(魁省慢??见德-德-拉科勒16日加新社?)魁北克省省樘擎社理(Jean Charest)真╋魁省推出新的精明覃??照(?)╋方便省民到美?旅行。新式覃??照?置?呢晶片╋可酌明持有人是加拿大公民╋魁省居民可申?新式覃照╋作?另一肺罪照。它不能取代正?覃??照╋申?人钌取新酌╋除了覃??照的正常偻用╋?要多付40元╋每4年更新一次。擎社理真╋呃?收偻只是反映新照的成本。申?新酌╋必?酌明自己是加拿大公民??有犯罪前科。魁省?办新式覃??照╋方便省民南咣╋曾陪美?商?酌件?铨╋腽方?咿冗樘的?判。美??定?今年6月1日起╋旅客?路?或乘船入境╋必?出示罪照。
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣

回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣似乎是在过渡阶段,将来估计会正式取代当前的吧
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣复活节你想好去哪里了吗?华盛顿还是波士顿?
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。复活节你想好去哪里了吗?华盛顿还是波士顿?点击展开...Washington is too far away, maybe Boston. how about u?
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣东部那些大城市都去过了,可能会开车就在不远的小城市去看看。等孩子大点就要去南部或者西部看看了。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣这个东西能代替护照 进美国?真的假的啊 感觉有点不可思议在其他国家能当旅行证件使用吗
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣这对于只在美加活动的人来说比较有利 不用申请护照了 省钱但是经常跑其他国家的人也无所谓了 反正已经有了加拿大护照
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣Smart licences now available for border-hopping QuebecersNew driver's licence will be accepted instead of passport at land crossingsLast Updated: Monday, March 16, 2009 | 6:04 PM ET Comments22Recommend8CBC News Quebec Premier Jean Charest showed off his "smart" driver's licence near the Canada-U.S. border on Monday as his province became the first in the country to issue the new border-friendly licences.Quebec Premier Jean Charest holds up his new, high-tech driver's licence near the Lacolle border crossing on Monday. (CBC) Quebecers who sign up for the enhanced licences will be able to use them instead of their passports at land and water crossings when the U.S. government brings in more strict security measures in June."It doesn't solve all of the problems, but it goes a long way in making the lives of a number of our citizens simpler," said Charest at a news conference near the Lacolle border crossing south of Montreal.Charest said he wanted to set the example by becoming the first Quebecer to get the new licence, known as PC Plus. He said the licence will be especially handy for people who cross the border often."Not everybody carries a passport with them everyday of their lives," said the premier.He also hopes the new licences, which are also being developed by states such as New York, will make it easier for Americans to travel to Quebec."If there are five people, five kids and two parents, if they had to all pay for a passport it would be an expensive requirement for them to come here," said Charest.Charest aware of privacy concernsThe new licence contains an electronic chip that when scanned gives border guards a special code. The guard can then punch the code into a computer to search a database for information about the cardholder.The information will include the same details contained on a passport such as address, birth date and name.Charest said the fact the card contains a code, instead of personal details, will help protect the privacy of individuals who sign up for the licence. The database will also be located on the Canadian side of the border."[Privacy] is a serious issue. We believe we need to do what has to be done to protect the privacy of individuals," said Charest.The card will cost $40 on top of the standard government licence fees. It will be good for four years. A passport will still be required for air travel.Five Canadian provinces including British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario are already testing the technology or have licences in development.Saskatchewan has temporarily put its project on hold pending a review of potential privacy issues.
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)可能会开车就在不远的小城市去看看。点击展开...such as?
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣such as?点击展开...车程1-2个小时之内的都行,如今美金贵,就不去购物了,就观光吧,那不是有一个著名的香布兰湖吗?绕着它转转就可以了。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。车程1-2个小时之内的都行,如今美金贵,就不去购物了,就观光吧,那不是有一个著名的香布兰湖吗?绕着它转转就可以了。点击展开...not bad, i decide to leave on apr 9, wanna go together?
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣not bad, i decide to leave on apr 9, wanna go together?点击展开...where?我在等宣誓啊,我的中国护照过期在即~
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣看来神话马上可以尝鲜新驾照了 第一批吃螃蟹的人
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)where?我在等宣誓啊,我的中国护照过期在即~点击展开...u sure you will get canadian citzenship?
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣u sure you will get canadian citzenship?点击展开...确实难说啊,天有不测风云啊,希望复活节可以去走走~
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣不错!!
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣确实难说啊,天有不测风云啊,希望复活节可以去走走~点击展开...你啥时候考的试?
回复: 魁省推出新覃照 代替罪照便南咣你啥时候考的试?点击展开...1月20多号吧。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。车程1-2个小时之内的都行,如今美金贵,就不去购物了,就观光吧,那不是有一个著名的香布兰湖吗?绕着它转转就可以了。点击展开...像布兰湖那里有什么好玩的? 有人去过吗?
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