加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息New job openings in my company - Web Coordinator


Job Description Job Title: Web Coordinator Job ID: 1088 Location: Montreal, Quebec Full/Part Time: Full-Time Workopolis ID: Workopolis Date: 1088-1 05/12/2009 Regular/Temporary: Temporary Return to Previous Page Position Overview As part of Future Electronics ongoing pursuit of offering customers a broad range of products, we have an immediate need for 5 summer students to participate in a 4 month long project. You will be part of our Marketing Web team and be responsible for collecting data and benchmarking it against our competitor's product offering and comparing that data to our supplier's recommendations. Responsibilities *Benchmark product information from competitors. *Collect key data points to be entered into our database and perform and analysis. *Analyze supplier recommendations and compare it to data collected. Qualifications and Experience *B.Comm degree in progress preferred but not required *Previous office experience would be an asset *Intermediate Excel skills required *Detail oriented *Strong work ethic *Analytical skills *Good communication skills *Ability to work in structured environment *Available to work Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 5:30 Additional Job Information Start Date: As soon as possible Summer Employment Check workopolis or futureelectronics. gooood luck!

回复: New job openings in my company - Web CoordinatorVery interesting, can I apply for it?

A diamond needs to be polished before it shines.There is no fate, but what we make.回复: New job openings in my company - Web Coordinatorwhy not?

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