加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息ZT: Canadian home resale prices rise to record in May


Canadian home resale prices rise to record in May http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/reuters/090615/business/cbusiness_us_housing 0What's thisTORONTO (Reuters) - Resale prices for Canadian homes rose to their highest average on record in May, while sales activity climbed for a fourth straight month as consumer confidence strengthened, according to an industry report released on Monday. [SIZE=-2]ADVERTISEMENT[/SIZE]But rebounding sales in some of the most expensive markets skewed the national average, the Canadian Real Estate Association said in the report.The average home price last month rose 0.4 percent to C$319,757 ($282,971), topping the previous record set a year ago. It was the first year-over-year increase since May last year.The average price has recovered 16.4 percent from the low reached in January, CREA said.Home sales rose 8 percent to 37,649 units in May from April, the fourth consecutive monthly increase on a seasonally adjusted basis. Nationally, 49,521 units changed hands in May, down 0.8 percent from a year ago."New records were posted in only 15 percent of local markets in May, none of which are among the most active or expensive," CREA said."The strong rebound in sales activity, not price, in Canada's most expensive markets is driving up average prices nationally and in some provinces, just as a sharp decline in activity in these markets pushed average prices lower in late 2008."Of the 25 major markets that CREA tracks, 14 reported rises in unit sales year-over-year, with five markets, mostly in the western provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, posting double-digit increases.Prices rose in 14 markets, led by a 17.3 percent increase in Newfoundland and Labrador and a 12.1 percent climb in Saint John, New Brunswick.($1=$1.13 Canadian)(Reporting by Ka Yan Ng; Editing by Frank McGurty)

回复: ZT: Canadian home resale prices rise to record in May加拿大的房价还是涨。各位业主不会失望。也请各位想买房的不要失望。下手要快,狠,准。

回复: ZT: Canadian home resale prices rise to record in May恩,房贷汇率也上调了,很明显的信号。。。。。。我也得锁定房贷了

喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: ZT: Canadian home resale prices rise to record in May不打算买。。。呵呵

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