加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息local news: P.A.T.'s $897,000 paving puzzle
Quote: She should take an engineering course and become an engineer herself. 这句话够经典够mean 原文:The roads in Pointe aux Trembles aren't paved with gold, but at the price that Suzanne Décarie's borough just paid to repave a small section of 32nd Ave., 阅读全文
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Let nature take its course回复: local news: P.A.T.'s $897,000 paving puzzle我们家门口也在修饰道路,为什么说是修饰呢,而不是修整呢,因为他们到处在街口划弧形,不知道这些仅仅是美观的修饰值得在如此经济危机时刻来做?而真正的道路上的坑坑洼洼就是填了点柏油,仍旧给人感觉破破烂烂的.据说今年蒙特利尔花钱基础建设将是天文数字.
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