加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人
TORONTO/VANCOUVER (Reuters) - Canada reported its first confirmed cases of swine flu on Sunday at opposite ends of the country, including two in the western province of British Columbia and four in the Atlantic province of Nova Scotia.Health officials in both provinces said all the cases involved only mild illness, and the people either contracted the virus because they had recently traveled to Mexico or had contact with someone who had been there.Even so, Canadian health officials urged people to take precautions such as frequent hand washing and said they would take whatever actions are necessary to protect the public."The swine flu symptoms seen in Canada have thankfully been relatively mild and the patients are recovering," Canadian Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq told a media briefing."As we continue to ramp up our surveillance efforts, these cases are likely not the last we'll see in Canada."Ontario, Canada's most populous province, and Alberta both said they had no confirmed cases.Millions of Mexicans stayed indoors to avoid a virus that has already killed up to 81 people there and new infections in the United States fanned fears of a global swine flu pandemic.Mexico is a popular winter vacation spot for Canadians, but there were signs this was being hurt. Air Canada said it was waiving the fees charged to people who want to delay trips to Mexico before the end of April.Canadian border staff were are trained to monitor travelers returning from Mexico and elsewhere for signs of illness.LINKS TO MEXICO TRAVELNova Scotia health officials said the four cases there were at a school where students had recently traveled to Mexico. The cases were confirmed with tests at a national lab in Winnipeg."These cases are mild. No one in Nova Scotia has been hospitalized because of the illness. All those who have been affected are recovering," Dr Robert Strang, chief public health officer for Nova Scotia, told a televised news conference."It was acquired in Mexico, brought home and spread."The two cases in British Columbia were not related to each other, but both involved young men from the Vancouver area who had recently been traveling, according to the British Columbia Center for Disease Control.Health officials said because both cases were both mild, the only reason they discovered it was swine flu was because the doctors had asked to get extra testing for patients with flu-like symptoms who had recently been to Mexico.Strang said the Nova Scotia cases developed in a cluster at a private school near Windsor among a group of students aged 12 to 18. A group from the school had traveled to Mexico in early April.Nova Scotia health authorities said they did not yet know how many cases there had been in total, as many students who have since recovered reported only mild symptoms. But they said it appeared there could have been 20 to 25 cases.Canadian health officials say it is still unclear why the cases reported here and in the United States have not produced the severe respiratory illnesses reported in Mexico.The swine flu cases have stirred up memories for many Canadians of the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. That outbreak killed 44 people in Canada, the highest death toll outside of Asia. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/reuters/090426/n_top_news/cnews_us_flu_canada
回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu猪流感已经到加拿大了!
回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu太吓人了。。。这么快。。。
回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu这就是全球化。速度呀!
回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu上星期听新闻说还以为是swan呢,看到报纸swine才想起来猪猪还可以这么说,以前学过,都忘了,才疏学浅啊。
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu也学习乐
回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu上星期听新闻说还以为是swan呢,看到报纸swine才想起来猪猪还可以这么说,以前学过,都忘了,才疏学浅啊。点击展开...猴子也可以叫马骝的,你知道吗?
回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu差点将swine看成swan了
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu这个单词高中时候学过 swine
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu至今似乎魁省还没发现任何案例。新华网渥太华4月28日电(记者 赵青)加拿大安大略省28日报告发现4例人感染猪流感病例。这使加拿大确诊感染猪流感的患者升至13人。 安大略省代理首席卫生官威廉姆斯当天在多伦多举行新闻发布会说,该省所有病例均出现在多伦多地区,患者都曾在近期赴墨西哥旅行。到目前为止,患者病情都较温和。 28日早些时候,艾伯塔省宣布发现2例病例,不列颠哥伦比亚省也宣布新增1例病例。 此前,加拿大报告出现首批6个病例,其中4个在新斯科舍省,2个在不列颠哥伦比亚省。 加拿大首席公共卫生官巴特勒-琼斯已发出警告,加拿大可能会全面暴发疫情并可能出现死亡病例。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: ZT: Canada confirms six cases of swine flu新华网渥太华5月1日电(记者 赵青)加拿大联邦卫生部长阿格鲁卡克1日宣布,当天加拿大新增17例甲型H1N1流感确诊病例,使该国确诊感染者总数达51人。 当天,新布伦瑞克省宣布确诊该省首例病例,不列颠哥伦比亚省新增4例,新斯科舍省6例,安大略省4例,艾伯塔省2例。在艾伯塔省新增两名患者中,1人是从墨西哥回来后发病,另1人则是从美国田纳西州回来后发病。所有患者症状都很温和,无需住院。 阿格鲁卡克在渥太华举行的新闻发布会上说,加拿大将从即日起在公众中发起新一轮宣传教育攻势,除在传统媒体上刊登有关信息外,还将在一些网站及时向公众提供疫情进展以及预防措施等相关知识。 她说,目前加联邦政府已将5500万份抗病毒药物分发到各省备用,一些省份已开始向医疗机构分发。加科学家正加紧研制疫苗,并已与厂家商谈生产疫苗事宜。 加拿大首席公共卫生官巴特勒-琼斯在新闻发布会上说,正常年份下,现在已是流感季节的尾声。他相信随着夏季的到来,这次流感疫情也会逐渐消退。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人形势越来越严重了,大家可要注意保暖了。
回复: 加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人估计到了六七月就不流行了,再担心多一两个月
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Let nature take its course回复: 加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人新华网渥太华5月2日电(记者 赵青)加拿大媒体2日援引来自政府方面的消息说,加西部艾伯塔省一猪场的猪身上检测出甲型H1N1流感病毒,这是世界上首次发现有猪被这种新病毒感染。 消息说,基因检测发现,这些猪身上的病毒与在墨西哥、美国以及其他国家发现的当前流行的这种病毒一致。 卫生专家认为这些猪可能是被一名猪场工人传染的。这名工人近期曾赴墨西哥,返回后被确诊感染了甲型H1N1流感病毒。 加拿大通讯社的报道说,加联邦卫生官员将于2日晚些时候在渥太华举行新闻发布会会宣布这一消息。 另据最新统计,加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感患者已升至85人。 新华网快讯:加拿大联邦卫生官员2日在渥太华举行的新闻发布会上证实,加西部艾伯塔省一猪场的猪身上检测出甲型H1N1流感病毒,这是世界上首次发现猪受这种新病毒感染。
回复: 加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人为什么要保暖? 形势越来越严重了,大家可要注意保暖了。点击展开...
回复: 加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人吃牛肉时来疯牛病;吃鸡肉时来禽流感;吃猪肉时来猪流感!
新老移民要互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助 与人无私的帖子一定要顶。回复: 加拿大确诊感染甲型H1N1流感者升至51人大家千万要注意,传播速度很快的。香港的首例确诊患者,跟他同一班飞机上的乘客已经有13个人发烧了,大家可想而知~~~~~~
Sense吉他 专业教室 零起步 一对一 中英文教学王铎 (Jaden Wang) 微信号码:jadenwangduoTel: 647-204-2618大家千万要注意,传播速度很快的。香港的首例确诊患者,跟他同一班飞机上的乘客已经有13个人发烧了,大家可想而知~~~~~~点击展开...
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