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喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: 非紧急求助我天天在论坛里回答别人的问题,却没人来回答我的问题,郁闷

喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: 非紧急求助同情你。帮你顶一下。

To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.回复: 非紧急求助不要郁闷,要开心。你应该讲的是直接贴在玻璃上的那种薄膜吧?英语====ENERGY FILMEnergy Film is a thin, transparent window film that provides instant energy savings by reducing heat loss in winter and solar heat gain in summerEnergy Film is made of a spectrally selective material that blocks 70% of thermal solar energy in summer and reduces heat loss through windows in winter. It blocks 97% of UV light while still allowing 77% of natural light into the room. Energy film also has excellent visual clarity. "An estimated $30 billion or more of Energy is lost per year through single pane windows""An average Home Loses 25% of Energy Through Windows"

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。赞反馈:neochang 2009-07-25#5 greenbrier 908 $0.00 回复: 非紧急求助这种膜能节能?

To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.赞反馈:neochang 2009-07-25#6 neochang 756 $0.00 回复: 非紧急求助谢谢楼上几位哦,但是不是这种,是很大张,象保鲜膜一样的,把窗子包起来,防止漏风的

喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: 非紧急求助叫啥记不住了就是一块薄塑料布,2面胶贴到窗框上tire店里有卖的 10几刀吧

叫啥记不住了就是一块薄塑料布,2面胶贴到窗框上tire店里有卖的 10几刀吧点击展开...谢谢楼上哈,下次买的时候告诉我一声啊,还是想知道名字

喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: 非紧急求助这个我就不懂了,只知道可以用玻璃胶打在窗边缝隙可冬天防风。

回复: 非紧急求助冬天之前还真去TIRE里问过,好象叫WINDOW xxx,真记不起名字了。汗,不过我当时就给售货员描述一下我想要的东西:冬天用来密封窗户的膜,他就帮我找到了。

回复: 非紧急求助这个我就不懂了,只知道可以用玻璃胶打在窗边缝隙可冬天防风。点击展开...针大的缝隙,斗大的风。防止漏风,这是最有效的办法。至于其他都似乎是再加上了一层玻璃,窗边缝隙的漏风还是没有解决。

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。谢谢楼上几位哦,但是不是这种,是很大张,象保鲜膜一样的,把窗子包起来,防止漏风的点击展开...那或许就是这一种? Back toWeatherstripping MORETAGOWindows, Screens & DoorsYOU MAY ALSO LIKE: TAGO Silicone Door Set - White Seal-A-Crack Plastic Contour Seal For Bathtubs TAGO Backer Rod Foam Insu lator CUSTOMER RATINGSAVERAGE 2 ratings Rating Snapshot (2 reviews) 5 stars 2 4 stars 0 3 stars 0 2 stars 0 1 star 0 READ REVIEWS | REVIEW THIS PRODUCT http://reviews.homedepot.ca/1998/941488/submission.htm?bvpage=action.htm&action=AddReview&format=embedded&user=__USERID__&return=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homedepot.ca%2Fwebapp%2Fwcs%2Fstores%2Fservlet%2FCatalogSearchResultView%3FD%3D941488%26recN%3D112208%26Ntt%3D941488%26Ntk%3DP_PartNumber%26Dx%3Dmode%2Bmatchallpartial%26langId%3D-15%26storeId%3D10051%26Ntx%3Dmode%2Bmatchall%26N%3D0%26catalogId%3D10051&loginparams=__BVLOGINPARAMETERS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&campaignid=BV_SUBMISSIONLINK&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__QUICK RATE: You have ratedCrystal Clear Shrink Film out of 5 stars.Do you want to submit this quick rating?Yes NoThank you!Your quick rate has been submitted.Please note it may take up to 8 hours for your quick rating to appear.Sorry we are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try and resubmit your Quick Rating.Thank you, you have already quick rated this product. out of 5 1 out of 52 out of 53 out of 54 out of 55 out of 5 TAGOCrystal Clear Shrink FilmModel: TA72285Internet/Cat #: 941488Store SKU #: 1000441067Economy sizeEasy to installPrevents frost and condensation300 In. H x 64 In. W x 0.005 In. D, 1.6 lb $21.97 QUANTITY: ​ ​This item qualifies for Free Shipping with minimum purchase. Free Returns ​Price may varyby store #productTabs { width:610px; margin:16px 2px; }#productTabs .tabLabels { width:610px; margin:0; padding:0 0 3px; list-style:none; border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc; float:left; overflow:hidden; }#productTabs .tabLabels li { margin:0 0 0 2px; float:left; }#productTabs .tabLabels li a { display:block; width:107px; height:17px; text-indent:-999px; overflow:hidden; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblOverview a { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_overview_off.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblSpecs a { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_specifications_off.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblWarranty a { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_warranty_off.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblReviews a { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_reviews_off.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblAnswerDepot a { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_answerdepot_off.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblOverview a:hover,#productTabs .tabLabels #lblOverview a.selected { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_overview_on.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblSpecs a:hover,#productTabs .tabLabels #lblSpecs a.selected { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_specifications_on.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblWarranty a:hover,#productTabs .tabLabels #lblWarranty a.selected { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_warranty_on.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblReviews a:hover,#productTabs .tabLabels #lblReviews a.selected { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_reviews_on.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabLabels #lblAnswerDepot a:hover,#productTabs .tabLabels #lblAnswerDepot a.selected { background:transparent url(/wcsstore/HomeDepotCanada/images/HDPIPPage/en_CA/btn_answerdepot_on.gif) no-repeat; }#productTabs .tabPanel { display:none; padding:14px 16px; clear:both; color:black; }#productTabs .tabPanel.show { display:block; }OverviewSpecificationsWarrantyReviewsAnswer DepotLet nothing but the sunshine in! Lock out cold drafts and moisture from your home and increase the heat-retention capacity of your windows with the highly-effective, shrink film insulation kit. Application Designed for inside installation onlyAssembled Depth (In Inches) 0.005 In.Assembled Height (In Inches) 300Assembled Weight (In LBS) 1.6 Lbs.Assembled Width (In Inches) 64Attachment Method Tape includedCountry of Origin CanadaCSA Certified NoColour / Finish ClearECO Options Certified YesEnergy Efficiency Proven energy-saverEnergy Star Compliant NoItem Depth 1.563 In. Item Height 37.375 In. Item Weight1.65 Lbs. Item Width1.563 In. MaterialPolypropylen Thickness0.005 In. Type64" x 25' film RCR warrants that its products are free from manufacturing or material defects PRODUCT REVIEWS Review This Product Choose a sort order Featured Reviews First Partner Reviews First Customer Care Reviews First Top Contributors First Date - Newest First Date - Oldest First Rating - High to Low Rating - Low to High Helpfulness - High to Low Helpfulness - Low to High Length - Long to Short Length - Short to Long http://reviews.homedepot.ca/1998/941488/badgedefinition.htm?badgeName=top10Contributor&badgeImage=top_10_contributor_icon.gifTop 10 Contributor AVERAGE Overall Rating - 2 ratingsMay 6, 2009 By gizfarris from Moncton, NB (read all my reviews) "Works great for winter if you have drafty windows." Was this review helpful to you? YES NO Report an Inappropriate Review Share this Review: </IMG> </IMG> </IMG> AVERAGE Overall Rating - 2 ratingsgreat product, December 3, 2007 By pleasedcustomer (read all my reviews) "I have tried this product every year. I always get the same results which are great. Financially, it is much more beneficial than the boxes sold. It covers many windows and perfect for patio doors. You wont be able to tell its there after you put it up. Your guests in your home only notice how warm your home always is and will not see the plastic until they bump into it. great product." Was this review helpful to you? YES NO Report an Inappropriate Review Share this Review: </IMG> </IMG> </IMG> http://www.homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CatalogSearchResultView?D=941488&recN=112208&Ntt=941488&Ntk=P_PartNumber&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&langId=-15&storeId=10051&Ntx=mode+matchall&N=0&catalogId=10051__USERID__ Share your opinion about products with others. Write reviews and rate products on a scale from 1 to 5. It's easy and takes only a few minutes.Review Writing Guidelines:Focus on the product features and your experience with them. Provide details about why you like or dislike the product. https://www.homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/LogonForm?langId=-15&storeId=10051&catalogId=10051&redirectPage=AskAnswerhttps://www.homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/LogonForm?langId=-15&storeId=10051&catalogId=10051&redirectPage=AskAnswer (1 Question : 1 Answer)Answer DepotAsk questions. Share answers. Problem solved!Learn More Terms of Use Q&A HOME BROWSE Q&A SEARCH Q&A SearchCan you answer these questions? 1 answerIs this suitable for use with air conditioners? See Guidelines

忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。回复: 非紧急求助老大哥果然牛,感恩

喜欢Montreal.法语好难学.工作慢慢找.吃饱最重要.别忘记给我加分分.回复: 非紧急求助Comfort Plus Window Kit (Premium Film)Pellicule isolante pour fenêtre Comfort Plushttp://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/3/HouseHome/1/HeatingAirConditioning/WeatherStripping/PRD~0642615P/Comfort+Plus+Window+Kit+(Premium+Film).jsp?PRODUCT<>prd_id=845524443285571&FOLDER<>folder_id=1408474396673831&bmForm=form_locale_change&bmFormID=1248644610255&bmUID=1248644610255

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