) Just take your minutes to enjoy her performance, it's amazing!! (why i say it again?!) [ame="http://www.no video.com/watch?v=6PPlkOyaqaQ"] I Dreamed a Dream [/ame] The song "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables Fantine's Death
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By这位阿姨已经是传奇了 bbc都有专访她~cool
http://www.weibo.com/bleuxixi回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By像Piers这种毒舌都站起来鼓掌~不得了
http://www.weibo.com/bleuxixi回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone ByAs that beautiful judge says:"We all have been very cynical, and this is the biggest wake up call ever. It is a completely privilege listening to that"
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone ByI've ever felt so WOW'ed when my colleagues showed me this, it's truly stunning, and i realize she's beautiful, at that moment, from within!!
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By嘻嘻......小F出关了啊.......恭喜哦 四月新番你追的哪几个啊......个人感觉这季不错,还能追几个的说.....这季的美男真是让我眼花缭乱嘛嘻嘻点击展开...什么叫出关了?? 我一直忙得焦头烂额, 心神不定. 不过我挺想追这位阿姨的, 嘿嘿, 但自己可能是自做多情了. 你想追帅锅啊, 这版上有不少呢, 介绍太阳LEE给你认识吧
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone ByI've ever felt so WOW'ed when my colleagues showed me this, it's truly stunning, and i realize she's beautiful, at that moment, from within!!点击展开...小F的方心被打洞了.
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By真的啊........是真的嘛.....确定是真的咯.....那恭喜小F贺喜小F........做为小F的论坛好友........我完全无比坚定滴的支持小F嘿嘿点击展开...吃醋了? 有点酸溜溜的.
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By你看你看你看.........多么复杂滴思想嘛.......我作为一个论坛老前辈热心滴关心论坛新人的成长.......这是多么可歌可颂可赞可扬的无私行为啊........唉......好人难做啊.....小S去墙角那好好反思反省......夜宵也取消了.....别举手.....抗议无效点击展开...哈哈, 激动了, 语无伦次了. 喜欢小F没有错的. 取消就取消吧睡觉去了反正刚看冰球的时候吃了哈根达思了.
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By你们两个倒是聊得挺投机的
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By你们两个倒是聊得挺投机的点击展开...也吃醋了?
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By也吃醋了?点击展开...我吃你真的很咸(闲)的醋, 怎么会这么有闲啊?? 你的工作太销魂了!!
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By我吃你真的很咸(闲)的醋, 怎么会这么有闲啊?? 你的工作太销魂了!!点击展开...收盘了就没事了。
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By原来你是操盘手啊, 能不能帮我也理财一下?? (没几个钱,很好理的)
回复: I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By原来你是操盘手啊, 能不能帮我也理财一下?? (没几个钱,很好理的)点击展开...i'm not advisor. "没几个钱,很好理的"那就自己理咯。
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